Studying with a Disability

Welcome to our page on studying with a disability and/or chronic illness at the FernUniversität in Hagen.
We will be happy to advise and support you with all your concerns regarding choosing a course, enrollment and studying at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Please feel free to contact us!
Below you will find a wealth of information, including useful contacts and services related to studying with a disability and/or chronic illness.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
University Representative for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses
Post currently unoccupied
Deputy Representative for Students with Disabilities And/or Chronic Illnesses
Marietta Krompaß
Email: beratung-barrierefrei
Phone: +49 2331 987-1527
Telephone consultation hours: Thursday: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Individual appointments can also be made for a personal, telephone or virtual consultation by email.
Please do not call outside office hours, as the telephone will not be active.
The guidelines on compensation for disabilities and disadvantages in examinations and the corresponding application form are now available for download.
- Guide to compensation for disabilities and disadvantages (PDF 177 KB) (in German)
- Application for compensation for disabilities and disadvantages (PDF 2 MB) (in German)
Information from the Examination Offices on Special Regulations and Compensation for Disabilities and Disadvantages in Examinations
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Education
- B.A. Cultural Studies
- B.A. Political Science, Administrative Science, Sociology (PAS)
- Master of Education
- M.A. European Modernism: History and Literature
- M.A. History of Europe - Epochs, Upheavals, Interdependencies
- M.A. Modern German Literature in a Media-cultural Context
- M.A. Political Science – Governance and Participation
- M.A. Philosophy – Philosophy in a European Context
- M.A. Sociology – Approaches to Contemporary Society
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Information on final module examinations (section "Special cases")
Faculty of Law
Information on examinations at the Faculty of Law
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Information on special regulations and regulations for disadvantaged students
Additional contacts and services at the FernUniversität
(the following pages are currently only available in German)
- Peer Mentoring for Students with a Disability and/or Chronic Illness
- AStA officer for the interests of chronically ill and disabled students as well as social issues
- Distance Learning for Blind or Visually Impaired Students
- Inclusion of students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses
- Barrier-free on the Fernuni web
Help for Everyday Student Life
Generally speaking, students at the FernUniversität have to write exams at a specific time and in a specific place. For disabled or chronically ill students, this is not always possible. Consequently, the FernUniversität offers extended exam times, the possibility of having assignments read aloud or, in certain cases, to have exams written under supervision in the student’s own home or a study center, depending on their mobility restrictions. In some degree programs, written examinations can be replaced by written assignments in certain situations. In such cases, the FernUniversität needs time and some leeway to find a suitable solution and ensure examination conditions that offer fair opportunities to all students. With that in mind, you should contact the examinations office of your faculty as early as possible.
The Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit provides the following information (in German):
- General information on the disabled-accessible campus (PDF 748 KB)
- Disabled parking spaces on the campus in Hagen (PDF 4.5 MB)
- Handicapped accessible restrooms on the campus in Hagen (PDF 3.7 MB)
The campus (pdf) of the FernUniversität in Hagen and its seminar rooms are equipped for the disabled and are barrier-free. However, some teaching areas and venues are housed in older buildings. You should therefore check the accessibility before your visit.
This also applies to our campus locations, which are mostly housed in municipal buildings or buildings of the respective federal state. The FernUniversität has little influence on their facilities.
The Studentenwerk Dortmund, which is responsible for students at the FernUniversität in Hagen, will consider a disability or illness as a special hardship upon application, and this can extend your BAföG entitlement.
Those in need can also receive training assistance from their local social welfare office or employment agency – in addition to regular assistance with living expenses or basic security benefits. Examples of this include book allowances, costs for reading aloud or travel expenses.
The FernUniversität website is very comprehensive and offers general study information as well as many options for personalized online use. In addition to the virtual student environment, where you can manage your data and conveniently complete your feedback, this also includes the Moodle learning environment, which allows you to work together in online study groups and offers forums for all the courses you are taking.
The way you use the online service with its wide range of contact and working options is ultimately up to you.
Access to scientific literature
The University Library of the FernUniversität provides convenient access to the academic literature you need for your studies without you having to leave the house. You can use the library website to search the online catalog and many academic databases. You can order any books and essays that you need in addition to your study material and they will be sent by post directly to your home.
“Disability compensation during studies”
In cooperation with studyFIT, the Office for Equal Opportunities and the kombabb Competence Center NRW
Presentations for download:
- Presentation Part 1 (kombabb Competence Center NRW) (PDF 279 KB)
- Presentation Part 2 (PDF 462 KB)
“Studying with a (non-)visible disability and/or chronic illness”
In cooperation with studyFIT, the Office for Equal Opportunities and the kombabb Competence Center NRW
Presentations for download:
- Presentation Part 1 (kombabb Competence Center NRW) (PDF 339 KB)
- Presentation Part 2 (Contact points at the FernUniversität in Hagen) (PDF 559 KB)
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)
Digital accessibility – Meet the NRW ombudsman’s office
- Presentation (PPTX 530 KB)
- Final report (PDF 321 KB)
Traveling exhibition “Personal Budget”
Recording of the presentations from 4 December 2019:
- Lecture by Ms. Rischer: Your Personal Budget (mp4)
- Lecture by Ms. Imhoff: Study and Assistance (mp4)
- Lecture by Mr. Fussy: Supplementary Independent Participation Advice (mp4)