
Goal-stable programming in multi-criteria online scheduling
Markus Hilbert*
Andreas Dellnitz
Andreas Kleine
Wissenschaftliche Vorträge
Anwendungen des Operations Research
International Conference on Operations Research 2024, 5. Sept. 2024, Technical University of Munich.

In a time-dynamic setting, job schedules must be continuously reevaluated and possibly adjusted, for instance, in response to changing priorities triggered by significant customer orders. This situation becomes even more challenging in a multi-criteria context where the attainment of multiple conflicting objectives must be managed over a certain time horizon. This is because each scheduling/rescheduling time-step involves calculating multiple efficient solutions, namely optimal schedules, from which one must select a solution for further execution within the planning horizon. In doing so, the selection process should not only be backward-looking but also forward-looking, in order to maintain planning flexibility and to uphold the attainability of desired targets in the future. To facilitate this in a decision-oriented manner, ensuring that overall performance goals are at least approximately achieved by the end of a planning horizon, this presentation discusses the concept of goal-stable programming and its applicability in the context of multi-criteria online scheduling.
