Dr. Robin Bergenthum

Informatikzentrum, 3. Etage, Raum G - 14
Universitätsstr 1, 58097 Hagen
Telefon: +49 2331 987-1773
E-Mail: robin.bergenthum
dblp: Robin Bergenthum
google: Robin Bergenthum
- 64090 - Geschäftsprozessmodellierung und Process Mining
- 63016 - Einführung in die objektorientierte Programmierung
- 63876/63877 - Seminar Petrinetze und Process Mining
Fakultätspreis der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
- Robin Bergenthum: Verifikation von halbgeordneten Abläufen in Petrinetzen. Fakultätskolloquium im Rahmen des Hagener Forschungsdialogs, FernUni Hagen 2015.
Dissertation und Lehrbücher
- Robin Bergenthum. Petrinetze: Grundlagen der formalen Prozessanalyse. Prozessmanagement und Process-Mining, De Gruyter Studium, 125-152, De Gruyter 2021.
- Robin Bergenthum: Verifikation von halbgeordneten Abläufen in Petrinetzen (PDF 2,6 MB). Dissertation im Fach Informatik, Universitätsbibliothek der FernUniversität in Hagen, 2013.
Aufsätze in Journalen und Tagungsbänden
- J. Kovář, R. Bergenthum: Token Trail Semantics II - Petri Nets and Their Net Language. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14628, 175-196, Springer 2024.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Folz-Weinstein, J. Kovář: Token Trail Semantics - Modeling Behavior of Petri Nets with Labeled Petri Nets. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13929, 286-306, Springer 2023.
- S. Folz-Weinstein, R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, J. Kovář: ILP2 Miner – Process Discovery for Partially Ordered Event Logs Using Integer Linear Programming. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13929, 59-76, Springer 2023.
- R. Bergenthum. Firing Partial Orders in a Petri Net. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12734, 399-48, Springer 2021.
- Á. Valencia-Parra, Á. Varela-Vaca, M. T. Gómez-López, J. Carmona, R. Bergenthum. Empowering conformance checking using Big Data through horizontal decomposition. Information Systems 99, 101731, Pergamon 2021.
- R. Bergenthum. Prime Miner – Process Discovery using Prime Event Structures. Proceedings of Process Mining Conference 2019, Aachen, 41-48, IEEE 2019.
- R. Bergenthum: Synthesizing Petri Nets from Hasse Diagrams. Proceedings of Business Process Management 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10445, 22-39, Springer 2017.
- B. Meis, R. Bergenthum, J. Desel: travis - An Online Tool for the Synthesis and Analysis of Petri Nets with Final States. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10258, 101-111, Springer 2017.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Schick: Verification of Logs - Revealing Faulty Processes of a Medical Laboratory. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency X, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9410, 1-18, Springer 2015.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz: Verification of Scenarios in Petri Nets Using Compact Tokenflows. Fundamenta Informaticae 137 (1), 117-142, IOS Press 2015.
- R. Bergenthum: Faster Verification of Partially Ordered Runs in Petri Nets Using Compact Tokenflows. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7927, 330-348, Springer 2013.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, A. Harrer, S. Mauser: Modeling and Mining of Learnflows. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6900, 22–50, Springer 2012.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets from Term Based Representations of Infinite Partial Languages. Fundamenta Informaticae 95 (1), 187–217, IOS Press 2009.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, S. Mauser: Comparison of Different Algorithms to Synthesize a Petri Net from a Partial Language. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5800, 216–243, Springer 2009.
- R. Bergenthum, G. Juhás, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Unfolding Semantics of Petri Nets Based on Token Flows. Fundamenta Informaticae 94 (3–4), 331–360, IOS Press 2009.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Construction of Process Models from Example Runs. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5460, 243–259, Springer 2009.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, G. Juhás, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Executability of Scenarios in Petri Nets. Theoretical Computer Science 410 (12–13), 1190–1216, Elsevier 2009.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets from Finite Partial Languages. Fundamenta Informaticae 88 (4), 437–468, IOS Press 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, A. Harrer, S. Mauser: Learnflow Mining. Proceedings of DeLFI 2008, Lecture Notes in Informatics P-132, 257-268, Gesellschaft für Informatik 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets from Infinite Partial Languages. Proceedings of ACSD 2008, 170–179, IEEE 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets with VipTool. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5062, 388–398, Springer 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Faster Unfolding of General Petri Nets Based on Token Flows. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5062, 13–32, Springer 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Experimental Results on the Synthesis of Petri Nets from Partial Languages. Petri Net Newsletter 73, 3–10, Gesellschaft für Informatik 2007.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Process Mining Based on Regions of Languages. Proceedings Business Process Management 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4714, 375–383, Springer 2007.
- R. Lorenz, R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Testing the Executability of Scenarios in General Inhibitor Nets. Proceedings of ACSD 2007, 167–176, IEEE 2007.
- R. Lorenz, R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets from Finite Partial Languages. Proceedings of ACSD 2007, 157–166, IEEE 2007.
