apl. Prof. Dr. Zhong Li

E-Mail: zhong.li
Telefon: +49 2331 987-2383
Raum H305, 3. Etage, Gebäude 3 (Informatikzentrum)
- National Natural Scientific Foundation of China: 3 Projekte 1997-2003
- Guangdong Provincial Natural Scientific Foundation: 2 Projekte 1997-2003
- Brain Korea 21: 2000-2001
- DAAD und Hong Hong Research Grants Council, PPP-Förderung: 3 Projekte 2003-2009
- Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildung und Forschung mit Mexiko, „Sichere Kommunikation basierend auf zeithybriden chaotischen Systemen“ 2008-2009
- National Natural Scientific Foundation of China, Schwerpunktprogram „Nicht-lineare Analyse und Regelung in der Leistungselektronik“, 2010-2013
- AiF-IGF-Projekt 17211N, „Unterdrückung elektromagnetischer Störaussendungen elektronischer Geräte durch Chaosregelung“, 2011-2013
- Alexander von Humboldt Partnerschaft, 2014-2017
- Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms
- Intl. Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
- Intl. Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
- Intl. Journal of General Systems
- Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE
- Intl. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
- "Fuzzy Chaotic Systems -- Modeling, Control and Applications", Serie "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing'", Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag 2006, ISBN 3-540-33220-0, ISBN 1434-9922
- "Designing Impedance Networks Converters", Serie "Studies in Systems, Decision and Control", Spreinger-Verlag, 2017
Herausgegebene Bücher:
- "Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory'", mit W.A. Halang und G. Chen, Serie "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing", Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag 2006, ISBN 3-540-26899-5, ISSN 1434-9922
- "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization -- Theory and Applications", mit K. Kyamakya, W.A. Halang, J.C. Chedjou, R. Rulkov, A. Bouchachia und H. Unger, Serie "Studies in Computational Intelligence", Vol. 254, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-04226-3, e-ISBN 978-3-642-04227-0, ISSN 1860-949X
- "Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering", mit K. Kyamakya, W. Halang, W. Mathis, J. C. Chedjou, Springer 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-34559-3, e-ISBN 978-3-642-34560-9
- "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics", mit K. Kyamakya, W. Mathis, R. Stoop, J. C. Chedjou, Serie "Studies in Systems, Decision and Control", Springer 2017.
- "Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization", mit K. Kyamakya, J.C. Chedjou, W.A. Halang, R. Rulkov, A. Bouchachia und H. Unger, Sonderheft von "The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal", Bentham Publishing, Vol. 3, 2009
- "The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical ans Electronic Engineering (COMPEL)", mit K. Kyamakya, W. Halang, W. Mathis, J. C. Chedjou, 2012
Eingeladene Beiträge:
- "Fuzzy Chaos Generator for Non-linear Dynamical Systems", Proc. Intl. Conf. Physics and Control, pp. 429 -- 433, St. Petersburg, 2003
- "Chaosbasierte sichere Internet-Kommunikation", Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft der Freunde der FernUniversität e.V., pp. 95--108, 2004
- "A Novel Multiple Pseudo-Random Bits Generator based on Spatiotemporal Chaos", mit P. Li, W.A. Halang und G. Chen, Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prag, 2005
- "Chaos-based Pseudo-Random Number Generators and Implementations", mit P. Li,
Y.B. Mao und W.A. Halang, Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prag, 2005 - "Controlling DC-DC Converter with Chaos-based PWM", mit H. Li, W.A. Halang und B. Zhang, Proc. ENOC 2005, Eindhoven, 2005
- "A Networking Requirement Application of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms with Sexual Selection", Intl. Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, Xiamen, 2008
- "Design of a Time-Delay Feedback Controller to Chaotify Continuous-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems'', mit B. Zhang, Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research, D. Ruan, P.D'hondt und E.E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 244-251, Singapur: World Scientific 2002
- "Secure Communication based on Chaotic Synchronisation", mit P. Li und W.A. Halang, Applied Computational Intelligence, D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock und E.E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 629-634, Singapur: World Scientific 2004
- “A Novel Chaos-based Video Encryption Algorithm'', mit H. Jian, Y.B. Mao, Z. Wang und P. Li, Applied Computational Intelligence, D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock and E.E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 641-648, Singapur: World Scientific 2004
