
Einladung zum Vortrag "AI-Driven Innovation in Smart Digital Libraries: Empowering Users and Enhancing Services" von Herrn Prof. Dr. Anirach Mingkhwan am 25.06. um 15:00 Uhr


Am Dienstag, den 25.06.2024 hält Herr Prof. Dr. Anirach Mingkhwan um 15 Uhr im Gebäude 8, Raum B 121

im Rahmen unserer Kooperation und des gemeinsamen DAAD Projekt "Libraries in Transformation" einen Vortrag mit dem Titel:

AI-Driven Innovation in Smart Digital Libraries: Empowering Users and Enhancing Services

Interessenten sind herzlich eigeladen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herwig Unger

The rapid evolution of technology has significantly impacted the role and functioning of libraries, necessitating a transformation to meet contemporary user demands. This talk explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge Graphs in modernizing libraries to enhance user experiences. By leveraging Al, libraries can offer personalized services, improve resource discovery, and automate routine tasks, thereby increasing efficiency. Knowledge Graphs, on the other hand, enable information organization in a more intuitive and accessible manner, facilitating advanced search capabilities and comprehensive data linking. This talk highlights the benefits and challenges associated with these technologies. The findings suggest that the convergence of Al and Knowledge Graphs holds significant potential for creating more dynamic, user- centric library environments. Consequently, this transformation augments user satisfaction and positions libraries as pivotal hubs of knowledge in the digital age.

mathinf.webteam | 06.06.2024