Free Mover

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Would you like to go abroad or study at a foreign university, but there is no suitable cooperation or partner university for your degree program? Then you can apply for a semester abroad independently as a so-called "Free Mover". You can do this in the traditional on-campus format or virtually. We recommend the following steps:


Step 1: Selecting the host university

Choose a host university that meets your expectations. Check which degree program and, in particular, which course or module is suitable for your semester abroad. It is important to ensure a good fit with your degree program so that the content you have completed abroad can be credited after your return. The content and scope of the course content abroad should be comparable to that which you would like to replace in your home degree program.

Virtual study abroad

If you would like to complete your distance learning course for a semester at a foreign university, the cooperation network of European distance learning universities is a good option. Please note that each institution has its own teaching/learning system or examination system, which may be slightly different from that of the FernUniversität.


Step 2: Making contact

Once you have found a suitable host university and subject area, contact them to enquire whether you can enrol as a free mover in the desired course. The right contacts can be either the International Office, course supervisors or lecturers. If the response is positive, you can enrol in the course in accordance with the requirements. Please note that you may have to pay tuition or administration fees as a free mover (see financing options).


Step 3: Crediting

If you would like to have the semester abroad credited to your home degree program, you should contact your faculty's examination office in good time. There you can check whether you can have the credits earned abroad recognized in your home degree program. It is recommended that you have the recognition of your academic achievements confirmed in a Learning Agreement. It may also be advisable to take a leave of absence from your home degree program during your semester abroad. After your return and completion of the semester, you can submit the transcript of records and an application for credit transfer to the Examination Office.


Financing options

Obtaining funding for a stay abroad outside of an existing cooperation is usually difficult. Nevertheless, it can be worth finding out about various options.

International Office | 26.06.2024