Mathematikberichte 2015
Band 87
- Noli turbare circulos meos -- a mathematical tribute to Reinhard Börger
W. Tholen - In grateful memory of Reinhard Börger
R. Kemper - Banach limits revisited
D. Pallaschke, D. Pumplün - Outer automorphisms of algebraic groups and a Skolem-Noether theorem for Albert algebras
S. Garibaldi, H. P. Petersson - Note on a 1-colouring game on paths and cycles
S. D. Andres, R. Börger - Limits and colimits of quantaloid-enriched categories and their distributors
L. Shen, W. Tholen - Kan extensions and cartesian monoidal categories
R. Street - Nowhere-zero flows in regular matroids and Hadwiger's conjecture
L. A. Goddyn, W. Hochstättler - Towards a flow theory for the dichromatic number
W. Hochstättler - Eine Reminiszenz an Professor Reinhard Börger
E. Grycko, W. Kirsch, T. Mühlenbruch - A note on the digraph parameters lightness and weight and their duals heaviness and mass
S. D. Andres - Operations with binders vis-à-vis operations with equations
J. Power, D. Schmitter - Über ein Paradoxon bei der Preisgestaltung in Versorgungssystemen
H. Meister
- Band 87 (PDF 4 MB)
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