PD Dr. Carsten D. Schultz

E-Mail: Carsten.Schultz
Telefon: +49 2331 987-2617
Fax: +49 2331 987-2188
Raum: B 10, 4. Etage, Gebäude 3
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- Montag 09:00 - 10:00 Uhr
- Modul 31631 Marktforschung und Käuferverhalten, Einheit 2: Methoden der Datenanalyse in der Marktforschung
- Modul 31991 Handelsmarketing, Electronic Commerce und Digital Marketing, Einheit 3: Electronic Commerce und Digital Marketing
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- Dr. Carsten D. Schultz, Jahrgang 1979, schloss sein wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 2005 als Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker ab.
- Von 2003 bis 2004 absolvierte er ein Auslandsstudium an der Universität Skövde in Schweden, welches er mit dem akademischen Grad Master of Science mit Schwerpunkt Computer Science abschloss.
- Von 2005 bis 2018 arbeitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, der FernUniversität in Hagen.
- Im Jahr 2012 wurde er dort zum Dr. rer. pol. mit dem Thema ,Suchmaschinenwerbung – Zur ökonomischen Wirkung der Steuerungsinstrumente unter Berücksichtigung der gleichzeitigen Schaltung von Zeitungsanzeigen‘ promoviert.
- Seit Juli 2018 ist er als akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, tätig.
Im Jahr 2021 Habilitation und Verleihung der Venia Legendi für das Fachgebiet "Betriebswirtschaftslehre" durch die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der FernUniversität in Hagen. Der Titel der kumulativen Habilitationsschrift lautet "Instrumente des Online-Marketing - Theoretischer Forschungsrahmen und ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse".
Preise und Auszeichnungen
- Best Reviewer Awards der International Communication Management Conference (ICMC) 2025, MICA, Gujarat India.
- Best Paper Award auf der 15. European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference für den Beitrag „Cognitive und Social Bias in Voice Commerce“, in Lissabon, Portugal, gemeinsam mit G. Rancati und M. Mauri.
- Elsevier Prize for Most Innovative Paper auf der 30. Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference für den Beitrag „Cashierless systems in stationary retailing”, Caleta de Fuste, Spain, zusammen mit F. Paetz.
- Best Paper Award in the “Digital and Social Media Marketing” Track der 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference für den Beitrag “Time Effects in Attribution Modeling”, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, gemeinsam mit C. Koch, R. Olbrich und P. Brüggemann.
- Best Paper Runner Up auf der vierten International Conference on Digital Marketing & eCommerce (DMeC) Conference 2023 für den Beitrag „Advertising Value of Podcast Advertising“, Barcelona, Spain.
- Best Poster Award auf der 13th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference 2022 für den Beitrag „Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers’ Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping“, Kaunas, Lithuania, gemeinsam mit P. Brüggemann.
- Best Innovation Paper auf der International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2022 für den Beitrag „Advertising Value of Gaming Influencers“, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
- Best Paper Runner Up auf der International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2016 für den Beitrag „Driving likes, comments, and shares on social networking sites: how post characteristics affect brand interactions in apparel retailing“, Suwon, Republic of Korea.
- Best Paper Award auf der Southern Association for Information Systems Conference 2008 für den Beitrag „The Effect of Brand on the Evaluation of IT System Performance“, Richmond, UA, USA, gemeinsam mit B. J. Jansen und M. Zhang.
- Electronic Commerce
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Innovation
- Schultz, C. D. 2025: Typology of trust in micro-health and fitness influencers, in: Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 42, 2025, No. 2, pp. 223-239 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JCM-08-2024-7087.
- Schultz, C. D./Zacheus, P. 2025: Smart Shopping Carts in Food Retailing: Innovative Technology and Shopping Experience in Stationary Retail, in: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 24, 2025, No. 1 pp. 436-454.
- Paetz, F./Schultz, C. D. 2025: Smart product brands – The interrelation of smart products and buyer personality traits, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 84, 2025, article 104220.
- Rancati, G./Bartolotta, S./Mauri, M./Schultz, C. D./Chirico, A./Gaggioli, A. 2024: Young Customer Responses to Service Robots vs. Humans in Luxury Retail: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Marketing ZFP, in: Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 46, 2024, No. 2, pp. 3–19.
- Schultz, C. D./Koch, C./Olbrich, R. 2024: Dark sides of artificial intelligence: The dangers of automated decision-making in search engine advertising, in: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 75, 2024, No. 5, pp. 550-566.
- Schultz, C. D./Kumar, H. 2024: ARvolution: Decoding consumer motivation and value dimensions in augmented reality, in: Journal of Retailing und Consumer Services, Vol. 78, 2024, article no. 103701.
- Koch, C./Schultz, C. D./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P. 2024: Time Effects in Attribution Modeling, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024.
