- Björn Binzer; Daniel Fürstenau; Till Winkler: Bridging Business and IT Through Low-Code/No-Code: Insights into Business-IT Collaboration in Enterprise Citizen Developer Programs, in Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2025
- Daria Goscinska; Till Winkler: Providing organizations with a validated instrument for an Enterprise Service Management capability, in Electron Markets 34, (54), 2024
- Fabian Walke; Till Winkler: Assessing Omnichannel Service Quality in the Public Sector, in Public Administration, 2024
- Björn Binzer; Edona Elshan; Daniel Fürstenau; Till Winkler: Establishing a Low-Code/No-Code-Enabled Citizen Development Strategy, in MIS Quarterly Executive, 23(3), 2024
- Björn Binzer; Till Winkler: ‘To Code, or Not to Code': Unpacking the Understanding and Difficulties of Citizen Development Programs, in Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2024, 2024
- Björn Binzer; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Anne-Katrin Witte; Till Winkler: Trust in public and private providers of health apps and usage intentions: a sectoral privacy calculus and control perspective, in Business & Information Systems Engineering 2024
- Björn Binzer; Till Winkler: Die vier Phasen von Citizen Development-Initiativen: Treiber, Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024
- Rizana Jörs; Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Till Winkler: From Dyadic to Triadic Mentoring Relationships: A Holistic View of Expectations and Goals to Enhance the Effectiveness of Formal Mentoring Programs in IT, in European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024
- Karl Akbaria; Daniel Fürstenau; Till Winkler: Governance and Longevity of Architecturally Embedded Applications, in Journal of Management Information Systems 2024
- Fabian Walke; Florian Ulmke; Till Winkler: Making Digital File Management Successful: A Grounded Model of DFM Adoption in the Public Sector, in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
- Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Sonja Pilgenröder; Till Winkler: Maßnahmen für den Aufbau von Digital Leadership Kompetenzen für Führungskräfte im öffentlichen Sektor, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024
- Jennifer Kendziorra ; Kristina Kusanke; Rizana Jörs; Till Winkler: SHE can do IT: Awakening Girls’ Interest in Information Technology by Making Computer Science a Mandatory Course in Early Education in Germany, in Proceedings of the 2024 Computers and People Research Conference
- Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Sam Zaza; Till Winkler: Transforming the IT Landscape: Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Career Transitions, in Proceedings of the 2024 Computers and People Research Conference
- Jennifer Kendziorra ; Laura Ebers; Till Winkler: Unraveling the Formation of Physicians' Decisions to Prescribe Digital Therapeutics, in European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024
- Fabian Walke; Anneke Aden; Till Winkler: Work System Quality Assessment: A TIHPS Grounded Measurement Model, in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
- Jennifer Kendziorra ; Dr. Anne-Katrin Witte; Till Winkler; Yu Tong; Juhee Kwon: The Quest for National Digital Agility: Digital Responses to Covid-19 in Five Countries , in Communications of the Association for Information Systems 2023
- Fabian Walke; Lars Bennek; Till Winkler: AI in Government: A Study on Explainability of High-Risk AI-Systems in Law Enforcement & Police Service, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke: Achieving Structural Ambidexterity through Bimodal IT – A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda, in In Brohman et al. (Editor), Digitalization and Sustainability: Advancing Digital Value (Chapter 10). Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 80088 879 1, 2023
- Fabian Walke; Lars Bennek; Till Winkler: Artificial Intelligence Explainability Requirements of the AI Act and Metrics for Measuring Compliance, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Teresa Christmann-Schwaab; Sonja Pilgenröder; Till Winkler: Building Digital Leadership in the Public Sector – A Literature Review, in European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2023
- Kathrin Heinle; Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Anne-Katrin Witte: Closing the Gender Gap: Initial Findings and Lessons Learned from a German Medium-Sized IT Services Company's Efforts for Career Changers, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Carolin Gellner; Dr. Anne-Katrin Witte; Till Winkler: Design and Development of Virtual Patients for Healthcare Education: State of the Art and Research, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Sonja Pilgenröder; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Till Winkler: Digital Leadership in the Public Sector: Towards a Digital Leadership Competency Model, in Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Till Winkler: Empowering Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Effect of Individual Ambidexterity of Information Technology Workers, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Jennifer Kendziorra ; Michelle Barmann; Kristina Kusanke; Anne-Katrin Witte: Gender and Mobility - A Literature Review on Women's (Non-)Use of Shared Mobility Services, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Sabine Khalil; Till Winkler: How software as a service simultaneously affords organizational agility and inertia, in Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), 2023
