Inclusion – Special Funding for Students and University Staff

Photo: Robert Kneschke/Adobe Stock

Support via the Erasmus+ program

Inclusion and equal opportunities for potential funding recipients is a key concern of the Erasmus+ program. Students and university staff with disabilities have the possibility to receive additional funding for additional costs caused by their stay abroad.

Equal treatment and equal opportunities

All higher education institutions that sign the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) are committed to providing equal access and equivalent opportunities to all grantees.

Additional funding: Erasmus+ special grant

Funding recipients with disabilities, chronic illness, and children can apply for an Erasmus+ Special Grant in addition to their regular Erasmus+ Mobility Grant for study or internship stays or for teaching or training stays abroad.

When you are preparing for your Erasmus+ stay, please inform us about your situation and try to estimate any additional costs you are likely to incur during your Erasmus+ mobility or while in the host country.

What are your needs?

Do you need barrier-free accommodation, travel assistance, medical care abroad, specially adapted learning materials, an accompanying person, etc.?

Depending on your additional financial needs, you can apply for a one-time grant or submit a personal application (Realkostenantrag) for additional funds up to a maximum of 15,000 euros (per semester). To apply for these additional costs, please contact the International Office. We will work out the application with you and then submit it to the NA DAAD.

Further information

General information can be found on the NA DAAD website.

You can also take a look at, an online platform containing information on inclusion and additional mobility support.


DAAD funding opportunities for participants with disabilities and students with children

Daad LogoLogo: DAAD

For the new program generation (2021–2027), the group of students with fewer opportunities includes students and graduates with a degree of disability of 20% or more, students and graduates with a chronic illness that results in additional financial needs abroad, students and graduates who are studying abroad with children, students and graduates from non-academic backgrounds, and employed students and graduates.

Students and graduates in this group are eligible for a top-up (see below). In addition, participants (students and university staff) with an assessed degree of disability of 20% or more and participants (students and university staff) with a chronic illness from which an additional financial need abroad arises have the option to apply for a subsidy to cover the actual additional costs of the trip abroad up to 15,000 euros per semester and up to 30,000 euros per year within the framework of a more comprehensive application (Langantrag).

For more information on funding opportunities, see the DAAD website (in German only).

  • The top-up for interns for visits to program countries remains unchanged and amounts to 150 euros per month.

  • For students and graduates with fewer opportunities, a top-up of 250 euros/month can be paid in the 2021–2027 program for trips to program countries and exchanges between program and partner countries. Since 2021, this applies to students and graduates going abroad with a child and to students and graduates with an assessed degree of disability of 20% or a chronic illness resulting in additional financial needs abroad. In 2022, the target group was expanded to include two additional groups. For the first time, students and graduates from non-academic homes (first-time academics) and employed students are also included.

    Please note the top-ups for short-term stays: a one-time payment of 100 euros for 5–14 days or 150 euros for a stay of 15–30 days.


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International Office

Email: international

Phone: +49 2331 987-4245

The staff in the International Office will be happy to answer your questions and help you with your application for additional funding.

International | 26.06.2024