Dr. Melissa Laufer

Dr. Melissa Laufer
Senior Researcher and Project Lead at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Project lead ORC
Email: melissa.laufer
Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG), Berlin
Forschungsprogramm Wissen & Gesellschaft
What is my role within CATALPA?
Trained as a sociologist and higher education researcher, I currently conduct research on the implementation of educational technology at universities. I lead and manage the research project – Organizational Resilience and Creativity: Exploring the Future of Educational Technology in Higher Education (04/2023 – 2026). ORC is a cooperation project between the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, research program “Knowledge & Society” and CATALPA at the FernUniversität in Hagen. In ORC, we investigate the relationship between educational technology, creative practices and university resilience through a mixed-methods approach. ORC builds on the cooperation project, “Organizational Adaptivity in the German Higher Education Context (OrA)” (2020 – 03/2023), a joint venture between HIIG and CATALPA.
CATALPA offers an interdisciplinary space to connect with researchers working on different dimensions of educational technology. This dialogue challenges us to think outside of the box.
- Senior Researcher and Project Lead at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Research Program “Knowledge & Society” (since 2020)
- Doctorate in Sociology, Ghent University (2020)
- Researcher at York University (2018 – 2020)
- Visiting Scholar at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) (2018)
- Visiting Scholar at National Chengchi University (2017)
- Visiting Scholar at Center for International Higher Education, Boston College (2016)
- Researcher at the Centre for Higher Education Governance Ghent, Ghent University (2014 – 2020)
I´m interested in investigating organizational change processes at higher education institutions. In particular, I´m passionate about topics related to organizational culture, leadership, networking, and strategy building.
- Organizational Resilience and Creativity: Exploring the Future of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ORC, from 04/2023)
- Organizational Adaptivity in the (German) Higher Education Context (OrA, until 03/2023)
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., Mende, M. A., & Schäfer, L. O. (2024). Leading with Trust: How University Leaders can Foster Innovation with Educational Technology through Organizational Trust. Innovative Higher Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10755-024-09733-5
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (in press). Die Rolle der Digitalisierungsstrategie bei der Implementierung und dem Erhalt digitaler Lehre. Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln. https://dikule-symposium.de/
Chapters in Edited Books
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (2024). Die Rolle der Digitalisierungsstrategien bei der Implementierung digitaler Lehre. In L. Mrohs, J. Franz, D. Herrmann, K. Lindner, & T. Staake (Eds.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (pp. 29–35). Springer Fachmedien. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-43379-6_3
Talks and Poster Presentation
- Deacon, B., Kuper, F., Laufer, M., Sievering, M., & Schäfer, L. O. (2024). Sensemaking and the future university: Exploring the role digitalization strategies play for university teachers' engagement with EdTech. https://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1662944489704&subtheme_id=1670171686630&show_prog=yes
- Deacon, B., Laufer, M., & Schäfer, L. O. (2023). Infusing Educational Technologies in the Heart of the University - A Systematic Literature Review from an Organisational Perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54(2), 441–466. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13277
- Fecher, B., Hebing, M., Laufer, M., Pohle, J., & Sofsky, F. (2023). Friend or foe? Exploring the implications of large language models on the science system. AI & SOCIETY. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01791-1
- Laufer, M., Kuper, F., Mende, M., Schäfer, L. O., & Tschache, T. (2023, April). How to Organize Edtech at the University: A Practitioner’s Field Guide for Implementing Edtech. University:Future Festival Heads Up!
- Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., Kuper, F., & Deacon, B. (2023, Juli). The intersection of resilience, creativity and edtech: A conceptual framework for universities. 39th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination. Sub-theme 67: Resilient Individuals, Organizations, and Societies:Blenders of Legacy and Imagination. https://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1658501434997&subtheme_id=1637466415521&show_prog=yes
Web Documents
- Laufer, M., Mende, M. A., & Sievering, M. (2023, July). EdTech: The secret to its implementation. Digital Society Blog. https://www.hiig.de/en/edtech-the-secret-to-its-implementation/
Other Publications
- Laufer, M., Kuper, F., Mende, M. A., Schäfer, L. O., & Tschache, T. (2023). Organizing Digital Change at the University. The Practitioners’ Field Guide for Implementing Educational Technology. In HIIG Impact Publication Series. https://graphite.page/fieldguide-edtech/
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., & Tschache, T. (2022). Atomisierung, Innovation und Organisation: Qualität der Lehre im ersten Digitalsemester. die hochschullehre, 8(1), 395–408.