- Björn Binzer; Till Winkler: Low-Coders, No-Coders, and Citizen Developers in Demand: Examining Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Through a Job Market Analysis, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra ; Sonja Pilgenröder; Till Winkler: Maßnahmen für den Aufbau von Digital Leadership Kompetenzen für Führungskräfte im öffentlichen Sektor, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023
- Pappert, Laura ; Kristina Kusanke: Modern Project Portfolio Management– Analyzing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence, in PVM-Fachtagung „Nachhaltige IT-Projekte“, Hagen, 2023
- Daria Goscinska; Till Winkler: Operationalizing Enterprise Service Management Capability – the OATIP Model, in In: M. Klein, D. Krupka, C. Winter., V. Wohlgemuth (Eds.), INFORMATIK Festival 2023, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn , pp. 947-956, 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Janna Heynen-Behnke; Till Winkler: Personality Traits and Ambidextrous Work Environments in IT Organizations – A Person-Job Fit Perspective, in 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023
- Fabian Walke; Till Winkler; Michael Le: Success of Digital Identity Infrastructure: A Grounded Model of eID Evolution Success, in Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2023
- Julia Hermose Jose Marie; Anne-Katrin Witte; Kristina Kusanke; Jennifer Kendziorra : The Human Gaze and the Blind Spot - A Systematic Literature Review on Biases in Artificial Intelligence, in 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Till Winkler: The Link between IT Workers Individual Ambidexterity and Work Exhaustion – Preliminary Insights into the Explanatory Power of Person-Job Fit, in SIGMIS Computer and People Research Conference (CPR), Pomona, CA, USA, 2023
- Kristina Kusanke; Till Winkler: The Link between IT Workers Individual Ambidexterity and Work Exhaustion – Preliminary Insights into the Explanatory Power of Person-Job Fit, in Proceedings ACM SIGMIS CPR conference (Pomona, CA’23). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2023
- Lisa T. Aufschläger; Kristina Kusanke; Anne-Katrin Witte; Jennifer Kendziorra; Till Winkler: The Use of Women Mentoring Programs to Reduce the Gender Gap in IT Professions –A Literature Review and Critical Reflection, in Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2023
- Tammo Heuzeroth; Lennard Andreas Schlosser; Ruben Paul Stroh; Till Winkler: Organization Structure Determinants of Information Technology Budgets , in Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2022
- Christian Au; Till Winkler; Herbert Paul: Towards a Generation of Artificially Intelligent Strategy Tools: The SWOT Bot , in Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems 2022
- Fabian Walke; Till Winkler: The TIHP Framework – An Instrument for Measuring Quality of Hybrid Services, in Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2022
- Jennifer Kendziorra ; Till Winkler: Gender and Perceived Privacy Risks in Technology Acceptance: Insights from a Mobile Urban Sensing Survey , in Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2022
- Björn Binzer; Till Winkler: Democratizing Software Development: A Systematic Multivocal Literature Review and Research Agenda on Citizen Development, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2022
- Daria Goscinska; Till Winkler: Enterprise Service Management between IT Organization and IT Architecture Thinking: A Clarifying Literature Review, in H. Koç, J. Stirna, K. Sandkuhl, et al. (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3223, pp.44-55, 2022
- Carolin Gellner; Ilona Buchem: Evaluation of a gamification approach for older people in e-learning, in 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2022
- Kristina Kusanke; Till Winkler: Structural Ambidexterity through Bimodal IT – A Literature Review and Research Agenda, in 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 2022
- Carolin Gellner; Ilona Buchem; Jana Müller: Application of the Octalysis Framework to Gamification Designs for the Elderly, in 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2021)
- Carolin Gellner; Luis Perotti; Anne Koppenburger; Ilona Buchem: Digital Literacy of Seniors in the Context of the Electronic Health Record, in 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2021)
- Carolin Gellner; Sarah Kaiser; Ilona Buchem: Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Konzepts zur digitalen Souveränität von Senioren im Kontext der elektronischen Patientenakte, in Tagungsband der GMW 2021
- Carolin Gellner; Ilona Buchem: Narratives in Gamification: Considerations for Support of Digital Literacy of the Elderly, in 20th European Conference on e-Learning, 2021