- "Transition between Fuzzy and Chaotic Systems'', mit P. Li, Applied Computational Intelligence, D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock and E.E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 635-640, Singapur: World Scientific 2004
- "Beyond the Li-Yorke definition of chaos'', mit P.E. Kloeden
- "Generating Chaos from Fuzzy Systems'', mit G. Chen und W.A. Halang,
- "Securing Communication by Chaos-based Encryption'', mit P. Li, und W.A. Halang, in B. Krämer (Hrsg.), Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing, in Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, pp. 299-320, 2006, ISBN 3-540-44909-4
- "Fighting Internet congestion by means of chaos theory,'' in B. Krämer (Hrsg.),
Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing, in Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, pp.283-298, 2006, ISBN 3-540-44909-4 - "A chip performing chaotic stream encryption'', mit Y. Mao, W.B. Liu, P. Li, und W.A. Halang, in B. Krämer (Hrsg.), Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing, in Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, pp. 32-345, 2006, ISBN 3-540-44909-4
- "A pseudo-random generator based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system and its application in Internet-based online payments", mit P. Li, S. Fettinger, Y.B. Mao, und W.A. Halang in E-Service Intelligence: Methodologies, Technologies and applications, J. Lu, D. Ruan, G. Zhang (Hrsg.), Springer, 2006, pp. 667-686. ISBN: 3-540-37015-3
- "Li-Yorke chaos in a spatiotemporal chaotic system'', mit P. Li, W.A. Halang, und G. Chen, in Applied Artificial Intelligence, D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, Paolo F. Fantoni, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael and E.E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 130-137, Singapore: World Scientific 2006
- "On fuzzy logic and chaos theory -- from an engineering perspective'', mit X. Zhang, in Ruan, Wang, Kerre (Hrsg.), Fuzzy Logic -- A Spectrum of Theoretical & Practical Issues, Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp.79-98. ISBN 978-3-540-71257-2
- "Multimedia Encryption: A Brief Survey", mit S. Li, und W.A. Halang, Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, 2nd. Ed., M. Pagani (Hrsg.), Vol. II, 972-977, 2008
- "On the Fitness of High Order Schema of a Linear-Weighted Coded Genetic Algorithm", in Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control, pp. 713-718, Singapur: World Scientific 2008
- "Linear and Adaptive Feedback Synchronization of a Novel Unified Chaotic System'', mit L. Pan, W. Zhou, S. Sodsee, M. Komkhao und W.A. Halang, in Intelligent Decision Making Systems, K. Vanhoof, D. Ruan, T. Li und G. Weets (Hrsg.), pp. 338-344, Singapur: World Scientific 2010, ISBN 981-4295-05-1
- "Discrete-Time Consensus in a Scale-Free Buyer Network", mit S. Sodsee, M. Komkhao, W.K.S. Tang, L. Pan und W.A. Halang, in Intelligent Decision Making Systems, K. Vanhoof, D. Ruan, T. Li und G. Weets (Hrsg.), pp. 445-452, Singapur: World Scientific 2010, ISBN 981-4295-05-1
- "Cryptography Based on Spatiotemporal Chaotic Systems", mit P.~Li, W.A. Halang und G. Chen, in Evolutionary Algorithms and Chaotic Systems, I. Zelinka, S. Celikovsky, H. Richter und G. Chen (Hrsg.), pp. 293-328, Reihe ``Studies in Computational Intelligence'', Vol. 267, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-10706-1, ISSN 8060-949X
- "On Fixed Point of Multi-valued Mixed Operators in Banach Spaces", mit X. Hu und R. Peng, in Computational Intelligence -- Foundations and Applications, D. Ruan, T. Li, Y. Xu, G. Chen und E. Kerre (Hrsg.), pp. 204-211, Singapur: World Scientific 2010, ISBN-13 978-981-4324-69-4
- "Reduktion elektromagnetischer Störaussendungen getakteter Gleichspannungswandler mittels chaotisch modulierter Trägersignale", mit H. Li und W.A. Halang, in Elektromagnetische Vertäglichkeit, K.-H. Gonschorek (Hrsg.), pp. 503-510, Berlin-Offenbach: VDE Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3-8007-3206-7
- "Understanding and Control of Power Grids'', mit Y. Li, in Autonomous Systems: Developments and Trends, H. Unger, K. Kyamakya und J. Kacprzyk (Hrsg.), pp. 49-58, Reihe "Studies in Computational Intelligence'', Vol. 391, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-24805-4
- "A Dual-Output Z-Source Half-Bridge Converter'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W. Halang, in FLINS2016, France
- "New LMI conditions for exponential synchronization of a class of neural networks with time-varying delays'", mit M. Tan, Y. Fan, und D. Xu, in FLINS2016, France
- "Knowledge-based distance in feature spaces of heterogenous dimensions", mit W. Halang, M. Komkhao, und S. Sodsee, in FLINS2016, France
- "Temporal resource access synchronisation", mit W. Halang, M. Komkhao, und S. Sodsee, in FLINS2016, France
- "Power electronics converters: an overview", mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W. Halang, in Autonomous Systems 2014, pp. 117-127.
