- Beitrag zur CO2-Bepreisung
"CO2 ist noch nicht teuer genug" - Member of CESifo network
Robert Schmidt is now a member (newly invited) of the CESifo network: - Member of the Editorial Council - JEEM
Prof. Schmidt has become a member of the Editorial Council of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (since June 2023) - Forthcoming
Drupp, M.A., Nesje, F., and Schmidt, R.C. (2024). Pricing Carbon: Evidence from Expert Recommendations. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. preview available under: - Forthcoming
Bühl, V. and Schmidt, R.C. (2024) Coordinating to avoid the catastrophe. Forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 125, 102977.
| 10.05.2024