- Henner Gimpel; Tobias Manner-Romberg; Fabian Schmied; Till Winkler: Understanding the Evaluation of mHealth App Features Based on a Cross-Country Kano Analysis, in Electronic Markets 2021
- Till Winkler; Simon Krogh; Ursula Plesner; Lise Justesen; Tina Jensen: A Real “Killer” Application? Organization-System Misfits of the Danish Health Platform, in International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020
- Anne-Katrin Witte: A Review on Digital Healthcare Ecosystem Structure: Identifying Elements and Characteristics, in Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020)
- Christian Grawe; Björn Kruse; Ulrich Bretschneider: Business/IT Integration: Challenging the Boundaries of Alignment, in Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Salt Lake City, USA (2020), zur Präsentation und Veröffentlichung angenommen
- Carolin Gellner; Ilona Buchem: Designing a virtual learning coach for support of digital literacy of senior learners in context of the electronic health record. Design considerations in the ePA-Coach project., in 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2020
- Anne-Katrin Witte; Daniel Fürstenau; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Digital Health Ecosystems for Sensor Technology Integration - A Qualitative Study on the Paradox of Data Openness, in Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020).
- Jochen Wulf; Till Winkler: Evolutional and Transformational Configuration Strategies - A Rasch Analysis of IT Providers’ Service Management Capability, in Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2020
- Anne-Katrin Witte; Johannes Werner; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Integration of Mobile Sensor-Based Health Technology into a Digital Healthcare Ecosystem ‐ A Qualitative Study from Different Stakeholder Perspectives, in Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020)
- Kathrin Bednar; Till Winkler: Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs: A New Way to Represent and Communicate Values in Technology Design, in 18th International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT, 2020
- Kim Janine Blankenhagel; Max-Marcel Theilig; Hannah Koch; Anne-Katrin Witte; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Challenges for Preventive Digital Stress Management Systems - Identifying Requirements by Conducting Qualitative Interviews, in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019)
- Benjamin Wagner; Till Winkler: Comparing Routing Predictions: Travel Time Estimates and User Accountability in Navigation Apps, in 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden, 2019
- Kim Janine Blankenhagel; Anne-Katrin Witte; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Digitalisierung in der Stressprävention ‐ eine Qualitative Interviewstudie zu Nutzenpotenzialen, in 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 2019
- Till Winkler; Jochen Wulf: Effectiveness of IT Service Management Capability: Value Co-Creation and Value Facilitation Mechanisms, in Journal of Management Information Systems 2019
- Anne-Katrin Witte; Kim Janine Blankenhagel; Jakob Johannes Korbel; Rüdiger Zarnekow: How Accurate Is Accurate Enough? - An Evaluation of Commercial Fitness Trackers for Individual Health Management, in Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2019)
- Tim Dreesen; Phil Diegmann; Björn Binzer; Christoph Rosenkranz: Journey Towards Agility - A Retro- and Prospective Review, in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2019
- Jan Jöhnk; Severin Oesterle; Till Winkler; Jacob Nørbjerg; Nils Urbach: Juggling the Paradoxes–Governance Mechanisms in Bimodal IT Organizations, in 27th European Conference onInformation Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, 2019
- Christian Grawe; René Krakor: New Work Ausprägungsformen veränderter Arbeitsorganisation, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 31 (2019) 5
- Maxim van Oldenbeek; Till Winkler; Julie Buhl-Wiggers; Daniel Hardt: Nudging in Blended Learning: Evaluation of Email-Based Progress Feedback in a Flipped-Classroom Information Systems Course, in 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, 2019
- Till Winkler; Jesper Bjørn ; Charlotte Hansen; Grego Halff: Towards Curricula for Business in Digital Society: Results from Stage One of the CBS Curriculum Review Process, in Results from Stage One of the CBS Curriculum Review Process. Copenhagen Business School, 2019
- Anne-Katrin Witte; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Transforming Personal Healthcare Through Technology - A Systematic Literature Review of Wearable Sensors for Medical Application, in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019)
- Till Winkler; Michael Wessel A Primer on Decision Rights in Information Systems: Review and Recommendations
- Johanna Wallner; Max-Marcel Theilig; Anne-Katrin Witte: Clusteranalyse Und Mobile Health: Ein Literaturreview.” Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2018), in Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2018).
