Study Programs from A to Z

On this web page, you will find a comprehensive list of all the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs offered by the FernUniversität in Hagen – in alphabetical order and at a glance.

Master-of-law-hwFoto: Hardy Welsch

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)

Legally relevant, business-oriented and practical: that’s the best way to describe the Bachelor of Laws here at the FernUniversität. Study law in Hagen via distance learning while working and get your career off to a flying start with a Bachelor of Laws.

[to the Bachelor of Laws profile]

Wirtschaftswissenschaft-bsc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Business Administration and Economics (B.Sc.)

In companies, corporations and (non-)government institutions – economists are in demand in many sectors and their fields of activity are diverse.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics profile]

Wirtschaftswissenschaft-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.)

Deepen and broaden your understanding of business and economic topics and become qualified to work in task areas with greater levels of responsibility in the private sector or in senior positions in the public sector.

[to the Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics profile]

Msc-sr-studienrichtung -rechnungslegung-steuern-und-wirtschaftsprüfung 230429 Fernuni 0415-webFoto: Jakob Studnar

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.) – Major in Accounting, Taxation, and Auditing

The systematic recording, evaluation and communication of a company’s financial information provides the foundation for all business decisions. Because stakeholders in the corporate environment act can only act with confidence if the company’s key performance indicators are reliable.

[to the Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics – Accounting, Taxation, and Auditing profile]

Msc-wiwi-sr-unternehmenssteuerung 185-fernuni-z92 1028-webFoto: Torsten Silz

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.) – Major in Corporate Management

From small family businesses to international corporations: Managing a company requires a comprehensive understanding of key tasks such as planning, organization, and controlling.

[to the Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics – Corporate Management profile]

Msc-wiwi-sr-digitalisierungsmanagement Hw 0158-webFoto: Hardy Welsch

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.) – Major in Digitalization Management

The relentless onward march of digitalization is constantly presenting companies with new challenges. As a digitalization manager, you will plan and manage the transition to a modern business world, optimize processes, and tap into digital growth potential.

[to the Master of Business Administration and Economics – Digitalization Management profile]

Msc-wiwi-sr-finanzwirtschaft-und-bewertung 022-fernuni-z92 1925-kopie Retusche-webFoto: Torsten Silz

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.) – Major in Finance and Valuation

Finance and valuation is not just an issue for banks, insurance companies and private equity firms – every company needs a good understanding of financial issues and the ability to reliably evaluate investment projects and manage financial risks to be successful.

[to the Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics – Finance and Valuation profile]

Msc-wiwi-fr-risikomanagement 230429 Fernuni 0450-webFoto: Jakob Studnar

Business Administration and Economics (M.Sc.) – Major in Risk Management

In a world torn by constant crises, it is crucial for companies and institutions to accurately assess risks and minimize their impact. Risk managers have the necessary technical and methodological knowledge to analyze and assess risks, to deal with them in a conscious and calculated manner, or to avoid them wherever possible.

[to the Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics – Risk Management profile]

Wirtschaftsinformatik-bsc-hwFoto: Hardy Welsch

Business Informatics (B.Sc.)

All-rounder wanted! Working at the interface between business and information systems, you will shape the dialog between the various specialists in business administration and IT.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics profile]

Wirtschaftsinformatik-msc-hwFoto: Hardy Welsch

Business Informatics (M.Sc.)

The modern world is digital. Step up and take on the demanding challenges at the interface between business administration and information systems.

[to the Master of Science in Business Informatics profile]

Informatik-bsc-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Computer Science (B.Sc.)

These days, digitalization touches nearly every aspect of the modern world, making IT specialists more in demand than ever.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science profile]

Informatik-msc-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Computer Science (M.Sc.)

IT has gained immense importance in our everyday lives and permeates almost every aspect of modern society. From communication via social media, online shopping and navigation in unfamiliar areas to health care and the automation of production processes – IT is indispensable in the modern world.

[to the Master of Science in Computer Science profile]

Kulturwissenschaften-ba-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Cultural Sciences (B.A.)

The ongoing transformation from an industrial to a knowledge society means that culture is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives. Cultural scientists help to make this accessible to the general public.

[to the Bachelor of Arts in Humanities profile]

Data-science-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Data Science (M.Sc.)

The modern world is brimming with data. Data sources can be real treasure troves of information. Be a part of discovering them using the methods and tools of data science.

[to the Master of Data Science profile]

Volkswirtschaft-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Economics (M.Sc.)

Economists study how the economic decisions of various players influence markets and entire economic systems. Their insights contribute to a better understanding of economic relationships.

[to the Master of Science in Economics profile]

Wirtschaftswissenschaft-ing-und-naturwiss-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Economics for Engineers and Natural Scientists (M.Sc.)