- "Reducing EMI in multiple-output DC converter with chaos control'', mit Y. Song, und W. Halang, in Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Enginnering and Decision Making, pp. 1155-1160, 2012
- "An incremental collaborative filtering algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance for recommender systems", mit M. Komkhao, J. Lu, und W. Halang, in Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Enginnering and Decision Making, pp. 327-332, 2012
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel:
- "The New Frontiers of Fuzzy Logic'', Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics, 10, 1, 1-2, 1996
- "Survey on Chaos Control'', mit Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Circuits and Systems, 3, 1, 45- 50, 1998
- "Study and Design on Current Regulator of Vector Control of PWM Inverter-Fed Synchronous Motor'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 16, 10, 1999
- "Study on the Hybrid Position/Force Control of Two-Link Constrained Flexible Manipulators'', mit L.F. Tian, L. Huang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of South China University of Technology, 27, 10, 1999
- "Bifurcation Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Sychronous Motor Models based on Centre Manifold Theorem'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 17, 3, 5 -- 8, 2000
- "Analysis of the Reasons to Affect the Operation Frequency of Two-State Hysteresis Current Regulator and Control Principle of the Frequency'', mit B. Zhang
und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of South China University of Technology, 18, 3, 35 -- 41, 2000 - "Analysis of Chaos in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors based on Reconstruction Method'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Jinan University, 21, 3, 55 -- 60, 2000
- "Using Reconstruction of Phase-Space to Analyse Chaotic Phenomena in PMSM'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control and Decision, 18, 3, 31-34, 2001
- "The Numerical Algorithm of Lyapunov Exponent and its Application in Analysing Chaotic Phenomena in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 18, 4, 254 -- 256, 2001
- "The Numerical Algorithm of Poincaré Map and its Application to Analyse Chaotic Phenomena in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 18, 5, 796 -- 800, 2001
- "Study on an Erratic Behaviour and Chaotic Phenomena of Drives System for
Electric Machines'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Electrical Motors of China, 21, 7, 40 -- 45, 2001 - "Non-Linear Autonomous Model, Hopf Bifurcation and Strange Attractors of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Electrical Motors of China, 21, 9, 13 -- 17, 2001
- "Chaotifying Continuous-Time TS Fuzzy Systems via Discretization'', mit J.B. Park und Y.H. Joo, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I, 48, 10, 1237 -- 1243, 2001
- "Entrainment and Migration of the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Dynamical System'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 19, 1, 53 -- 56, 2002
- "Anticontrol of Chaos for Discrete TS Fuzzy Systems'', mit J.B. Park, Y.H. Joo, G. Chen und Y.H. Choi, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I, 49, 2, 249 -- 253, 2002
- "Bifurcations and Chaos in PMSMs'', mit J.B. Park, Y.H. Joo, G. Chen und B. Zhang, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I, 49, 3, 383--387, 2002
- "Detection of Chaotic Phenomena in PMSM based on Reconstructing State-Space'', mit B. Zhang, Journal of Apparatus and Instruments, 23, 3, 12 -- 13, 2002
- "Measurement and Depiction of Dispersion of Chaotic Attractors in PMSM by Capacity Dimension'', mit B. Zhang, Journal of Apparatus and Instruments, 23, 3, 14 -- 15, 2002