- Christian Grawe: Compact: Business/IT-Integration - Warum ein Business/IT-Alignment nicht mehr ausreicht und was diese Entwicklung für das Controlling bedeuten kann, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 30 (2018) 6, S. 47-50.
- Till Winkler; Petteri Kettunen: Five Principles of Industrialized Transformation for Successfully Building an Operational Backbone, in MIS Quarterly Executive 2018
- Anne-Katrin Witte; Rüdiger Zarnekow: Is Open Always Better? - A Taxonomy-Based Analysis of Platform Ecosystems for Fitness Trackers, in Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2018), March 6-9, Lüneburg, Germany
- Phil Diegmann; Tim Dreesen; Björn Binzer; Christoph Rosenkranz: Journey Towards Agility: Three Decades of Research on Agile Information Systems Development, in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2018
- Alexander Benlian; William J Kettinger; Ali Sunyaev; Till Winkler; Guest Editors: The Transformative Value of Cloud Computing: a Decoupling, Platformization, and Recombination Theoretical Framework, in Journal of Management Information Systems 2018
- Ulrike Baumöl; Christian Grawe: Vom Business/IT-Alignment zur Business/IT-Integration – Auswirkungen auf das IT-Controlling als Teil der IT-Governance, in Matthias Knoll; Susanne Strahringer (Hrsg.): IT-GRC Management – Governance, Risk und Compliance, Edition HMD, Springer 2018, S.37-50.
- Christian Grawe; Stefan Himpler: Vom Business/IT-Alignment zur Business/IT-Integration – Operational Excellence als Strukturierungsansatz, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 30 Jg. (2018), 5.
- Pia Arentoft Nielsen; Till Winkler; Jacob Nørbjerg: Closing the IT Development-Operations Gap: The DevOps Knowledge Sharing Framework, in Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2017 pre-BIR Forum, Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, 2017
- Ulrike Baumöl; Christian Grawe; Alina Bockshecker: Data Scientist – Controller in der Digitalisierung?, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 29 (2017) Sonderausgabe, Controlling ohne Controller?, S.42-45.
- Ulrike Baumöl; Christian Grawe: Die Integration von Business und IT und die neue Rolle der Leistungssteuerung, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54 (2017), 3, S. 362-374.
- Ulrike Baumöl; Christian Grawe: Die Integration von Business und IT und die neue Rolle der Leistungssteuerung, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 30 (2018), 4, S. 9-16. Zweitveröffentlichung des Beitrags aus HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54 (2017).
- Till Winkler; Matthias Trier: Enterprise Social Networks: Neue Tools für das Informationsund Wissensmanagement, in Innovationsforum der Daimler und Benz Stiftung 2017
- Ulrike Baumöl; Alina Bockshecker; Christian Grawe: Entscheidungsunterstützung für eine effiziente Informationslogistik , in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 29 (2017) 5, S. 4-11
- Björn Binzer; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A. : Is There Any Difference? Investigating Individuals’ Perceptions on Donating Blood, Organs and Genomic Data, in Proceedings of the 2017 AIS SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop, Seoul, South Korea
- Sabine Khalil; Till Winkler; Xiao Xiao: Two Tales of Technology: Business and IT Managers’ Technological Frames Related to Cloud Computing, in 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2017
- Ulrike Baumöl; Christian Grawe: Business Analytics als Herausforderung für das IT-Business Management, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 28 (2016) 8/9, S. 465-471.
- Christopher Hahn; Jan Huntgeburth; Till Winkler; Ruediger Zarnekow: Business and IT Capabilities for Cloud Platform Success, in International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2016
- Christian Grawe: Die betriebswirtschaftliche Abbildung von Innovationsprojekten, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 28 (2016) 2, S. 133-135
- Christian Grawe; Ulrike Baumöl: Fachbuchtest: Bilanzanalyse von Fußballvereinen, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 28 (2016) 7, S. 443-444.
