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"People are social learners - all their lives."

Photo: privat

The Psychology of Digital Teaching and Learning: Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht is now working on this topic at the CATALPA research center.

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Improving teaching and learning at universities with AI research

Michael Baurmann, Friedrich Hesse, Kordula Attermeyer Photo: FernUniversität/CATALPA

Time savings for lecturers, tailored support for students: CATALPA - Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics - at the FernUniversität in Hagen has now presented AI-based prototypes that can significantly improve everyday teaching and learning at the university.

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Marcus Specht takes on new professorship

Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer, Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mokros and Dr. Stephanie Steimann Photo: CATALPA

At the beginning of the year, Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht took over the research professorship "Learning Sciences in Higher Education" at CATALPA. "I am looking forward to advancing research in the field of learning with AI," says Specht. "CATALPA offers optimal conditions for this.

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Designing fair e-assessments

Photo: Carol Yepes-Moment/GettyImages

Do justice to the diversity of students and thereby make exams more valid - sounds obvious, but is often accompanied by complex challenges. The NOVA:ea (InNOVAtionscluster E-Assessment) research project aims to do just that.

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Curios about the possibilities educational technologies offer

Photo: Henrik Schipper/Hardy Welsch

The AI.EDU Research Lab, with Claudia de Witt and her team, has been part of the CATALPA project from the very beginning. Since 2018, they have been researching how novel educational technologies can be used in a didactically meaningful way in higher education. An interview with Prof. Dr. Claudia de Witt, Silke Wrede and Lars van Rijn.

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Using AI to explore language learning

Two students in the university library Photo: Torsten Silz

How can AI improve the quality of language testing? A CATALPA project is doing the basic research here. An insight on “European Day of Languages” on September 26.

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From Stereotype Threat to Learning Analytics - CATALPA at the DGP Congress

Photo: Henrik Schipper/Hardy Welsch

From learning analytics to group cohesion in online courses and stereotypical perceptions - CATALPA is represented with various contributions at the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGP) in Vienna.

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Workshop on Recommender Systems

Image: Lexica (KI-generiert)

Deadline extended!!! The CATALPA project AI.EDU 2.0 invites you to a workshop at the DELFI Conference on Educational Technologies (September 9-11, 2024 in Fulda). The focus is on recommender systems in the context of higher education. Deadline for the Call for Participation is now July 31st, 2024.

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How universities handle crises and conflicts

Demonstration Photo: vasiliki/E+/GettyImages

How can universities prepare for turbulent times - the Middle East conflict, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, the AI revolution? This is the topic of Dr. Len Ole Schäfer's research.

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Four CATALPA topics at Learning AID

Heike Karolyi, Claudia de Witt, Niels Seidel, Lars van Rijn, Silke Wrede, CATALPA-Keyvisual Photo: Hardy Welsch/Veit Mette/Bernd Müller

Generative AI, (trusted) learning analytics, formative feedback - CATALPA presented four different topics at the Learning AID in Bochum, Germany, from September 2-3.

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CATALPA presenting itself at the Campusfest

Ada Pellert, Thomas Ludwig and Torsten Zesch Photo: FernUniversität

CATALPA offered hands-on science at the current FernUniversität Campusfest. "AI and virtual reality - revolution for our everyday lives?" was the topic of the opening lecture by Prof. Dr. Torsten Zesch and Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig on Roter Platz.

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What color is that? AI research by Marie Bexte

Stairs and wall in different colors Photo: SEN LI/Getty Images

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to make our everyday lives easier in the future - including in teaching at FernUni. Marie Bexte found out that AI is not yet good at recognizing colors.

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