- "Anti-Control of Chaos and Chaotic Characteristics in the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 19, 4, 545 -- 548, 2002
- "Chaotic Model of the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor and its Fuzzy Modeling'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 19, 6, 841 -- 844, 2002
- "Generating Chaos via Feedback Control from a Stable TS Fuzzy System through a
Sinusoidal Non-linearity'', mit J.B. Park, G. Chen, Y.H. Joo und Y.H. Choi, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos, 12, 10, 2283 -- 2291, 2002 - "Chaotifying Continuous-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems via Time Delay Feedback'', mit W.A. Halang, G. Chen und L.F. Tian, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 10, 6, 813 -- 832, 2003
- "Robust Output Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots via Higher Order
Sliding Mode'', mit Z.X. Hu und R. Bicker, Int. J. of Nonlinear Study, 11, 1, 23 -- 36, 2004 - "Design of $H_2$ for Sampled-Data Systems with Input Time Delays'', mit K.S. Park,
J.B. Park und Y.H. Choi, Real-Time Systems, 26, 3, 231-260, 2004 - "Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits in a Modified Lorenz System'', mit G. Chen und W.A. Halang, Information Science, 165, 3/4, 235 -- 245, 2004
- "Chaotic PWM of DC-DC converters and the spectra analysis'', mit H. Li, B. Zhang, und Y. Lu, Journal of Power Supply Tech., 15, 4, 2005
- "Chaotic phenomena in DC-DC converters'', mit H. Li und B. Zhang, Journal of Power Supply Tech., 15, 4, 2005
- "Study of a multiple pseudo-random bits generator based on a spatiotemporal chaotic map lattice'', mit P.~Li, W.A. Halang, und G.~Chen, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 16, 10, 2949--2963, 2006
- "Li-Yorke chaos in higher dimensions: a review'', mit P. Kloeden, Journal Difference Equations and Applications, 12, 3/4, 247--279, 2006
- "A multiple pseudorandom-bit generator based on a spatiotemporal chaotic map'', P.~Li, W.A. Halang, und G.~Chen, Physics Letters A, 349, 6, 467--473, 2006
- "A Stream Cipher Based on a Spatiotemporal Chaotic System'', mit P. Li, W.A. Halang, und G. Chen, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 32, 5, 3867--1876, 2007
- "On the Stability of an Accurate Discrete-Time Model of the DCM Boost Converter'', mit B. Zhang, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 27, 3, 289--293, 2007
- "Li-Yorke chaos in a spatiotemporal chaotic system'', mit P. Li, W.A. Halang, und G. Chen, Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, 33, 2 , 335--341, 2007
- "Analyzing chaotic spectra of DC-DC converters using the Prony method'', H. Li, W.A. Halang, B. Zhang, und G. Chen, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst.-II, 54, 1, 61--65, 2007
- "A chaotic peak current-mode boost converter for EMI reduction and ripple suppression'', mit H. Li, W.K.S. Tang, und W.A. Halang, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-II, 55, 8, 763--767, 2008
- "Nonlinear Feedback Control of a Novel Chaotic System'', mit W.~Zhou, L.~Pan und W.A. Halang, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 1, 3, 2009
- "On the Supply of Superior Order-1 Building Blocks for a Class of Periodical Fitness
Functions'', mit H. Mo, J.B.~Park, und Y.H.~Joo, Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2, 1, 91--98, 2009 - "Controlling DC-DC Converters by Chaos-based Pulse Width Modulation to Reduce EMI'', mit H. Li, W.A. Halang, B. Zhang, und G. Chen, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42, 3, 1378--1387, 2009
- "Suppressing EMI in DC-DC converters'', Feature article, IEEE Circuits and Systems, 4, pp. 10--28, 2009
- "Non-linear Feedback Control of a Novel Chaotic System'', mit W. Zhou, L. Pan, und W.A. Halang, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 7, 6, 939--944, 2009