- Till Winkler: How to Make a Business-Focused IT Strategy while Ensuring Operational Stability: Arla Foods, in Cases on IT Leadership: CIO Challenges for Innovation and Keeping the Lights on, Samfundslitteratur, 2016
- Nele Lüker; Till Winkler; Thomas Kude: IT Consumerization and Compliant Use: Do Policies Matter?, in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2016
- Nele Lüker; Till Winkler; Thomas Kude: IT Consumerization and Compliant Use: Do Policies Matter?, in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2016
- Petteri Kettunen; Till Winkler: Not at all Ambidextrous: Industrialized Business/IT Transformation at UPM, in International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2016
- Christian Grawe; Anna Kourotchkina: Potentials and possibilities of using social media by universities – the case of Facebook used by the University of Hagen, in Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Proceedings of Global Learn, Limerick, Ireland (2016), S. 21-27.
- Christian Grawe: Smart Factory, in Zeitschrift für Controlling, 28 (2016) 6, S. 362-363.
- Till Winkler; Pinar Ozturk; Carol V Brown: Sustainability Strategies for Regional Health Information Organization Startups, in Health Policy and Technology, 2016
- Jochen Wulf; Till Winkler; Walter Brenner: Measuring IT Service Management Capability: Scale Development and Empirical Validation, in 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrück 2015
- Till Winkler; Marko Sarstedt; Marian Keil; Paul Rost: Selfsurvey. org: A Platform for Prediction-Based Benchmarking and Feedback-Enabled Survey Research, in 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, 2015
- Till Winkler; Alexander Benlian; Marc Piper; Henry Hirsch: Bayer Healthcare Delivers a Dose of Reality for Cloud Payoff Mantras in Multinationals., in MIS Quarterly Executive 2014
- Till Winkler; Alexander Benlian; M Piper; H Hirsch: Demystifying Cloud Payoff Truisms in Multinationals: The Case at Bayer HealthCare, in Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law, Institute for Business Studies (BWL), 2014
- Till Winkler: Information Technology Governance and Innovation Adoption in Varying Organizational Contexts: Mobile Government and Software as a Service: Dissertation Paper, in Humboldt Universität, 2014
- Carol Brown; Tina Blegind Jensen; Till Winkler; Margun Aanestad; Wendy Currie; Federico Pigni; Yuval Shahar: Leveraging digital innovation in healthcare: harnessing big data, cloud and mobile computing for better health, in 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv 2014
- Till Winkler; Carol V Brown: Organizing and Configuring the IT Function, in Computing Handbook: Information Systems and Information Technology, 2014
- Till Winkler: The Impact of Software as a Service, in Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universität Potsdam, 2014
- Till Winkler; Carol V Brown; Pinar Ozturk: The Interplay of Top-Down and Bottom-Up: Approaches for Achieving Sustainable Health Information Exchange, in 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv 2014
- Till Winkler; Jochen Wulf; Walter Brenner: The Relevance of IT Service Management Maturity for IT Alignment and its Strategy and Organization Size Contigencies, in Association for Information Systems, 2014
- Till Winkler; Jochen Wulf; Walter Brenner: Exploring the Effect of ITIL Process Maturity on IT Alignment and the Moderating Role of Context, in 2013
- Till Winkler; Carol V Brown: Horizontal allocation of decision rights for on-premise applications and software-as-a-service, in Journal of Management Information Systems, 2013
- Till Winkler: IT Governance Mechanisms and Administration/IT Alignment in the Public Sector: A Conceptual Model and Case Validation, in 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2013
- Till Winkler; Carol V Brown; Pinar Ozturk: Sustainability of Health Information Exchange beyond HITECH: Comparing the Evolutionary Paths in Two Contiguous States, in 2013
- Paul R Schalow; Till Winkler; Jonas Repschlaeger; Ruediger Zarnekow: The blurring boundaries of work-related and personal media use: A grounded theory study on the employee's perspective, in Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, 2013
- Till J Winkler; Oliver Günther: Explaining the Governance of Software as a Service Applications: A Process View, in Multikonferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2012 Proceedings
- Christopher Hahn; Till Winkler; Fabian Friedrich; Gerrit Tamm; Konstantin Petruch: How to Choose the Right BPM Tool: A Maturity-Centric Decision Framework with a Case Evaluation in the European Market, in Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2012
- Till Winkler: Information Technology Governance and Innovation Adoption in Varying Organizational Contexts: Mobile Government and Software as a Service, in Humboldt Universität, 2012
- Till Winkler; Christoph Goebel; Francis Bidault; Oliver Günther: Information Technology and Business Practices in Germany: Results from the 2011 BIT Survey, in UCLA Anderson Business & Information Technologies, 2012
- Till Winkler; Alexander Benlian; O Günther: Institutional Influences in Individual-level Innovation Adoption outside Organizational Contexts: a Scale Development Study, in Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law, Institute for Business Studies (BWL), 2012
- Till Winkler; Holger Ziekow; Martin Weinberg: Municipal benefits of participatory urban sensing: A simulation approach and case validation, in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2012
- Jochen Wulf; Till Winkler; Walter Brenner: Organisationsgestaltung der Demand-IT, in Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2012
- Basar, Bilsen; Baumöl, Ulrike: Outsourcing, in Zeitschrift Controlling, 7 (2012), S. 392-394.
