Current Calls

Calls for Proposals and DAAD Project Funding

As part of the DAAD’s calls for proposals, funding is available for international projects in a variety of programs. For your convenience, we have listed the most important programs below.

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) – Research scholarship

    With the JSPS research fellowship, you can carry out your personal research project in Japan. You will cooperate with a qualified academic host selected by yourself.
    Applications are open three times a year to postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines whose doctorate must not have been awarded more than 6 years ago on April 1 of the fiscal year in which the scholarship is taken up.

    Duration of funding: 12 to 24 months
    Application deadlines: June, October, February of each year
    Link to the call for applications: Further information on the Humboldt Foundation's program page

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • "Sustainability for, by and against everyone! – Can it be done democratically?"

    At the end of November, the DAAD/TU Berlin is offering a one-week course in Rio de Janeiro.
    There are 22 travel scholarships available for international alumni of German universities, which are open to all interested parties. Almost all travel/hotel/meal costs for the participants will be covered by a DAAD scholarship. The requirements are that the participants a) speak German at B2 level and b) are international alumni who have studied at a German university for at least 3 months or have worked at a university in Germany and c) now live outside Germany.

    The course "Sustainability for, by and against everyone! – Can it be done democratically?" is an further education offer for international alumni of german universities. The course will be conducted in German. All further information are given on the German website.

    Online: 05.11.2024 + 28.01.2025 – 14:00 - 16:00 MEZ
    On-campus Rio de Janeiro: 25. – 29.11.2024 – 09:00 - 17:00

    Application deadline: 24. June 2024

    Please find further informations:
    Link for application
    Contact the TU-Berlin:

  • DAAD Call for Applications 2024/2025

    Above-average qualified postdocs from all disciplines who have completed their doctorate with very good results before the start of funding and who see their long-term professional career in Germany can now apply for the PRIME funding program. The application is independent of nationality and current place of residence. However, depending on nationality and place of residence, there may be restrictions on the choice of destination country for the stay abroad.

    Application deadline: August 30, 2024
    Portal opening:
    May 13, 2024
    Selection: February 2025
    Start of funding: June 1, 2025 – November 1, 2025
    Call for proposal and more information

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • The programme’s short and medium-term goals are to structurally improve teaching, research and higher education management at the partner institutions, to stabilise existing cooperation structures among the higher education institutions involved, and to establish new structures in a sustainable manner.

    Funding is provided for the development and revision of teaching/learning materials relevant to the implementation of the project, the organization of events, further and advanced training and project-related visits; the realization of target group-oriented public relations work and the implementation of relevant research.

    Application deadline: 28.06.2024
    Call for proposal: DAAD website (German)
    Please find more information about the SDG Program

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • The program offers university lecturers and experienced researchers the opportunity to network with colleagues and exchange experiences during a short research stay.

    Application deadline: 15.07.2024
    Call for proposal: DAAD website (German)

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • The aim is to substantially increase the quantity and quality of stays in Germany by SP/DL scholarship holders and to provide further training for Master's and doctoral students on specialist and interdisciplinary topics.
    Funding is provided for continuing education programs, usually lasting a total of four weeks, for scholarship holders (master's and doctoral students) of the SP/DL program from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

    Application deadline: 15.07.2024
    Call for proposal: DAAD website (German)

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • Institutional Partnerships Worldwide (GIP) programme uses Federal Foreign Office funds to promote cooperation between institutes that offer German studies and/or German as a foreign language at German higher education institutions and at their partner institutes abroad.

    The long-term impacts are, firstly, for cross-regional partnerships between German and one or more foreign institutions to be established and for higher education institutions in Germany to intensify relations with their partner regions, thereby forming networks. Furthermore, the programme aims to support the maintenance and expansion of the teaching of German language and culture in the target regions and promote the development of innovative, demand-oriented and socially relevant formats in research and teaching.

    The programme also aims to contribute to increasing the appeal of the subject of German Studies and German in other countries. Finally, German Language, Literature and Culture: Institutional Partnerships (GIP) seek to contribute to the communication of language, culture and literature from Germany to other countries and promote cultural exchange.
    The following programme objectives (outcomes) are derived from these impacts:

    • Partner institutes offer practically oriented and socially relevant degree programmes that meet local needs and reflect the academic state of the art.
    • In the field of German Studies / German as a Foreign Language (DaF), contemporary content is researched using current and innovative research methods and taught according to current didactic standards.
    • Joint research/teaching projects are pursued and/or publications are produced.
    • Doctoral candidates successfully complete their doctorates at the partner institutes abroad and in Germany.

    Application deadline: 12.08.2024
    Call for proposal: DAAD website (German)

    Contact the International Office for more information: Desirée Kampmeier

  • The aim of the program is to initiate or intensify binational partnership research activities between a German and a foreign university or research institution by promoting mobility and short-term stays for exchange at participating partner institutions for research purposes.

    For the purposes of these programs, young academics are defined as junior researchers currently completing their doctorate degree as well as academics at the outset of their academic careers who completed their doctorate no more than five years ago.

    Application deadline: country-specific requirements
    Call for proposal: DAAD website

International Office | 26.06.2024