Module 36635: Intercultural Psychology and Sustainability in Global Context (English-language module)

At a glance
Administrative Information
The module consists of four units:
- Lecture I: Intercultural Perspectives in Economic Psychology
- Lecture II: Psychology of Sustainability in a Global Context
- Exercises for Lecture I
- Exercises for Lecture II
Active participation in this module from the beginning of the semester is a prerequisite for participation in the examination.
- Lecture I: Interculturality and diversity, cultural comparison methods, emotion, cognition, motivation, identity and values in cultural comparison, migration and acculturation, intercultural communication, collaboration in multicultural and diverse teams, virtual intercultural collaboration, intercultural diagnostics, intercultural competence, and diversity training.
- Lecture II: Psychological approaches to sustainability, measures of attitudes and behaviors related to sustainability, (inter-)cultural and gender-related determinants of sustainable behavior, interventions to promote sustainability, application: examples of socio-technical innovation/change, gaps and future directions.
- Exercises for Lecture I: In-depth exploration of the lecture content through the analysis of relevant case studies.
- Exercises for Lecture II: In-depth exploration of the lecture content through the analysis of relevant case studies.
Subject Competence “Knowledge and Understanding”: Students are familiar with the subject areas of intercultural psychology and the psychology of sustainability in the relevant sections of business psychology. They have a solid understanding of the key paradigms, theories, models, research methods, and research findings that are essential to addressing application issues related to climate, consumption, and sustainability in different social, cultural, and economic contexts.
Methodological Competence “Use, Application, and Generation of Knowledge”: Students have acquired skills in managing social and intercultural diversity as well as appropriate intercultural communication. They are able to apply relevant psychological theories and methods to describe, analyze, and solve problems related to climate, consumption, and sustainability in intercultural contexts.
Social Competence “Communication and Cooperation”: Students are able to work effectively in self-organized, heterogeneous, computer-supported groups on theoretical and practical psychological issues related to climate, consumption, and sustainability.
Self-Competence “Scientific Self-Understanding/Professionalism”: Students have developed an understanding of the importance of cultural influences on business psychology practices.
Exercises must be completed successfully before exam participation.
Module coordinators

Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer
Department of Social Psychology
E-Mail: stefan.stuermer
Telefon: +49 2331 987-2776

Prof. Dr. Angela Dorrough
Department of Behavioural Economics and Intercultural Psychology
E-Mail: angela.dorrough
Telefon: +49 2331 987-4615

Prof. Dr. Robert Gaschler
Department of General Psychology: Learning, Motivation, Emotion
E-Mail: lehre-allgps-lme
Telefon: +49 2331 987-2554

PD Dr. Laura Froehlich
Head of the “Stereotype Threat” research group
E-Mail: laura.froehlich