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2022, September). Leadership in DigitalChange: An exploration of organizational trust and innovation in universities.EAIR Forum 2022: Accelerating the Future of Higher Education. https://www.eairweb.org/
- Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., & Deacon, B. (2022). Resisting Digital Change: Is it a BadThing?: An exploration into why university staff resist digital teaching. SRHEConference 2022, Mobilities in Higher Education.
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (2022, July). Organizational conditions and dynamics of digital teaching. Academic Practice and Technology (APT):Shaping Academic Practice Through Diversity and Flexibility. Parallel Sessions2. https://reflect.ucl.ac.uk/aptconference/presentations-papers-archive/conference-2022-video/
Chapters in Edited Books
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2022). The Power of Informal Networks.How middle management, central leadership and trust can impact innovation at the university. In F. W. Hesse, C. Kobsda, & C. Schemmann (Eds.), Digital Transformation of Higher Education - Global Learning Report 2022. Global Learning Council (GLC). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.73580
Web Documents
- Deacon, B., Laufer, M., & Sokolovska, N. (2022). Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching. Digital Society Blog. https://www.hiig.de/en/digital-teaching/
- Elsholz, U., Fecher, B., Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021). Implikationen der Covid-19-Pandemie für digitale Lehre: Organisierte Freiheitals Veränderungsparadigma. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 40, 472–486. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/40/2021.11.29.X
- Laufer, M. (2021). Spinning Stories: Communicating Internationalization Through Organizational Storytelling. Journal of Studies in International Education, 25(2), 167–181. https://doi.org/10.1177/1028315319893652
- Laufer, M., Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Perrin de Brichambaut, P., Fecher, B., Kobsda, C., & Hesse, F. W. (2021). Digital Higher Education: A Divider or Bridge Builder? Leadership Perspectives on Edtech in a COVID-19 Reality. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-021-00287-6
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021a, March). The Rapid Digital Turn: AnExploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of University Structures. Understanding Digital Transformations of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Nordics and Beyond. Universities of Agder (Norway), Aarhus(Denmark) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). https://cedit.uia.no/understanding-digital-transformations-of-higher-education-teaching-and-learning-in-the-nordics-and-beyond-call-for-papers/
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021b, September). The Rapid DigitalTurn: An Exploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of UniversityStructures. 43rd Annual EAIR Forum 2021: Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education.https://www.eairweb.org/forum-berlin-2021
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., Timm, M., & Laufer, M. (2021, September). Enge und lose Kopplungen in der Hochschule – Die COVID-19 Pandemie und digitale Lehre. Soziologische Betrachtungen zur Digitalisierung der Lehre (in derCOVID-19-Pandemie). DIPF – Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung undBildungsinformation. https://www.dipf.de/de
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Tschache, T., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021, September). Qualität in der digitalen Lehre: Eine Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung. https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/fb03/institutefb03/erziehung/abteilungen/hd/gfhf2021
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2020, October). Lehren in der Krise, Lernen aus der Krise? Erfolg & Verstetigung digitaler Lehr- und Lerninnovationen. University:Future Festival - Learning, Systems and the NewNormal. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.https://festival.hfd.digital/de/programm/workshops/
- Leiser, A., Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Kobsda, C. (2020, October). Re-imagining higher education: Shifting gears and shifting visions. University:Future Festival– Learning, Systems and the New Normal. Workshops:Day. HochschulforumDigitalisierung. https://festival.hfd.digital/de/programm/workshops/
Web Documents
- Laufer, M., & Deacon, B. (2020). The rapid digital turn: How are universities faring? Digital Society Blog. https://www.hiig.de/en/the-rapid-digital-turn-how-are-universities-faring/