Committees and Members of CATALPA

Management and Coordination

Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich W. Hesse, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Zesch, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ioana Jivet, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg M. Haake, Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer, Prof. Dr. Claudia de Witt, PD Dr. Laura Froehlich, Jennifer Hochstein, Jürgen Nickel, Kathrin Schneidmüller, Dr. Stephanie Steimann Photo: Henrik Schipper/Hardy Welsch/Bernd Müller/FernUni/Privat
f.l.t.r. Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich W. Hesse, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Zesch, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ioana Jivet, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg M. Haake, Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer, Prof. Dr. Claudia de Witt, PD Dr. Laura Froehlich, Jennifer Hochstein, Jürgen Nickel, Kathrin Schneidmüller, Dr. Stephanie Steimann

Research Professorships

Research Group Leaders

Early Career Research Group Leaders

Research Group Leaders

Project Leaders

Total list of our scientific members

Associated Academic Staff

Thinking and working in networks and cooperations is a defining part of CATALPA's self-image. The Research Center is convinced: Only through open exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation excellent science is created.

For the project Ora/Orc:

For the project NOVA:ea:

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board advises CATALPA on fundamental subject-related and interdisciplinary questions of its scientific work.

This includes, in particular, advising on medium-term research and development planning, discussing the activity report submitted by the Scientific Director, making recommendations on scientific programmes, research projects and cooperations, and submitting suggestions and proposals for research groups and projects.

The Scientific Advisory Board consists of these members:

Alumnae and Alumni

CATALPA is in contact with these academics through the joint development period and/or completed projects and maintains a good exchange.

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