
Meeting Dates
The next meeting of the Senate (370th meeting) will be held on 3 May 2023 at 2:00 p.m. on the FernUniversität campus in Building 2, Room 1–3.
The agenda points of the next Senate Meeting include the re-election of the representatives for students with disabilities or chronic illness for the (remaining) term of the Senate 2022–2024. All members of the FernUniversität are eligible for election.
The Senate is elected by the members of the university. Its members comprise representatives of all interest groups at the university (university teachers, academics as well as other employees from technology and administration, and students). As a democratically legitimized body of the university, the Senate ratifies the University Council, elects the University Board along with the University Council, and adopts important statutes and regulations, including the basic regulations of the FernUniversität.