Research Projects

- SAM – Software Architecture Modelling
The SAM research project aims to develop and research a modeling method based on a graphical modeling language that supports software architects in the analysis, design and communication of software architectures. - ELMO – E-Learning for Conceptual Modeling
This research project aims at the construction of an e-learning software to support students in their learning process when learning conceptual (data) modeling. More information on the project will be provided soon. - SPORT – Research through development of a web application for managing sports clubs
The research project SPORT designs, develops, tests and evaluates the web application Sportyweb – an integrated application software for managing, organising and running sports clubs. The reflective development of a multitenancy web application for the efficient and collaborative management of sports clubs is the main research objective of this project. In its reflective approach, the research project investigates an interesting yet often overlooked application domain, i.e, sports clubs, reflects domain-specific use cases, reconstructs domain-specific business processes including their management and develops requirements for the web application. - TOOL – A web browser-based modeling tool and observatory
TOOL is a web browser-based modeling tool and research observatory we have been researching, designing and developing since 2013. TOOL is part of a long-term research program aimed at better understanding the learning of conceptual modeling by observing individual modeling processes. TOOL implements a multi-modal observation and data generation approach complementing different modes of observation, and is used in a series of research studies. - IMP – Understanding modeling difficulties and designing tailored support for modelers
The research project aims to contribute to a richer and more complete understanding of individual modeling processes by identifying modeling difficulties and by developing a taxonomic theory of such difficulties – as theoretical foundation for designing tailored (software tool) support for modelers at different stages of their mastering of conceptual modeling. - FKM – Fachdidaktik des konzeptuellen Modellierens
Konzeptuelles Modellieren ist eine zentrale Fachkompetenz für den schulischen Informatik- und Wirtschaftsinformatik-Unterricht. Das Forschungsprojekt FACH zielt darauf ab, eine systematisch erarbeitete Grundlage für das schulische Lernen und die Aufbereitung von Lehrmaterialien mit Bezug zum konzeptuellen Modellieren zu schaffen, um damit insbes. Lehrende im Kontext von schulischer Bildung (insbes. im Bereich der Sekundarstufe II) gezielt zu unterstützen. - BPS – adoption, usage and user requirements
Business process simulation (BPS) marks an essential Business Process Management (BPM) technique for analyzing business processes and for reasoning about process improvement. As an analytic tool in the BPM practitioners’ toolkit, BPS enables organizations to scrutinize alternative process designs prior to their organizational implementation to reason about design alternatives and prevent costly design and implementation flaws as well as to identify opportunities for process improvement subsequent to process implementation—without having to actually execute the business process (e.g., Dumas et al. 2018, Neumann et al. 2011).
Lehrstuhl EvIS
| 09.12.2024