- Titel:
- A note and new extensions on “interval efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis with imprecise data”
- AutorInnen:
Bohlool Ebrahimi
Madjid Tavana
Vincent Charles
- Kategorie:
- Gesamtverzeichnis
- Forschungsthema:
- Data Envelopment Analysis
- Operational Research, 21 (2021) 2719 – 2737.
- Abstract:
This paper deals with imprecise data in data envelopment analysis (DEA). We construct a new pair of mathematical programming models by using the concepts of ‘inf’ and ‘sup’ to calculate the exact values of the lower- and upper-bound efficiency scores in the presence of interval and ordinal data. The method proposed in this study is motivated by the approach introduced by Kao (Eur J Oper Res 174(2):1087–1099, 2006) where a pair of two-level mathematical DEA models are converted into linear programming (LP) models to calculate the lower- and upper-bound efficiency scores in the presence of pure ordinal data. We show that the LP model proposed by Kao (2006) for finding the lower-bound efficiency score yields the upper-bound efficiency score. We propose an improved model that overcomes this drawback and successfully calculates the lower- and upper-bound efficiency scores. We demonstrate the applicability of our models with a numerical example and exhibit its efficiency through comparison with Kao’s (2006) approach.
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