
Transforming the IT Landscape: Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Career Transitions
Kristina Kusanke
Jennifer Kendziorra
Sam Zaza
Till Winkler
erschienen in:
Proceedings of the 2024 Computers and People Research Conference

The information technology (IT) industry is facing a paradoxical situation marked by rapid growth on the one hand and a severe shortage of skilled digital talent on the other [6]. This dichotomy underscores the urgent need for innovative interventions to address this sector’s educational and skills gap and to meet the growing demand for IT professionals. A pivotal solution to this challenge is career transition and reskilling, where individuals intentionally shift into IT from other professional backgrounds [3]. Although the concept of career change has been recognized in practice, academic research in information systems to date has focused primarily on the retention and turnover intentions of IT professionals rather than career transitions of non-IT professionals into the IT industry [8] and thus has only recently begun to scrutinize career change as a method to mitigate the IT skills shortage (eg,[4]). While these initial …

Lehrstuhl Winkler | 22.07.2024