Members, Associates and Alumni
List of our Scientific Members
- Bayzaei, Sohail
- Bewersdorff, Jeanette
- Bexte, Marie
- Bick, Nathalie
- Christ, Oliver
- Deacon, Bronwen (HIIG)
- de Witt, Claudia
- Ding, Yuning
- Duong, Nghia Trung (DFKI)
- Fontanella, Vitor
- Froehlich, Laura
- Gaschler, Robert
- Gropengießer, Kirsten
- Grundmann, Mai
- Haake, Jörg M.
- Hanses, Michael
- Hesse, Friedrich W.
- Hochstein, Jennifer
- Horbach, Andrea
- Jivet, Ioana
- Jonkmann, Kathrin
- Karolyi, Heike
- Kasakowskij, Regina
- Kirschbaum, Sandra
- Kuper, Freia (HIIG)
- Laufer, Melissa (HIIG)
- Lehnert, Florence Kristin
- Lenski, Sina Joana (DIE)
- Lüdeke, Christina
- Misiejuk, Kamila
- Pinkwart, Niels (HU, DFKI)
- Radović, Slavisa
- Raimann, Jennifer
- Reich-Stiebert, Natalia
- Rinja, Daiana
- Ruppenhofer, Josef
- van Rijn, Lars
- Schäfer, Len Ole
- Schröter, Hannes
- Seidel, Niels
- Specht, Marcus
- Steimann, Stephanie
- Stürmer, Stefan
- Veiel, Dirk
- Wang, Xia (DFKI)
- Wehrhahn, Franziska (DIE)
- Wolff, Katharina
- Wrede, Silke
- Yücepur, Volkan
- Zesch, Torsten
Associated Academic Staff
For the project Ora/Orc:
For the project NOVA:ea:
- Piush Aggarwal
Involved in the project "KISTRA" - Prof. Dr. Dr. Ayad Al-Ani
as visiting professor - Prof. Dr. Theo J. Bastiaens
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Prof. Dr. Ulrike Baumöl
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Alina Bockshecker, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Marc Burchart, M. Sc.
Involved in the project "LA DIVA" - Prof. Dr. Jörg Desel
Involved in the project "Permeability" - Sven Dittes, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Prof. Dr. Uwe Elsholz
Involved in the project "OrA" and "Permeability" - Dr. Christina Gloerfeld
Involved in the project "AI.EDU" - Christian Gold
Research assistant in the Research Professorship of Computational Linguistics - Mandy Goram, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "APLE" - Birgit Großer, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Marius Hamacher, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "KISTRA" - Jana Hochberg, M.A.
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" and "Universities of the Future" (German) - Hoai Nam Huynh, M.A.
Involved in the project "Permeability"
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Igel
Involved in the project "AI.EDU" - Dr. Milos Kravcik (DFKI)
Involved in the project "AI.EDU" - Dr. Jakub Kuzilek
Involved in the project "LA DIVA" - Dr. Ronja Laarmann-Quante
Research assistant in the Research Professorship of Computational Linguistics - Judith Sarah Preuß, M. Sc.
Involved in the project InterMINT - Jennifer Raimann, M.A.
Involved in the project "DivAdapt" - Dr. Clara Schumacher
Involved in the project "LA DIVA" - Rupali Sinha, M.Sc. (DFKI)
Involved in the project "AI.EDU" - Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Carsten Thorbrügge, M.Sc.
Involved in the project "Permeability" - Prof. Dr. Barbara Völzmann-Stickelbrock
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Cathrin Vogel, M.A.
Involved in the project "Educational Ecosystems" - Dr. Jan-Benett Voltmer
Involved in the project "DivAdapt" - Dr. Joachim Wöhrle
Involved in the project LAMASS - Alexander Zimmermann (DFKI)
Involved in the project "AI.EDU" - Dr. Nikolai Zinke (DIE)
Involved in the project "NOVA:ea" - Dr. Julia Zimmermann
Involved in the project InterMINT - PD Dr. Fang Zhao
Lead of the junior research group "Multimedia"
Christina Lüdeke
| 24.03.2025