Having a deeper understanding of economic interrelationships – in addition to a good foundation in technology and science – opens up a wide range of career prospects for you. It will open the door to jobs in management positions in companies or government institutions.

[to the Master’s of Science in Business Administration and Economics profile]

Bildungswissenschaft-ba-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Educational Science (B.A.)

The educational landscape is changing: Nowadays, learning is a lifelong process in which digital media play a significant role. Educational scientists develop and design new teaching and learning concepts that these new requirements into account.

[to the Bachelor of Arts in Educational Science profile]

Bildungswissenschaft-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Educational Science with a Focus on Digital Media or Adult/Continuing Education (M.A.)

Lifelong learning and the use of digital media are changing the way people acquire knowledge. As an educational scientist, you have the opportunity to help shape the way we learn in the future.

[to the Master of Arts in Educational Science profile]

Erste-juristische-pruefung-hwFoto: Hardy Welsch

First Legal Examination (First State Examination)

A law degree designed to take you to the First State Examination. This is a classic law course taught using modern distance learning techniques.

[to the First Legal Examination profile]

Geschichte-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

History of Europe – Epochs, Upheavals, Interdependencies (M.A.)

History is much more than a source of insights into the past, it also serves as a guide for the future. As a historian specializing in the history of Europe, you will deal with the question of how Europe became what it is today.

[to the Master of Arts in History profile]

Bachelor-of-laws-hwFoto: Hardy Welsch

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Extending and deepening academic and application-oriented skills in the legal field – the Master of Laws makes it possible.

[to the Master of Laws profile]

Mathematisch-techn-softwareentw-bsc-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Mathematical-technical Software Development (B.Sc.)

Technologies such as blockchains and cloud computing contribute to innovative and future-oriented solutions to IT-based problems.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematical-Technical Software Development profile]

Mathematik-bsc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Mathematics (B.Sc.)

Numbers, formulas, data: Mathematics plays a crucial role in today’s (working) world.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics profile]

Mathematik-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Mathematics (M.Sc.)

Mathematics plays a central role in everyday life that goes far beyond the workings of simple arithmetic. It provides a framework for logical thinking and problem solving.

[to the Master of Science in Mathematics profile]

Neuere-deutsche-literatur-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Modern German Literature in a Media-cultural Context (M.A.)

Much like earlier ages, the modern media world is also characterized by its literary forms. As a literary scholar, you will not only analyze literary texts, but also acquire an understanding of media formats of all kinds.

[to the Master of Arts in Literature profile]

Philosophie-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Philosophy – Philosophy in a European Context (M.A.)

Philosophy is the art of clear, critical, and sometimes visionary thinking. During their studies, philosophers learn to scrutinize the validity of untested assumptions. This not only leads them to valid new insights but also enables them to see life-world processes, for example in politics, society and the economy, in larger contexts and to think creatively.

[to the Master’s in Philosophy profile]

Politikwissenschaft-ba-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Political Science, Administration, and Sociology (B.A.)

Modern societies are constantly state of flux. Anyone who wants to play an active role in shaping society needs to understand what social challenges exist and how decisions are made. Knowledge and analysis of social and political structures and processes are essential for this.

[to the Bachelor in Political Science, Administrative Science, Sociology profile]

Politikwissenschaft-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Political Science – Governance and Participation (M.A.)

How can we effectively assess political decisions in the administration, economy, and environment? What can be done to analyze and identify the conditions, opportunities and challenges of democratic governance? And how can conflicts be explained on an international level? Political science deals with these and many other questions.

[to the Master’s in Political Science profile]

Praktische-informatik-msc-tsFoto: Torsten Silz

Practical Computer Science (M.Sc.)

These days, applications from the field of information technology are in use almost everywhere. As a computer scientist, you will contribute to their development and thus to the digitalization of today’s world.

[to the Master of Science in Practical Computer Science profile]

Psychologie-bsc-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Psychology (B.Sc.)

Understanding, explaining, and predicting human actions: these are topics that are not only important in a private context, but also play a significant role in society, companies, and organizations.

[to the Bachelor of Science in Psychology profile]

Psychologie-msc-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Psychology (M.Sc.)

Understanding, explaining and predicting human actions: these are topics that are of fundamental importance both for the individual and for organizations.

[to the Master of Science in Psychology profile]

Soziologie-ma-jsFoto: Jakob Studnar

Sociology – Approaches to Contemporary Society (M.A.)

What are the reasons and causes for social change? And how can we identify the driving forces and players behind this change? Wherever people act and interact – be it in organizations, families, or workplaces – the insights provided by sociology are invaluable.

[to the Master of Art in Sociology profile]


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Student Services Photo: Photo: Hardy Welsch

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