- Kaiser, S./Schultz, C. D. 2024: Consumer Value Dimensions in Mobile and Voice Commerce, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Martinez, Luis F./Brüggemann, P. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Fifth International Conference, Springer, Cham, 26.-28.06.2024, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 171-178.
- Rancati, G./Nguyen, T. T. T./Fowler, D./Mauri, M./Schultz, C. D. 2024: Customer Experience in Coffee Stores: A Multidisciplinary Neuromarketing Approach, in: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 23, 2024, No. 1, pp. 243-259. https://doi.org/10.1002/cb.2184.
- Schultz, C. D. 2023: Advertising Value of Podcast Advertising, in: Martínez-López, F. J. (Ed.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce – Fourth International Conference, Springer, Cham, 28.-29.06.2023, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 62-69.
- Schultz, C. D./Paetz, F. 2023: Trust in Me! Trust as an Antecedent of Successful Voice Commerce. Marketing ZFP, in: Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 45, 2023, No. 2, pp. 4-21.
- Schultz, C. D./Paetz, F. 2023: Nutzerpräferenzen für Markierungen digitaler Sprachassistenten: Eine wettbewerbsbasierte Diskussion, in: Gerth, S./Heim, L. (Hrsg.) Entrepreneurship der Zukunft: Voraussetzung, Implementierung und Anwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz im Rahmen datenbasierter Geschäftsmodelle, S. 345-370.
- Schultz, C. D./Gorlas, B. 2023: Magic Mirror on the Wall – Cross-Buying at the Point of Sale, in: Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 23, 2023, No. 3, pp. 1677-1700. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-023-09687-4.
- Schultz, C. D./Kumar, H./Brüggemann, P. 2023: Body Scan versus Environmental Scan in App and Web Augmented Reality – The Role of Privacy Concerns and Technology Anxiety, Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2023, Odense, Denmark.
- Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2023: Shift in National Brand and Private Label Shares with Households Commencing Online Grocery Shopping, in: Gázquez-Abad, J. C., Martínez-López, F. J., Gielens, K. (eds) Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing. NB&PL 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham, 119-126.
- Hussain, K./Abbasi, A. Z./Rasoolimanesh, S. M./Schultz, C. D./Ting, D. H./Ali, F. 2023: Local Food Consumption Values and Attitude Formation: The Moderating Effect of Food Neophilia and Neophobia, in: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. 6, 2023, No. 2, 464-491.
- Schultz, C. D./Rancati, G. 2022: The Voices We Hear – Gender and Voice in Technology Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants, in: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Academic Conference 2022, 10.-11.02.2022.
- Popp, B./Weyerhäuser, F./Schultz, C. D./Halberstadt, L. 2022: The Use of Voice Assistants for Online Shopping: Consumers’ Benefits and their Trust in and Identification with the Operator Brand. International Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 24.-27.05.2022, Budapest, Hungary.
- Papenhoff, H./Schultz, C. D./Welle, C. 2022: Answering the Buying Center – How Selling Centers Deal with current Challenges in the Sales Process, in: Westphal, J./Görne, J./Schmitz, C. (Hrsg.) Sales Enablement als Fundament des Vertriebserfolgs – Innovative Ansätze aus Theorie und Praxis zur Gestaltung erfolgreicher Kundenbeziehungen. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 193-215.
- Paetz, F./Schultz, C. D. 2022: Extraverts love Alexa, Neurotics adore Google: Personality as a Determinant for Smart Speaker Brand Preferences. International Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 24.-27.05.2022, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kruse, B. T./Schultz, C. D. 2022: Organizational Exit Strategies On Social Media Platforms, in: Tuten, T./Hanlon, A. Handbook of Digital Marketing and Social Media, pp. 388-402.
- Hussain, A./Abbasi, A./Hollebeek, L. D./Schultz, C. D./Ting, D. H./Wilson, B. 2022: Videogames-as-a-service: converting freemium- to paying-users through pop-up advertisement value, in: Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 36, 2022, No. 3, pp. 398-415.
- Hollebeek, L. D./Abbasi, A. Z./Schultz, C.D./Ting, D. H./Sigurdsson, V. 2022: Hedonic consumption experience in videogaming: A multidimensional perspective, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 65, 2022, article 102892.
- Gorlas, B./Schultz, C. D. 2022: Magic mirror: “You are the fairest of them all!” Cross-buying at the point of sale. In: Martínez-López, F. J./Martinez, L. F. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. Third International Conference 2022. Springer, Cham, 06.-30.06.2022, Barcelona, Spain, 131-139.
- Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2022: Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers’ Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, Proceedings of the 13th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional Conference, 21.-23.09.2022, Kaunas, Lithuania.
- Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2022: Hemmfaktoren bei der Nutzung von digitalen Sprachassistenten beim Einkauf von Lebensmitteln - Eine empirische Analyse von Datenschutzbedenken und Technologieangst, in: Transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 68. Jg., 2022, Nr. 2, S. 22-31.
