
Understanding State-Sanctioned Violence: Philosophical, Individual, and Political Perspectives
BA KSW: Modul 25205
MA GeEu: Module 26201, 26202, 26203, 26204, 26205, 26206, 26207, und alle interessierten Geschichtsstudierenden
Campus Hamburg
Amsinckstraße 57
20097 Hamburg
22.05.2025 bis
14 Uhr - 19 Uhr
9 Uhr - 18 Uhr
Dr. Aryna Dzmitryieva
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Auskunft erteilt:
Simone Balčys , E-Mail: public-sekretariat , Telefon: +49 2331 987-4774

Inhalt und Aufbau:

This seminar will investigate the definitions, causes, and consequences of violence within society, encompassing a variety of aspects. However, the scope of this seminar will be narrowed to the examination of state-sanctioned violence in non-war situations. The course will integrate readings from the social sciences, history, and theory to develop a comprehensive understanding of state violence.

This seminar will address three issues regarding the concept of violence, its microfoundations, and the political implications of violence.

1. The philosophical and historical definitions of violence

What constitutes violence and what qualifies it as political? This section will explore several theoretical texts on violence to provide a clear understanding of this notion.

2. Individuals and violence

What is the reason for "normal" individuals to indulge in collective violence and cause harm to others on behalf of their group? Although violent behavior is distressing, what enables individuals to participate in acts of violence?

3. Political regimes and police violence

Why states use violence for reaching their goals? What are strategic and normative explanations of state violence?


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LG Public History | 28.06.2024