- "Design of Analogue Chaotic PWM for EMI Suppression'', mit H. Li, W.A. Halang, B. Zhang, F.L. Wang und N.L. Tan, IEEE Trans. On Electromagnetic Compatibility, 52, 4, 1001--1007, 2010
- "Chaotification of Spatiotemporal Systems'', mit P.~Li und W.A. Halang, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20, 7, 2193--2202, 2010
- "FPGA Implementation of a Coupled-map-lattice-based Cryptosystem'', mit P. Li, W. Zhang, W. Liu und W.A. Halang, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 38, 1, 85--98, 2010
- "Fitness Landscape for Simple Genetic Algorithms Supplied with Adequate Superior Order-1 Building Blocks'', mit H. Mo, J. Park und Y. Joo, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 8, 1, 135--140, 2010
- "The Stability of a Chaotic PWM Boost Converter'', mit H.~Li, B.~Zhang, Q.~Zheng und W.~Halang, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 39, 5, 451--460, 2011
- "Decision support in e-business based on assessing similarities between ontologies'', mit Y. Zhao, X. Wang und W. Halang, Knowledge-Based Systems, 32, 47—55, 2012
- "Suppressing harmonics in four-quadrant AC-DC converters with chaotic SPWM control'', mit H.~Li, F.~Lin und B. Zhang, Int. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 25. September 2012
- "Incremental Collaborative Filtering based on Mahalanobis Distance and Fuzzy Membership for Recommender Systems'', mit M. Komkhao, J. Lu und W. Halang, Intl. J. of General Systems, 42, 1, 41-66, 2013
- "The application of chaotic PWM control for EMI suppression'', mit H. Li, F. Lin, X. You, Q. Zheng, und B. Zhang, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 32, 3, 750-762, 2013
- "Cascading failure in Indian Power Grids'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W.Halang, Physics A, 392, 3273-3280,2013
- "A Z-Source Half-Bridge Converter'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W. Halang, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61, 3, 1269-1279, 2014
- "3-Z-network boost converters'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, D. Qiu, und W. Halang, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62, 1, 278--88, 2015
- "Selection of Encoding Cardinality for a Class of Fitness Functions to Obtain Low-Order Building Blocks'', mit H. Mo, L. Tian, und X. Tian, Intl. J. of Computational Intelligent Systems, 8, 1, 62-74, 2014
- "Encoding Selection for a Class of Fitness Functions based on Locus Interdependency'', mit H. Mo, B. Park, Y. Joo, und Q. Du, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 13, 5, 1277-1285, 2015
- "Power electronics converters: past, present, and future'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W. Halang, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 2, 2028-2044, 2018
- "Extended Switched-Boost DC-DC Converters Adopting Switched- Capacitor/Switched-Inductor Cells for High Step-up Conversion'', mit X. Zhu, B. Zhang, H. Li und L. Ran, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 5, 3, 2017, 1020-1030, 2017
- "An Impedance Networks Boost Converter with a High-voltage Gain'', mit G. Zhang, Herbert Iu, B. Zhang, T. Fernando, S.Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 9, 6661-6665, 2017
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge:
- "A Method to Optimize Fuzzy Inference Models based on Soft Computing'', mit P.
Ren, Proc. 7th IFSA World Congress, Prag, 1997 - "Strange Attractors in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Power Electronics and Drive Systems}, pp. 150 -- 155, Hongkong, 1999
- "Analyses on Static and Dynamic Decoupling Characteristics of the Air-Gap Flux-Oriented Control for Synchronous Motor Considering the Rotor Salient Pole Effect and Rotor Damping Windings'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf.