- Abbasi, A. Z./Schultz, C. D./Ting, D. H./Ali, F. 2022: Advertising value of vlogs on destination visit intention: the mediating role of place attachment among Pakistani tourists, in: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Vol. 13, 2022, No. 5, pp. 816-834.
- Springer-Norden, M. R./Olbrich, R./Brüggemann, P./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Product Variety and Loyalty to National Brands – a Combined Measurement of Purchase Sequence and Coverage of Demand, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Eighth International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2021, pp. 1-11.
- Schultz, C. D./Brüggemann, P. 2021: Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping, International Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 25.-28.05.2021, Madrid, Spain. [pdf download]
- Schultz, C. D. 2021a: Digital Voice Assistants in Service Encounters. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference, 02.-04.06.2021.
- Schultz, C. D. 2021b: The Role of Trust and Perceived Risk in the Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants – A Comparison Shopping Perspective, 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 17.-19.02.2021, St. Pete Beach, Florida, United States of America.
- Papenhoff, H./Schultz, C. D./Welle, C. 2021: Answering the Buying Center – How Selling Centers Deal with current Challenges in the Sales Process, in: Sales Conference 2021, 25.02.2021, Bonn.
- Kruse, B. T./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Is Facebook Right for My Business Anymore? – Brand Disengagement on Social Media Platforms. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference, 02.-04.06.2021.
- Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2021: Effects of Distribution Channel Types and Determinants Influencing the Market Share of National Brands and Private Labels: An Abstract, Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, 01.-04.06.2021, New York, USA. [pdf download (PDF 70 KB)]
- Schultz, C. D. 2020c: The impact of ad positioning in search engine advertising – A multifaceted decision problem, in: Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 20, 2020, pp. 945–968.
- Schultz, C. D. 2020b: Forecasting Sales of Durable Goods – Does Search Data Help?, in: Archives of Data Science, Series A, Vol. 2, 2020, No. 2, angenommen.
- Schultz, C. D. 2020a: Informational, transactional, and navigational need of information: relevance of search intention in search engine advertising, in: Information Retrieval Journal, Vol. 23, 2020, No. 2, pp. 117-135.
- Nadeem, W./Khani, A.H./Schultz, C. D./Adam, N.A./Attar, R.W./Hajli, N. 2020: How Social Presence Drives Commitment and Loyalty with Online Brand Communities? The Role of Social Commerce Trust, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 55, 2020, article 102136.
- Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2020: Competition Between National Brands and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of National Brands, in: Martinez-Lopez, F. J./Gázquez-Abad, J. C./Breugelmans, E. (Eds.), Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing – Seventh International Conference, Springer International Publishing: Cham 2020, pp. 39-49.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D./Holsing, C. 2019: Electronic Commerce und Online-Marketing – Ein einführendes Lehr- und Übungsbuch, 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg 2019. Link zur Webseite zum Buch Electronic Commerce und Online-Marketing. [Buchinformation als pdf (PDF 198 KB)]
- Schultz, C. D. 2019: Declining the Use of Search Engine Advertising in Affiliate Marketing – Neglecting the Full Potential of a Business Model?, Proceedings of the 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 22.-24.02.2019, Austin, TX, USA.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D./Bormann, P. M. 2019: The effect of social media and advertising activities on affiliate marketing, in: International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Vol. 13, 2019, No. 1, pp. 47-72.
- Schultz, C. D. 2017: Proposing to Your Fans: Which Brand Post Characteristics Drive Consumer Engagement Activities on Social Media Brand Pages?, in: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 26, 2017, pp. 23-34.
- Schultz, C. D./Dellnitz, A. S. 2017: Attribution Modeling in Online Advertising, in: Yang, K.C.C. (ed.): Multi-platform advertising strategies in the global marketplace, pp. 226-249, Hershey, PA, USA.
- Schultz, C. D./Holsing, C. 2017: Differences across Device Usage in Search Engine Advertising, in: Yang, K.C.C. (ed.): Multi-platform advertising strategies in the global marketplace, pp. 250-279, Hershey, PA, USA.
- Holsing, C./Schultz, C. D. 2016: Do User-generated Social Shopping Website Features contribute to Website Aims?, in: Lee, I. (ed.): Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, pp. 551-562, Hershey, PA, USA 2016.
- Schultz, C. D. 2016d: Driving likes, comments, and shares on social networking sites: how post characteristics affect brand interactions in apparel retailing, in: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 17.-19.08.2016, Suwon, Republic of Korea. Best Paper Runner-Up.
- Schultz, C. D. 2016c: Insights from consumer interactions on a social networking site: Findings from six apparel retail brands, in: Electronic Markets, Vol. 26, 2016, No. 3, pp. 203-217.
