Internationalization Fund


The aim of our Internationalization Fund is to create incentives that support innovative projects with our international partners and, in so doing, to further the ongoing internationalization of the FernUniversität in a dynamic and targeted manner.

  • Individual projects, such as the conception and implementation of international summer schools, colloquia, or workshops with international partners can be funded at up to €10,000.
  • Institutionalized projects with international partners in the context of third-party funding can apply for up to €25,000 of additional funds (e.g., co-financing of a project-based job (25%)). Decisions on the funding are made by the University Board.
  • The amount of funding depends on the respective project structure. The funding period corresponds to the project duration and is limited to a maximum of three years (for project-based jobs). Applications can be submitted only once per project initiative.
  • Preference will be given to projects with existing partner universities. You should outline the strategic relevance of the project in your application.

Are you interested? If so, please send your completed application including a short project description highlighting the strategic added value for the university to international.

We look forward to hearing from you and we are always happy to advise you!

Application form (PDF 276 KB, German)

Desirée Kampmeier

Email: desiree.kampmeier

Phone: +49 2331 987-2478

International Office | 26.06.2024