on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 286 -- 290, Hongkong, 1999 - "Neural Network-Based Controller for a Two-Link Constrained Flexible Robotic Manipulator'', mit L.F. Tian, B. Wang und Z.Y. Mao, Proc. IEEE Hong Kong Symposium on Robotics and Control, Hongkong, 1999
- "Analysis of Chaotic Phenomenon in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors based on Poincarè Map'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Proc. 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation, Vol. 5, pp. 3255-- 3258, 2000
- "Fuzzy Modeling of a Chaotic PMSM System'', mit J.B. Park und Y.H. Joo, Proc. KFIS Fall Conference, Vol. 10, No. 2, 153 -- 156, 2000
- "A Note on Edward Ott's Paper `Controlling Chaos' '', mit B. Zhang, Proc. 20th China Control Conf., pp. 76 -- 77, Dalian, 2001
- "The Fuzzy Modeling of a Chaotic System of the PMSM'', mit B. Zhang, Proc. 20th China Control Conf., pp. 78 -- 82, Dalian, 2001
- "A Type of Fuzzy Modeling of the Chaotic System of the PMSM'', mit B. Zhang und Z.Y. Mao, Proc. 5th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 880 -- 884, Shenyang, 2001
- "An Approach to Anticontrol of Chaos for a TS Fuzzy System'', mit J.B. Park und Y.H. Joo, Proc. IEEE Intl. Symp. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 3, pp. 1633 -- 1638, Pusan, 2001
- "Generating Chaos from a Discrete-Time TS Fuzzy System'', mit J.B. Park und Y.H. Joo, Proc. Pacific Asian Conf. on Intelligent Systems, pp. 111 -- 115, Seoul, 2001
- "An Approach to Making a Continuous-time TS Fuzzy System Chaotic'', mit J.B. Park und Y.H. Joo, Proc. Intl. Conf. Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 891 -- 895, Cheju, 2001
- "On Fuzzy Logic and Chaos'', mit P. Li, W.A. Halang und G. Chen, Proc. IEEE Chinese Intelligent Automation Conf., pp. 190 -- 194, Hongkong, 2003
- "From Fuzzy to Chaos'', Proc. 11th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium, D. Reichel (Hrsg.), Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Wissenschaftliche Berichte Heft 81, Nr. 2029 --2059, pp. 68 -- 75, 2004
- "Chaotic Dynamics in DC/DC Converters'', mit P. Li, Proc. 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Vol. 1, pp. 332 -- 337, Aachen: Shaker Verlag 2004
- ``Transition Between Fuzzy and Chaotic Systems'', Proc. DCDIS 4th International Conference on Engineering Applications and Computational Algorithms, Guelph, 2005
- "A novel multiple pseudo random bits generator based on spatiotemporal chaos,'' IFAC World Congress, Prag, 2005
- "Chaos-based pseudo-random number generators and implementations,'' IFAC World Congress, Prag, 2005
- "Controlling DC-DC Converter with Chaos-based PWM,'' 5th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, pp. 1207--1211, Eindhoven, 2005
- "Analyzing chaotic spectra of DC-DC converters using Prony method,'' International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, pp. 195--199, Taormina, 2006
- "A stream cipher based on a spatiotemporal chaotic system'', IFAC 1st Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, pp. 351--356, Reims, 2006
- "Calculation of invariant probability density distribution for chaotic maps in DC-DC converter and its applications,'' 51. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, 2006
- "Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision Support in Teaching Performance Evaluation'', IEEE Three-Rivers Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, pp. 145--150, 2007
- "Analog chaos-based secure communications and cryptanalysis, a brief survey'', PhysCon2007, Potsdam, 2007
- "Chaotification of a Spatiotemporal Coupled Map Lattice'', PhysCon2007, Potsdam, 2007
- "Integrating fuzzy logic and chaos'', 2nd Intl. Symp. on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 247--255, Wisla, 2007
- "Controlling Electromagnetic Interferences with a Chaotic Peak Current-mode Boost Converter'', 1st Intl. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, Klagenfurt, 2008
- "A chaotic soft switching PWM Boost Converter for EMI reduction'', IEEE Intl. Symp. on Industrial Electronics, pp. 341--346, Cambridge, 2008
- "A Novel Chaotic Carrier with Chaotic Oscillator Used in PWM Control for EMI Suppression'', mit H. Li, Trillion Q. Zheng und W.A. Halang, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Technical Exhibition on EMC
RF/Microwave Measurement & Instrumentation, pp. 239--242, Piscataway: IEEE Press 2010 - "Leader-Following Discrete-Time Consensus Protocol in a Buyer-Seller Network'', mit S. Sodsee, M. Komkhao, W.A. Halang und P. Meesad, 3rd Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference}, p. 82, Chania, 2010
