Dr. Carmen Lienen

Carmen Lienen Foto: Carmen Lienen

E-Mail: carmen.lienen

Curriculum vitae

Carmen Lienen holds a postdoc position in the project “Wissenschaftliches Begleitmonitoring: Begegnung und Zusammenhalt an Alltagsorten”, funded by the Mercator Stiftung. The research team evaluates various local projects in Germany that seek to foster social cohesion through positive intergroup contact in everyday places.

Carmen’s research focuses on intergroup relations, particularly in the areas social representations of history, intergroup conflict, and migration. In the collective memory field, she explores how constructive historical reappraisal can be fostered and how different collective memories of violence relate to each other. In the field of migration and diaspora studies, she investigates, together with colleagues from the UK and Canada, how the ongoing violence in their origin country affects the well-being, identity, and community of first- and second-generation South Sudanese diaspora members.

Carmen received her PhD in Social Psychology at the Philipps-University of Marburg in 2023, her MSc in Social and Cultural Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2017, and her BSc in Psychology from the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg in 2016.

Research interests

  • Intergroup Relations
  • Conflict
  • Social Cohesion
  • Collective Memory
  • Migration


Lienen, C.S. & Cohrs, J.C. (2023). Kollektives Gedächtnis und Identität [Collective Memory and Identity]. Handbuch der Friedenspsychologie [Handbook of Peace Psychology]. https://handbuch-friedenspsychologie.de/buch/konzepte-des-friedens/konfliktentstehung/kollektives-gedaechtnis-und-identitaet/

Lienen, C.S. & LeRoux-Rutledge, E. (2022). Refugee identity and integration in Germany during the European “Migration Crisis”: Why local community support matters, and why policy gets it wrong. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2022.2098445

Lienen, C.S. & Cohrs, J.C. (2021). Redefining the Meaning of Negative History in Times of Socio-Political Change: A Social Creativity Approach. Political Psychology, 42(6), 941-956. DOI: 10.1111/pops.12725

Pauls, I. & Lienen, C. (2020). Die Corona-Krise verunsichert viele Menschen – was kann man dagegen tun? Part II. The Inquisitive Mind, 4. https://de.in-mind.org/blog/post/die-corona-krise-verunsichert-viele-menschen-was-kann-man-dagegen-tun-teil-2

Pauls, I., Lienen, C., Knab, N., Harnack, K., & Cohrs, J.C. (2018). Mit Psychologie Frieden Fördern? Beiträge aus der psychologischen Forschung zur Reduktion von destruktiven Konflikten und Friedensförderung. The Inquisitive Mind, 4. https://de.in-mind.org/article/mit-psychologie-frieden-foerdern-beitraege-aus-der-psychologischen-forschung-zur-reduktion