- Till Winkler; Henry Hirsch; Guillaume Trouvilliez; Oliver Günther: Participatory Urban Sensing: Citizens' Acceptance of a Mobile Reporting Service, in The 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2012
- Till Winkler; Oliver Günther: Participatory Urban Sensing: Citizens' Acceptance of a Mobile Reporting Service , in 2012
- Till Winkler; Alexander Benlian: The Dual Role of IS Specificity in Governing Software as a Service, in The 33rd International Conference on Information System (ICIS), 2012
- Till Winkler: Transforming Municipalities: Drivers, inhibitors and Strategies in Mobile Government Diffusion, in Transformational Government Through EGov Practice: Socio-Economic, Cultural, and Technological Issues, 2012
- Till Winkler; Peter Ernst: Innovationen im Mobile Government–Eine Analyse von Dienstattraktivitäten und Motivationen von deutschen Kommunen, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI, 2011
- Till Winkler: Kommunale Mobilmachung: Innovationen im M-Government, in Bundes-Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kommunalen IT-Dienstleister e.V, 2011
- Till Winkler; Christoph Goebel; Alexander Benlian; Francis Bidault; Oliver Günther: The Impact of Software as a Service on IS Authority: A Contingency Perspective, in 32nd International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, 2011
- Till Winkler; Natalia Lvova; Oliver Günther: Towards Transformational IT Governance: The Case of Mobile Government Adoption, in 19st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2011
- Till Winkler; Christoph Göbel; Alexander Benlian; Francis Bidault; Oliver Günther: Who Governs the Cloud? The Impact of Software as a Service on IS Authority–A Contingency Perspective, in Publications of Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Business Studies (BWL), 2011
- Bilsen Basar: Cloud Computing, in Zeitschrift Controlling, 22. Jahrgang, Heft 6, Juli 2010, S. 414-416.
- Baumöl, Ulrike; Georgi, Sandro; Ickler, Henrik; Jung, Reinhard: Leistungsorientierte Steuerung der Informationsversorgung im Rahmen der Qualitätssicherung in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken, in Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM), January 5-8, 2009, Computer Society Press, 2009 (10 pages).
- Meschke, Martina ; Jung, Reinhard: Leistungsorientierte Steuerung der Informationsversorgung im Rahmen der Qualitätssicherung in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken, in Hansen, H., Karagiannis, D., Fill, H. (Hrsg.): Business Services: Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen; Proceedings der 9. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Band 1, Wien, 25.02.2009, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien, 246, 2009, S. 525-534.
- Ickler, Henrik ; Schülke, Sarah; Wilfling, Sabine; Baumöl, Ulrike: New Challenges in E-Commerce: How Social Commerce Influences the Customer Process, in Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology, NCCIT 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, May 22-23, 2009, S. 51-57.
- Till Winkler; Valentin Schöndienst; Gerrit Tamm: Wireless City Berlin: solutions for a Smarter City, in Wireless Communication and Information, 2009
- : Wireless City Initiatives in Europe±Towards a Service-Oriented Approach, in Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce: Proceedings of TAMoCo, 2009
- Till Winkler; Jochen Haller; H Gimpel; C Weinhardt: Trust indicator modeling for a reputation service in virtual organizations, in the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2006
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