Research topics

Research topics in Mathematics
Chair of Diskrete Mathematics and Optimization
Prof. Dr. Winfried Hochstättler
- Combinatorial Geometries: Matroids, Oriented Matroids
- Algorithmic Graph Theory: Flows and Colorings in Digraphs, graphs with few P4s
- Game Theory: Cooperative Game Theory, Maker-Breaker-Games
- Sequencing Problems in Logistics: Color Sequenceing in car manufacturing, Vehicle Routing
Chair of Algebra
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Kionke
- Cohomology of arithmetic groups
- homology growth of groups and spaces
- profinite groups and their representation theory
- L2-invariants and related asymptotic properties of groups
Chair of Numerical Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Torsten Linß
- Analysis of reaction-convection-diffusion equations
- numerical methods for singularly perturbed differential equations
- parallel methods for partial differential equations
- a posteriori error estimation for parabolic equations
- table bases in chess composition
Chair of Analysis
Prof. Dr. Delio Mugnolo
- Spectral theory of graphs and quantum graphs
- quadratic forms and extension theory
- operator semigroups
- heat and wave equations
- spectral and thermal geometry
- dynamic boundary conditions
- p-Laplace operators
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- control theory
Chair of Applied Stochastics
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Riedel
- Stochastic analysis with a focus on
- Rough paths and regularity structures
- Random dynamical systems
- Gaussian measures and Gaussian processes
- Numerical methods for S(P)DEs
- Concentration of measure
- Machine learning
- Stochastic optimal control
Chair of of Applied Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Michael Skrzipek
- Recursively generated function systems
- numerical Fourier analysis, approximation methods
- mathematical methods of audio and image processing
- signal decomposition and data compression
Chair of Stochastics and Mathematical Physics
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spitzer
- Localization and delocalization in Anderson models
- Quantum spin glasses
- Entanglement entropy of fermionic systems
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- Stability of matter

Research topics in Computer science
Chair of Data Science
Prof. Dr. Christian Beecks
- Data Science
- Data Engineering
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Multimedia Databases
Chair of Software Engineering and Theory of Programming
Prof. Dr. Jörg Desel
- Modeling in Software Engineering
- Software Specification Techniques for Embedded Systems
- Simulation, Specification and Validation Techniques for Processing Specifications for Information Systems
- Formal Foundations for Process Specification and Analysis, especially Petri Nets
- Scenarios for Media-based Teaching, Teaching and Learning System
- Internationalization in Teaching
- Project VORsprung: A Digital Head Start for Engineering and Science Studies in Germany
Chair of Cooperative Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg M. Haake
- Support for collaborative work and learning in organisations: Support for collaborative learning in organisations (e.g. in distance learning universities, in continued education, or in knowledge management), integrating learning and working in virtual organisations (e.g., in communities of practice, communities of interest). In the research center CATALPA – Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics we develop adaptive personalised learning environments and learning analytics for diversity-inspired adaptive learning.
- Design and implementation of collaborative and adaptive distributed systems: Architectures and concepts of internet-based collaborative adaptive systems, frameworks, and development support for adaptive collaborative learning environments
- Computational Geometry: Geometrical structures and algorithms, application of geometrical structures and algorithms for smart mobility, Geometry-Lab
Chair of Multimedia and Internet Applications
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje
The chair’s areas of Education, Teaching, and Training are related to the following fields of Computer Science:
- Data- and Document Management in the Internet,
- Information- and Knowledge Management in the Internet,
- Multimedia Information Systems,
- Information Visualization in the Internet
The chair’s areas of basic and applied Research and Development arerelated to the following fields of Computer Science and its applications:
- Information Retrieval,
- Information Visualization,
- Human Computer Interaction,
- Content and Knowledge Management,
- Semantic Web,
- Long Term Archival and Digital Preservation,
- Virtual Research Environments,
- Big Data Analysis,
- Natural Language Analysis,
- e-Learning and Continuous Professional Education,
- Industry 4.0 and Factories of the Future
Chair of Parallelism & VLSI
Prof. Dr. Jörg Keller
- Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems
- Energy-efficient and Fault-tolerant Scheduling of Parallel Applications
- Network Steganography
- Cryptographic Pseudo Random Number Generators
- Network Forensics
- Virtual Laboratories
Research Professorship for Educational Technologies for the Digital Transformation
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
- Human-centered technology design
- Immersive teaching and learning
- Design of assistive systems
- Human-centered artificial intelligence
Research Professorship for Educational Technologies for the Digital Transformation
Chair of Enterprise-wide Software Systems
Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch
The Chair of Enterprise-wide Software Systems performs research in the area of the design and construction of information systems for manufacturing and the sales and distribution domain. Problems from production management and industrial engineering are solved by means of mathematical modelling and the construction of related decision-support systems.
The main research interests are:
- design and development of multi-agent-systems (MAS) and the solution of related coordination problems in MAS,
- analysis, modeling and simulation of complex manufacturing systems,
- design of modern Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Systems from a software technology and functional point of view,
- design of (distributed) scheduling approaches, especially for applications in the high-technology domain,
- design and usage of object-oriented and/or agent-based frameworks as compromise between packaged and individually developed software.
Chair of Technical Informatics
Prof. Dr. Lena Oden
In progress
Chair of Human-Computer Interaction
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Peters
- Interactive Systems
- Computer Vision
- Image and Scene Systhesis
- Cognitive Systems
- Computational Neuroscience
- New Media Art
Chair of Theoretical Computer Science
Prof. Dr. André Schulz
- Computational and Discrete Geometry
- Graph Drawing, Graph Theory, Efficient Algorithms
- Enumerative Combinatorics, Polytopes
- Information Visualization
Chair of Programming Systems
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Steimann
- Programming Tools
- Object-Relational Programming
- Software Language Engineering
Chair of Databases and Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Uta Störl
- Database Systems
- Big Data Technologies
- Data Engineering for Data Science
- Digital Humanities
- Hybrid Quantum-Classical Applications
Artificial Intelligence Group
Prof. Dr. Matthias Thimm
- Algorithms and complexity
- formal argumentation
- reasoning with inconsistency
- belief dynamics
Chair of Communication Networks
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herwig Unger
- (Explainable) AI-Applications and Big Data
- Text- and Datamining algorithms und -technologies
- Web based systems and applications
- Internet search and information retrieval
- P2P systems as well as context- and location-sensitive applications
- Large-scale, distributed simulations
Research Professorship of Computational Linguistics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Zesch
- Applications of language technology in education
- robust and efficient systems for language processing
- analysis of non-standard language and implicit structures
- processing multi-modal content
Website: Research Professorship of Computational Linguistics
Research topics of other persons on the faculty, emeriti and retired professors can be found on the websites of these persons under the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.