- "On the Convergence of a Leader-Following Discrete-Time Consensus Protocol'', mit S. Sodsee, M. Komkhao, W.A. Halang und P. Meesad, 10th Intl. Conf. on Innovative Internet Community Systems, G. Eichler, P. Kropf, U. Lechner, P. Meesad und H. Unger (Hrsg.), GI Lecture Notes in Informatics Vol. P-165, pp. 278--285, Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik 2010
- "Consensus of Networked Agents with Switching Topology and Communication Delay'', mit Q. Jia, W.K.S. Tang, und W.A. Halang, 6th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, pp. 20--21, Suzhou, 2010
- "Web Service Access Control with Semantic Interoperation'', 5th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 426--429, Hangzhou, 2010
- "Reducing EMI in multiple-output DC converter with chaos control'', mit Y. Song und W. Halang, C. Kahraman, E. Kerre und F. Bozbura (Ed.), in Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Enginnering and Decision Making, pp. 1155-1160, 2012
- "An incremental collaborative filtering algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance for recommender systems'', mit M. Komkhao, J. Lu und W. Halang, C. Kahraman, E. Kerre, and F. Bozbura (Ed.), in Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, pp. 327-332, 2012
- "Chaotic SVPWM Control and its Application in EMI suppression for PV Inverters'', mit H. Li, F. Lin, W. A. Halang, und B. Zhang, 2012 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), Kapstadt
- "Improving Group Recommendations by Identifying Homogenous Subgroups'', mit M. Komkhao, J. Lu, und W. Halang, ISKE 2012, Peking, December 14-16, 2012
- "Reducing EMI in multiple-output DC converters with chaos control'', mit Y. Song, J. Niu und W. Halang, ISKE 2012, Peking, December 14-16, 2012.
- "Reducing EMI in Half-Bridge Resonant LED Drivers with Chaos-based PWM'', mit J. Niu, Y. Song und W. Halang, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), pp.637-640, 2013
- "Cascading Failures of Power Grids under Edge-attacks'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, und W. Halang, VDI-Verlag, 2013.
- "Emission Control in Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converters with the Chaotic PWM'', mit J. Niu, Y. Song und W. Halang, VDI-Verlag, 2013.
- "Chaotic PWM Control for Suppressing EMI in Half Bridge Converter'', mit Y. Song, J. Niu und W. Halang, VDI-Verlag, 2013
- "Impedance Networks Matching Mechanism for Designing Power Converters'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, D. Qiu, G. Chen und W. Halang, 2015 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2015, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, December 1-4, 2015, pp. 293-296. (Best student paper award)
- "Effect of the Center Frequency of Chaotic Signals on the EMI Suppression in DC-DC Converters with Chaotic Modulation'', mit Y. Song, J. Niu, Wallace K.S. Tang und W. Halang, 2015 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2015, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, December 1-4, 2015, pp. 305-308.
- "A Chaotic Modulation Interface Circuit for Suppressing EMI in Commercial Power Supplies'', mit J. Niu, Y. Song, Gary G. Feng and W. Halang, 2015 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA2015, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, December 1-4, 2015}, pp. 309-312.
- "Reducing EMI in a PC Power Supply with Chaos Control'', mit Y. Song, J. Niu, G. Zhang, W.A. Halang and H. Hirsch, in Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems, F. Sun, T. Li and H. Li (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 213, pp. 231--241, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2014
- "Epistasis-Tunable Test Functions with Known Maximum Constructed with Sinusoidal Bases'', mit H. Mo und C. Zhu, ISKE 2017, Nanjing 24.-26. November 2017
- "The Central Frequency of Chaotic Modulation Considered Most Effective for EMI Suppression in Switching Converters'', mit Y. Song und J. Niu, Autonomous Systems, 23.-27. October 2017
- "A dual-output Z-source half-bridge converter'', mit G. Zhang, B. Zhang, D. Qiu und W. Halang, Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, World Scientific, 2016, pp. 675-680
- "New LMI conditions for exponential synchronization of a class of neural networks with time-varying delays'', mit M. Tan, Y. Fan und D. Xu, Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, World Scientific, 2016, pp. 201-206
- "Knowledge-based distances in feature spaces of heterogeneous dimensions'', mit M. Komkhao, S. Sodsee und W. Halang, Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, World Scientific, 2016, pp. 355-360
- "Temporal resource access synchronisation'', mit W. Halang, M. Komkhao und S. Sodsee, Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, World Scientific, 2016, pp. 1118-1123.
- "Single-Phase Synchronverter dynamic optimization and Parameters design'', mit H. Li, X. Zheng, X. You und X. Yi, IECON2017, Oct.29-Nov.1, 2017, Peking