Mai Grundmann
Mai Grundmann
Doctoral researcher at the junior research group Stereotype Threat, Member of the CATALPA Management Team (deputy representation junior researchers)
Email: mai.grundmann
Universitätsstraße 27 – PRG / Gebäude 5
Raum A 127 (1. Etage)
58097 Hagen
What is my role within CATALPA?
As a doctoral researcher in social psychology, I work in the junior research group Stereotype Threat and in the DECIDE - Diversity project. My research focuses on the effects of choice opportunities on the fulfillment of basic needs of students in distance education. I pay particular attention to the influence of stereotypes and diversity.
As a member of CATALPA, I have the chance to link basic research with practical application all while exchanging ideas with experts from various disciplines. My personal goal is to help ensure that distance learning environments optimally support the motivation, performance, and learning of students from diverse backgrounds.
- Research associate in the junior research group Stereotype Threat at CATALPA (since October 2023)
- MSc in research-oriented psychology at the University of Cologne (August 2023)
- Thesis on the topic of coherence effects in repeated decisions.
- BSc in Psychology at the University of Heidelberg (March 2020)
- Thesis on the topic of choice overload
- Effects of decisions
- Stereotypes about and needs of people with different identity markers
- Basic needs
- junior research group Stereotype Threat
- DECIDE-diversity
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Grundmann, M. (2024). Student diversity and benefits of choice: Supporting autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Talk at the 2024 Doctoral Researchers Workshop (SoDoc) of the Social Psychology Section (FGSP) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Hagen, Germany, Hagen.
- Grundmann, M., Froehlich, L., Christ, O., & Schützler, L. (2024). Student diversity and satisfaction of basic psychological needs in higher distance education. Talk at the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Vienna, Austria.