- R. Lorenz, R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Theory of Regions for the Synthesis of Inhibitor Nets from Scenarios. Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4546, 342–361, Springer 2007.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, G. Juhás, R. Lorenz: Can I Execute My Scenario in Your Net? VipTool Tells You! Proceedings of PETRI NETS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4024, 381-390, Springer 2006.
Vorträge und Begutachtete Beiträge zu Workshops
- S. Folz-Weinstein, R. Bergenthum, C. Beecks: Partially Ordered Event Logs and Concurrency Oracles. Proceedings of AWPN 2024, Gesellschaft für Informatik eV. 1-3.
- J. Kovář, R. Bergenthum: Exploratory Process Discovery for Petri Nets. Proceedings of AWPN 2024, Gesellschaft für Informatik eV. 4-6.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Kovář, N. Lueg: Das Blindenhund-Werkzeug: Autokorrektur von Petrinetzen mithilfe von halbgeordneten Verhaltensdaten. Proceedings of Modellierung 2024 Satellite Events, Gesellschaft für Informatik eV.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Kovář: A First Glimpse at Petri Net Regions. Proceedings of ATAED @ PN2022, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3167, 60-68.
- L. Mannel, R. Bergenthum, W. van der Aalst: Removing Implicit Places Using Regions for Process Discovery. Proceedings of ATAED @ PN2020, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2625, 20-32.
- B. Meis, R. Bergenthum: Visualizing Regions with a new Split-Screen View for the Online Tool travis. Proceedings of PeMod @ Modellierung 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2060, 187-195.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Metzger, L. Sorokin, R. Lorenz: Towards Compact Regions for Labeled Prime Event Structures. Proceedings of AWPN 2017, DTU Compute-Technical Report-2017 06, 41–56.
- B. Meis, R. Bergenthum, J. Desel: Synthesis of Elementary Net Systems with Final Configurations. Proceedings of ATAED @ PETRI NETS 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1592, 47-57.
- R. Bergenthum, T. Irgang, B. Meis: Folding Example Runs to a Workflow Net. Proceedings of ATAED @ PETRI NETS 2015, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1371, 62-77.
- R. Bergenthum: Compact Regions for Place/Transition Nets. Proceedings of ATAED @ PETRI NETS 2015, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1371, 112-116.
- R. Bergenthum J. Schick: Verification of Logs - Revealing Faulty Processes of a Medical Laboratory. Proceedings of PNSE @ PETRI NETS 2014, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1160, 17-33.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, S. Mauser: Workflow Nets with Roles. Proceedings of EMISA 2011, LNI P-190, 65-78, Gesellschaft für Informatik 2011.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Mining with User Interaction. Proceedings of ART @ ACSD 2011, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 725, 79–84.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Folding Partially Ordered Runs. Proceedings of ART @ ACSD 2011, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 725, 52–62.
- R. Bergenthum, A. Harrer, S. Mauser: Modelling und Mining of Collaborative Learnflows. Proceedings of ART @ PETRI NETS 2010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 827, 151–159.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, A. Harrer, S. Mauser: Modellierung und Mining Kollaborativer Learnflows. Proceedings of AWPN 2009, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 501, 1–8.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, A. Klett, S. Mauser: An Approach to Business Process Modeling Emphasizing the Early Design Phases. Proceedings of AWPN 2009, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 501, 41–56.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets from Infinite Partial Languages with VipTool. Proceedings of AWPN 2008, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 380, 81–86.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, C. Kölbl, S. Mauser: Experimental Results on Process Mining Based on Regions of Languages. Proceedings of Concurrency metHods: Issues aNd Applications @ PETRIN NETS 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, S. Mauser: Comparison of Different Algorithms to Synthesize a Petri Net from a Partial Language. Proceedings of Concurrency metHods: Issues aNd Applications @ PETRIN NETS 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, J. Desel, S. Mauser: Synthesis of Petri Nets for Business Process Design. Proceedings of Verhaltensmodellierung: Best Practices und neue Erkenntnisse @ Modellierung 2008.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Towards Applicability of Language Based Synthesis for ProcessMining. Proceedings of Tagungsband des AWPN 2007, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 45–50.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Faster Unfolding of General Petri Nets. Proceedings of Tagungsband des AWPN 2007, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 63–68.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthese von S/T-Netzen aus unendlichen partiellen Sprachen. Proceedings of Tagungsband des AWPN 2006, Universität Hamburg, 1–8.
- R. Bergenthum, R. Lorenz, S. Mauser: Synthese von Inhibitor-Netzen aus geschichteten Ordnungsstrukturen. Proceedings of Tagungsband des AWPN 2006, Universität Hamburg, 9–17.
- Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze 2024 (Kopenhagen)
- Tools & Demos @ Modellierung 2024 (Potsdam)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2021 (Paris)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2020 (virtuell)
- Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze 2019 (Hagen)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2019 (Aachen)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2018 (Bratislava)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2017 (Zaragoza)
- Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2016 (Toruń)
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