
Closing the IT Development-Operations Gap: The DevOps Knowledge Sharing Framework
Pia Arentoft Nielsen
Till Winkler
Jacob Nørbjerg
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Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2017 pre-BIR Forum, Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, 2017

Although DevOps has been heralded as a novel paradigm to overcome the traditional boundaries between IT Development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops) teams, many IT organizations lack guidance on how to implement this paradigm in practice. This design research provides a framework that can aid organizations assess not only their status in fulfilling recommended DevOps principles, practices and tool use―given the central role of knowledge sharing in software delivery, our framework also includes required knowledge conversion between Dev and Ops teams by building on the dimensions of the widely recognized SECI model [1]. We evaluated the proposed DevOps knowledge-sharing framework (DOKS) in the context of a small IT service firm and a large financial services company. Our findings provide that the DOKS framework can help organisations by sensitizing the two teams’ awareness for crucial DevOps elements. Moreover, we discuss how DevOps implementation approaches may differ between smaller and larger IT organizations.
