
Englisch B1/B2 - Bewerbungstraining auf Englisch

in Kooperation mit der vhs Karlsruhe

Termin(e) Leitung
Sa, 11.05.2024
08:30 - 13:30
Cecilia Carcamo Diaz
Campus Karlsruhe
Seminarraum PFALZ

Vorkenntnisse: abgeschlossene Niveaustufe B1

This course provides the tools you need to succeed at job interviews and land your dream job. Being offered an interview is exciting but sometimes stressful and daunting. Make sure you are prepared for the big day.
Business etiquette, writing cvs, telephone interviews, intercultural non-verbal communication and submitting job applications are the topics covered in the course. Bilingual training, presentations, exercises with authentic material, simulations and smart questions from recruiters to improve your chances at job positions, university placements and apprenticeship programs.

Brush up and update your skills at any stage of your career.

Die kostenpflichtige Anmeldung erfolgt über die VHS:

Zur Anmeldung

Campus Karlsruhe | 08.04.2024