Online Self-Assessment for the B.Sc. Psychology

General Information

Participation in an online self-assessment is a mandatory requirement for admission to the B.Sc. in Psychology. Further information on the admission requirements can be found on the B.Sc. in Psychology study website. You will find explanations of the content and procedure of the online self-assessment on this page.

Prospective students have different expectations of studying psychology and everyone has their own ideas about the knowledge and skills they need to successfully complete their studies. Taking part in the studyNAVI Psychology online self-assessment is the best way to find out in advance whether studying psychology meets your expectations and whether your aptitudes, knowledge and skills match the study requirements.

After participating, you can download a summary of your results. The results summary provides you with important orientation. We therefore ask you to take a close look at your individual results and bear them in mind account when you make your study decision.

In addition, you can download a certificate of participation after completing studyNAVI Psychology. You should submit this to the FernUniversität in Hagen together with the signed printout of the online application for admission.



Information about the Certificate of Participation and Data Processing

Please make sure that the personal data you enter for the certificate of participation is correct. This will ensure that your certificate can be clearly linked to you during enrollment.

Your individual results are exclusively for your personal assessment and preparation for your studies. How you perform in the tasks has no influence on your admission to the course. This data is not transmitted to the Registrar’s Office as part of the enrollment process. For enrollment purpose, you are merely required to provide proof that you have comleted the studyNAVI Psychology.

You will find information on data protection at the beginning of studyNAVI Psychology.

studyNAVI Psychology

Studentin am LaptopPhoto: Thorsten Silz

The studyNAVI Psychology online self-assessment consists of the following parts:

  1. Expectation check: In this section, you have the opportunity to compare your expectations of a bachelor’s degree in psychology and distance learning with the study conditions at the FernUniversität.
  2. Logic and knowledge check: This part tests your logical thinking, math skills, biology skills and English skills. These four areas are helpful in coping with the demands of studying psychology.
  3. Psychology check: In this part, you will gain an insight into psychological issues by reading short texts on psychological topics and then answering questions about them.

Notes on how to complete the survey

  • To complete the studyNAVI Psychology you need a stable Internet connection and a modern browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.) in the latest version.
  • To get the most out of the studyNAVI Psychology, you should work on a laptop/PC, as the display has been optimized for desktop devices.
  • The StudyNAVI Psychology is not a “one-minute self-test,” but a comprehensive procedure to provide you with a sound orientation. You should allow between two and two and a half hours for this.
  • However, there is no time limit for the completion of the studyNAVI Psychology. The amount of time you take to complete the tasks has no effect on your result.
  • We recommend you work through the studyNAVI Psychology in a single session. If you cannot complete the studyNAVI Psychology in one go, you can also access it again later. The most important thing is that you open the link again in the same browser on the same PC. You can only resume the test if you have activated cookies on the studyNAVI Psychology website.


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Feel free to make an appointment with us for an online consultation.

Or take advantage of our offer of personal or virtual consultations at our campus locations.

Overview of Campus Locations

From the winter semester 2024/25, the use of the FernUni’s studyNAVI Psychology is mandatory.

Up until winter semester 2023/24, it was possible to use proof of participation in the online self-assessment in the previous study check for enrollment. This is no longer the case.

Web Editorial - Study | 14.01.2025