Taras Nazaruk

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Hans Böckler Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe NFG026
- Since 2020: Head of Digital History Projects at the Center for Urban History in Lviv
- Since 2022: Project Coordinator of the Telegram Archive of the War at the Center for Urban History in Lviv
- Since 2016: Project Coordinator of the Lviv Interactive Project at the Center for Urban History in Lviv
- 2012-2014 MA in Communication Design at the University of Wroclaw
- 2011-2012 Specialist in Journalism at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- 2007-2011 BA in Journalism at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
- Digital Humanities and digital Storytelling
- Social Media Archiving
- Erinnerung an Gewaltereignisse History of the Soviet Cybernetics
Telegram Archive of the War link
Lviv Interactive. Selected Publications:
- Stalag 328, Mapping the History of Nazi POW camp in Lviv link
- Jewish City, History of the Community in Lviv link
- The Lviv Pogrom (1941). Spatial Context and Perpetrators of the Violence link
- Mapping Lviv Ghetto link
- Lwów / לעמבערג / Львів. A Story of Returns link
- Mapping Soundscape of Lviv during COVID-19 link
- Spring of Nations in Lviv link
- Kyiv Interactive link
- Imaginary Map of Literary Lviv link
- Modernism in Lviv link
Events Organized:
- 2023: The Most Documented War. Symposium for Documentation and Archiving Initiatives link
- 2022: Russia's War in Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Data Sprint with Telegram Archives link
- 2022: Digital Archiving: Challenges and Opportunities of Archiving Social Media Data In the Context of Crisis Events link
- 2022: EHRI Seminar “Documenting the War. Past and Present” link
- 2019: Digital Cultures. Lviv 2019 // Living Archives link
- 2019, 2021: Digital History Seminars link
- 2022: “Subscribe and Follow. Telegram and Responsive Archiving the War in Ukraine”. Sociologica, 16(2), 217–226. link
- 2022: “Preserving the now! Mediating Memories and Archiving Experiences in Ukraine” In: NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies. #Materiality, Jg. 11. by Shumylovych B., Makhanets O., Nazaruk T., Otrishchenko N., Brunow D. link
Submitted Manuscripts:
- “How should Platforms be archived? On Sustainable use Practices of a Telegram Archive to Study Russia's war against Ukraine” by Bareikytė M., Makhortykh M., Martin M., Nazaruk T., Skop Y. (manuscript)
- “Do Androids Watch Electronic Films?”, Prisma Ukraïna. Images and Objects (edited volume), Forum Transregionale Studien. (manuscript)
- “Digital Tools and Old Heuristic Methods: Placing Artists on the Map”, Colloquia Humanistica, Digital Studies of Culture in Central Europe, by Shumylovych B., Nazaruk T. (manuscript)
Public History
| 17.05.2024