Scholars at Risk

The FernUniversität is committed to helping researchers and scientists whose academic freedom is at risk and who are unable to work in their home countries due to the risk of persecution.

The International Office advises and networks university staff who are interested in supporting colleagues at risk and also provides useful help in submitting applications to funding organizations that provide support to help affected scientists fund stays at German universities.

Two people shaking hands Photo: Photo: FernUniversität/Nenov/GettyImages

Are you a victim of the war in Ukraine and would like to find out more about possible perspectives and support structures at the FernUniversität. Or would you like to offer support yourself?

More information


Scholars at Risk Network

Scholars at Risk logo

The Scholars at Risk comprises more than 500 higher education institutions from 38 countries around the world that advocate for threatened and vulnerable scholars.

The FernUniversität in Hagen joined the global Scholars at Risk network in October 2019. Through its membership of this network, the FernUniversität in Hagen is asserting its support for the fundamental values of academic freedom and expresses its solidarity with persecuted academics worldwide.

Scholars at Risk Germany Section

Remote Affiliation

Not all scholars at risk have the opportunity to leave their home country to continue their research activities as a visiting academic at a university abroad. This may be down to a number of different reasons, including official travel restrictions or other limitations, but the current COVID-19 crisis is also preventing many vulnerable scientists from traveling. In the context of a remote affiliation, they can, with the support of a host faculty,

  • be allotted a guest account at the FernUniversität as well as access to the online services of the University Library
  • publish within the scope of their affiliation with the FernUniversität
  • exchange ideas with academics at the FernUniversität, network and, if necessary, establish additional contacts in the academic world.

Remote affiliation thus offers a fast and flexible way to contribute to scientific freedom and support for academics who are otherwise isolated from the scientific community.

Further information and funding opportunities


Desirée Kampmeier

Email: desiree.kampmeier

Phone: +49 2331 987-2478

International | 26.06.2024