Dr. Stefan Poier

E-Mail: stefan.poier
Institutionelle Anbindung
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Juniorprofessur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Energiewirtschaft
Weitere Informationen: Profil
(im Themenbereich des Forschungsschwerpunktes)
Renewable Energy
(im Themenbereich des Forschungsschwerpunktes)
- Poier, S.; Nikodemska-Wolowik, A.M.; Suchanek, M. (2025): Should I buy or should I go? The effect of the big five personality traits and satisfaction with life on e-bike ownership in Germany, Transport policy, 162, pp. 188-199.
- Poier, S.; Suchanek, M. (2024): The effects of higher-order human values and conspiracy beliefs on COVID-19-related behavior in Germany, Journal of Public Health, published online.
- Poier, S.; Nikodemska-Wolowik, AM. (2024): Germany under the Tinfoil Hat? The Associations of the Big Five Personality Traits and Coronavirus Conspiracy Beliefs with the Intention to Get Vaccinated, Journal of Infection and Public Health, 17(9), 102519.
- Poier, S. (2023): A matter of risk? Investigating the battery purchase decision in the German photovoltaics market, Energy, 275, 127463.
- Poier, S. (2022): How Stable is Your Customer? Individual and Ipsative Consistency of Consumers’ Big Five Personality Traits, Contemporary Economics 16(3), pp. 297-316.
- Poier, S., Nikodemska-Wolowik, A. M., Suchanek, M. (2022): How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage — Evidence from the German photovoltaic market, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(4), pp. 909-926.
- Poier, S. (2021): Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?, Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, Article No. 79.
- Poier, S. (2021): Towards a psychology of solar energy: Analyzing the effects of the Big Five personality traits on household solar energy adoption in Germany, Energy Research & Social Science, 77, 102087.
- Poier, S. (2020): Clean and Green – The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: Failure of Corporate Governance? Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 15(2), 33–39.
Forschungsschwerpunkt E/U/N
| 10.02.2025