Dr. Özgen Yalçın

Özgen Yalçın Foto: Dr. Özgen Yalçın

E-Mail: oezgen.yalcin

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Researcher Biography

Dr. Yalçın currently works as a postdoctoral researcher supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Philipp Schwartz Fellowship in the Department of Community Psychology since July 2021. His research interest mainly focuses on intergroup relations, group processes, and moral cognition and is mostly at the intersection of political and moral psychology. His recent research project is on the territory ownership perceptions in intergroup conflicts between migrants and majority-group members, addressing its association with perceived group power and morality and contextual factors.

He completed his Ph.D. in social psychology at Ankara University in 2014 with a focus on the emotional and cognitive responses to the moral violations of the authorities. During his doctoral studies, he worked as a research assistant at Aydin Adnan Menderes University. He was then granted a fellowship from TUBITAK in 2015 and moved to the University of Connecticut to work with Dr. Felicia Pratto for postdoctoral research that concentrated on the accusations of moral violations in intergroup conflicts.

After 2016, he continued his work as an independent researcher affiliated with the University of Connecticut and Stockholm University. He also worked as a researcher on a project for eight months with Syrian refugees at an NGO in Istanbul in 2018.

He is a member of the International Society of Political Psychology since 2017.

Research Interests

  • Intergroup conflicts
  • Intergroup power and status differences
  • Moral disengagement
  • Moral emotions
  • The content of moral violations
  • Social norms and norm violations
  • Psychological ownership
  • Ecological dilemmas
  • Experimental methods in social psychology
  • Refugee situations


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Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

Mehr Informationen

Yalçın, Ö., Landmann, H., & Rohmann, A. (2023). Winning is owning: The role of perceived group superiority on territory ownership. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Accepted on 10 October 2023. https://doi.org/10.1037/pac0000716

Yalçın, Ö., & Pratto, F. (2023). Accusing the opponent of divinity violations in intergroup conflicts: Bystander reactions to harmfulness and underdog status as a function of the autonomy–divinity discrepancy. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, online first. https://doi.org/10.1177/13684302231181499

Düren, R., & Yalçın, Ö. (2022). How does subjective social status affect internalizing and externalizing problems among Syrian refugee adolescents?. Current Psychology, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03002-4

Düren, R., & Yalçın, Ö. (2021). Social capital and mental health problems among Syrian refugee adolescents: The mediating roles of perceived social support and post-traumatic symptoms. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 67(3), 243-250. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0020764020945355

Yalçın Ö. (2017). Social dominance orientation veils moral standards across different moral foundations: Individual differences in moral disengagement. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 32(80), 44-62. https://www.psikolog.org.tr/en/publications/yayinlar/10.31828/tpd1300443320170000m000009.pdf

Yalçın Ö. & Elmas, P. (2017). A study of existential function of personal and simulated nostalgia. Turkish Psychological Articles, 20(40), 76-88. https://www.psikolog.org.tr/en/publications/yayinlar/10.31828/tpy1301996120170000m000019.pdf

Yalçın, Ö. & Dönmez, A. (2017). Alienation from the viewpoint of social psychology: Turkish adaptation of Dean’s alienation scale. Ankara University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 8(2), 150-175. http://sobild.ankara.edu.tr/index.php/sobild/article/view/815/208

Yalçın, Ö. (2016) Components of social value orientation: A scale development study. Nesne Psychology Journal, 4(8), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.7816/nesne-04-08-05

Yalçın, Ö. (2011). Selfishness that causes loss: A review of social dilemmas. Turkish Psychological Articles, 14(27), 18-34. https://www.psikolog.org.tr/tr/yayinlar/dergiler/1031828/tpy1301996120110000m000116.pdf

Book Chapters

Mehr Informationen

Yalçın Ö. (2020). Ecological dilemmas. D. Hasta & Gozde Kiral (Ed.) In Environmental Psychology, Ankara: Nobel.

Yalçın Ö. (2016). Political socialization. Ö. Gümüş (Ed.) In Political Psychology- Volume 2, Ankara: Nobel.

Yalçın Ö. (2011). Terror Management Theory. D. Hasta (Ed.) In Political Psychology: Selected Topics, Ankara Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Press.

Conference Presentations

mehr Infos

Yalçın, Ö., Landmann, H., Rohmann, A. (2023). Collective moral superiority and territory ownership. Oral presentation. European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) 2023 General Meeting, Kraków, Poland.

Yalçın, Ö., & Rohmann (2023). How do locals perceive and respond to social norm violations by refugees and locals? Oral presentation. 24 Hours of Political Psychology, Bielefeld, Germany.

Yalçın, Ö., Rohmann, & Landmann, H. (2022). Power, threat and territory ownership in intergroup relations. Oral Presentation. The 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Athens, Greece.

Yalçın, Ö. & Pratto, F. (2022). Accusations of autonomy versus divinity violations in intergroup conflicts. Oral Presentation. The 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Athens, Greece.

Yalçın Ö. & Pratto, F. (2018) Emotional and cognitive reactions to moral violations of relatively high-powered groups. Oral Presentation. 20th Turkish Congress of Psychology, Ankara.

Yalçın, Ö. (2017). Consistent responses to different moral violations of the authority. Türk Psikologlar Derneği Dersteyiz Etkinliği. Ankara Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi.

Yalçın, Ö. (2017). Moral disengagement in witnessing moral transgressions of the authority. Eleştirel Teoriye Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar. Goethe Institut.

Yalçın, Ö. (2016). An implicit measurement of social distance: Language style matching from the viewpoint of dialogical self-theory. Oral Presentation. 1st Social Psychology Congress, Ankara

Yalçın, Ö. (2015). Associations between individual differences and moral disengagement. Oral Presentation. The 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan.

Yalçın Ö. & Elmas P. (2015). Does narrative nostalgia decrease death-anxiety? Oral Presentation. The 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan.

Yalçın, Ö. (2011). Four factors of social value orientation. Poster Presentation. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul.

Lehrgebiet Community Psychologie | 10.05.2024