Prof. Dr. Guillermo Wilde

Gastwissenschaftler Sommer/Herbst 2020


Guillermo Wilde is senior researcher at the Argentinian National Scientific Council and full Professor at National University of San Martin (Buenos Aires). He obtained his Doctoral degree in Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires (2003). Author of the book Religión y Poder en las misiones guaraníes (2009), awarded the Latin American Association Studies Premio Iberoamericano Book Award (Toronto, 2010), editor of the collection Saberes de la conversion (2011), and author of numerous articles on indigenous history, colonial art and music, Iberian borderlands, Catholic Missions of Colonial Latin America and religious conversion in comparative perspective. Wilde has been fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), the National Museum of Ethnology (Japan), the Fulbright Comission, Brown University, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (USA), and the British Council (UK), among other institutions. He has also been visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the University of Paris-Sorbonne. From July 2020 until September 2020, he is visiting professor at the FernUniversität in Hagen with a project on local rules of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay as an example for a global circulation of early modern knowledge (together with Fabian Fechner and Fabián R. Vega).

Recent Publications include

  • “Jesuit and Indigenous Subjects in the Global Culture of Letters. Production, Circulation and Adaptation of Missionary Texts in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century”. Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization: 207-239. More, Anna; Rachel O´Toole & Ivonne del Valle (eds.). Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2020.
  • “Regímenes de memoria misional: formas visuales emergentes en las reducciones jesuíٌticas de América del Sur”. Colonial Latin American Review 28, núm. 1 (2019): 10–36.
  • “Missions’ Past and the idea of return, between history and memory”. The Oxford Handbook of the Jesuits, pp. 1004-1035. Zupanov, Ines (ed.). Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • “Writing Rites in the Borderlands: Appropriation, Mimesis and Interaction between Jesuits and Indians in Colonial South America”. The Rites Controversy in the Early Modern World: 267-300. Ines G. Zupanov and Pierre-Antoine Fabre (eds.). Leiden: Brill, 2019.
  • “Missionary Frontiers in Colonial South America: Impositions, Adaptations, and Appropriations”. The Oxford Handbook of Borderlands of the Iberian World: 545-567. Radding, Cynthia and Danna Levin Rojo (Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • “Jesuit Missions and the Guarani Ethnogenesis: Political Interactions, Indigenous Actors, and Regional Networks on the Southern Frontier of the Iberian Empires”. Big Water: The making of the Borderlands between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, pp. 54-77. Jacob Blanc and Frederico Freitas (eds.). Foreword by Zephyr Frank.Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2018.


Vortrag im Forschungskolloquium des Historischen Instituts am 07.07.2020

Karin Gockel | 28.01.2025