- Schultz, C. D. 2016b: Do Web Site Visitors Vary in Their Search and Surf Behavior?, in: Lee, I. (ed.): Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, pp. 1582-1592, Hershey, PA, USA 2016.
- Schultz, C. D. 2016a: An Overview of Search Engine Advertising Research, in: Lee, I. (ed.): Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, pp. 310-328, Hershey, PA, USA 2016.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D./Holsing, C. 2015: Electronic Commerce und Online-Marketing – Ein einführendes Lehr- und Übungsbuch, Berlin, Heidelberg 2015. Link zur Webseite zum Buch Electronic Commerce und Online-Marketing. [Buchinformation als pdf (PDF 292 KB)]
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2014: Multichannel Advertising: Does Print Advertising Affect Search Engine Advertising?, in: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48, 2014, No. 9/10, pp. 1731-1756.
- Holsing, C./Schultz, C. D. 2013: Empirical Insights on the Effect of User-generated Website Features on Micro-Conversions, in: International Journal of E-Business Research, Special Issue on: Social Commerce: Development and Management, Vol. 9, 2013, No. 4, pp. 33-46.
- Holsing, C./Schultz, C. D. 2013: Association Rules in Web Usage Logfile Data – Empirical Insights into the Use of User-Generated Web Site Features, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 13.-15.08.2013, Turku, Finland.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2013: Klickbetrug – Ein immanentes Problem der Pay-per-Klick-Modelle, in: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 42. Jg., 2013, Heft 6, S. 333-336.
- Schultz, C. D. 2013: Ranking for the Top: A Misconception of Search Engine Advertisers, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 13.-15.08.2013, Turku, Finland.
- Schultz, C. D. 2012: Suchmaschinenwerbung – Zur ökonomischen Wirkung der Steuerungsinstrumente unter Berücksichtigung einer Werbestrategie in Zeitungen, in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe Marketing, Handel und Management, Band 12, Lohmar und Köln 2012. [Buchinformation als pdf (PDF 127 KB)]
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2010b: Suchmaschinenmarketing (PDF 645 KB), in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Berichte aus dem Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, Forschungsbericht Nr. 19, FernUniversität in Hagen 2010.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2010a: Mehrkanalstrategien zur Gewinnung von Neukunden – zur Wirkung eines parallelen Einsatzes von Printmedien und Suchmaschinenwerbung, in: Ahlert, D./Kenning, P./Olbrich, R./Schröder, H. (Hrsg.), Multichannel-Management, Jahrbuch Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement, Frankfurt am Main 2010, S. 203-225.
- Jansen, B. J./Zhang, M./Schultz, C. D. 2009: Brand and its Effect on User Perception of Search Engine Performance, in: Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences and Technology, Vol. 60, 2009, No. 8, pp. 1572-1595.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D./Voerste, A. 2009: Erste empirische Ergebnisse zum Qualitäts- und Preisbewußtsein der Konsumenten in einer Lebensmittelkrise – Konsequenzen für ein verbraucher- und wettbewerbspolitisches Leitbild, in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Jg. 2009, Heft 6, S. 621-640.
- Schultz, C. D. 2009: Suchmaschinenmarketing (PDF 179 KB), in: Lewandowski, D. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Internet-Suchmaschinen: Nutzerorientierung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, S. 70-98.
- Jansen, B. J./Zhang, M./Schultz, C. D. 2008: The Effect of Brand on the Evaluation of IT System Performance (PDF 156 KB). Proceedings of the Southern Association for Information Systems Conference, Richmond, VA, USA March 13th - 15th, 2008. Best Paper Award.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2008c: Search Engine Marketing and Click Fraud (PDF 321 KB), in: Olbrich, R. (Ed.), Research papers from the Chair of Marketing, Research Paper No. 5, FernUniversität in Hagen 2008.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2008b: Suchmaschinenmarketing und Klickbetrug (PDF 469 KB), in: Olbrich, R. (Hrsg.), Berichte aus dem Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, Forschungsbericht Nr. 16, FernUniversität in Hagen 2008.
- Olbrich, R./Schultz, C. D. 2008a: Suchmaschinenmarketing und Klickbetrug, in: Bortfeldt, A./Homberger, J./Kopfer, H./Pankratz, G./Strangmeier, R. (Hrsg.): Intelligente Entscheidungsunterstützung – Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, Festschrift für Hermann Gehring, Wiesbaden 2008, S. 255-271.
- Schultz, C. D. 2007: Consumer Trust in E-Commerce - An Analysis of Means Communicating Trustworthiness From a Buying Transaction Life Cycle Perspective, Hamburg 2007.
- Schultz, C. D. 2006: A Trust Framework Model for Situational Contexts (PDF 122 KB). Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) Conference 2006, October 30 - November 1, Markham, Ontario, Canada, pp. 402-409.