
A Primer on Decision Rights in Information Systems: Review and Recommendations
Till Winkler
Michael Wessel
39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco 2018

The decision rights construct deserves increasing attention in the Information Systems (IS) field, yet integrative knowledge is sparse. This review first establishes two key distinctions from managerial theory regarding decision rights classes (decision input, control, and management) and manifestations (formal versus practiced) and then analyzes the current state of the IS literature based on 53 articles published in nine leading IS outlets between 1992 and 2018. Our review identifies six themes of IS research that have used the decision rights construct on various levels, with differing conceptualizations, and in different nomological roles. We find that the majority of studies mix decision control with decision management rights (38%) and focus on formal manifestations only (68%). We close by putting forward five recommendations, arguing that a more nuanced conceptualization of decision rights will aid future IS research in addressing contemporary IS phenomena.
