- Oswin Aichholzer ; Man-Kwun Chiu; Hung P. Hoang; Michael Hoffmann; Jan Kynčl; Yannic Maus; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Alexandra Weinberger: Drawings of complete multipartite graphs up to triangle flips , in Journal of Computational Geometry (2024)
- Elena Arseneva; Linda Kleist; Boris Klemz; Maarten Löffler; André Schulz; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Alexander Wolff: Adjacency Graphs of Polyhedral Surfaces, in Discrete & Computational Geometry, Vol. 71(4), pp. 1429-1455, 2024
- Steven Chaplick; Fabian Klute; Irene Parada; Jonathan Rollin; Torsten Ueckerdt: Edge-minimum saturated k-planar drawings, in Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 106(4), pp. 741-762, 2024
- Michael A. Bekos; Prosenjit Bose; Aaron Büngener; Vida Dujmović; Michael Hoffmann; Michael Kaufmann; Pat Morin; Saeed Odak; Alexandra Weinberger: On k-Planar Graphs Without Short Cycles, in 32nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2024), LIPIcs, Volume 320, Seiten 27:1-27:17
- Benedikt Künzel; Jonathan Rollin: On the complexity of simultaneous geometric embedding for edge-disjoint graphs, in Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - 50th International Workshop, WG 2024 (to appear)
- Kevin Buchin; Antonia Kalb; Carolin Rehs; André Schulz: Oriented dilation of undirected graphs, in 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2024), Ioannina, Greece 2024
- Phoebe de Nooijer; Soeren Terziadis ; Alexandra Weinberger; Zuzana Masárová; Tamara Mchedlidze ; Maarten Löffler ; Günter Rote : Removing Popular Faces in Curve Arrangements, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (2024)
- Rosna Paul; Gelasio Salazar; Alexandra Weinberger: Rotation systems and simple drawings in surfaces, in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2024)
- André Schulz: Side-Contact Representations with Convex Polygons in 3D: New Results for Complete Bipartite Graphs, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - 31st International Symposium, GD 2023, pp. 296-303, Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, Italy, September 20-22, 2023
- Oswin Aichholzer; Alfredo García; Javier Tejel; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Alexandra Weinberger: Twisted ways to find plane structures in simple drawings of complete graphs, in Discrete & Computational Geometry, Volume 71, pages 40–66 (2024)
- Sarah Carmesin; André Schulz: Arrangements of orthogonal circles with many intersections, in J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 27(2): 49-70 (2023)
- Robert Gaschler; Nilam Ram; Daniel Reimann; André Schulz: Color-Encoded Links Improve Homophily Perception in Node-Link Diagrams, in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 29(12), pp. 5593-5598, 2023
- Alfredo García; Javier Tejel; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Alexandra Weinberger: Empty Triangles in Generalized Twisted Drawings of Kn, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol.27 No.8, pages 721–735 (2023)
- Laurin Benz; Jonathan Rollin: Induced arboricity: Regular graphs and NP-completeness, in eingereicht
- Rahul Jain; Raghunath Tewari: On Solving Reachability in Grid Digraphs using a Pseudoseparator, in Theory of Computing, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1-23, 2023
- Rahul Jain; Marco Ricci; Jonathan Rollin; André Schulz: On the Geometric Thickness of 2-Degenerate Graphs, in 39th International Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2023, pp. 44:1-44:15, Dallas, Texas, USA, June 12-15, 2023
- Simona Boyadzhiyska; Dennis Clemens; Pranshu Gupta; Jonathan Rollin: Ramsey equivalence for asymmetric pairs of graphs, in to appear in SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics
- Sujoy Bhore; Rahul Jain: Space-efficient algorithms for reachability in directed geometric graphs, in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 961, pp. 113938, 2023
- Michael A. Bekos; D. J. C. Dekker; F. Frank; Wouter Meulemans; Peter J. Rodgers; André Schulz; S. Wessel: Computing Schematic Layouts for Spatial Hypergraphs on Concentric Circles and Grids, in Comput. Graph. Forum 41(6): 316-335 (2022)
- Samir Datta; Chetan Gupta; Rahul Jain; Anish Mukherjee; Vimal Raj Sharma; Raghunath Tewari: Dynamic Meta-Theorems for Distance and Matching, in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) - 49th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2022), Vol. 229, pp. 118:1-118:20, 2022
- Kevin Buchin; Man-Kwun Chiu; Stefan Felsner; Günter Rote; André Schulz: The Number of Convex Polyominoes with Given Height and Width, in (to appear)
- Elena Arseneva; Linda Kleist; Boris Klemz; Maarten Löffler; André Schulz; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Alexander Wolff: Adjacency Graphs of Polyhedral Surfaces, in 37th International Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2021, June 7-11, 2021, Buffalo, NY, USA (Virtual Conference). LIPIcs 189, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik 2021
- Sarah Carmesin; André Schulz: Arrangements of orthogonal circles with many intersections, in Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2021)
- Philipp Kindermann; Fabrizio Montecchiani; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Drawing Subcubic 1-Planar Graphs with Few Bends, Few Slopes, and Large Angles, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-28, 2021.
- Steven Chaplick; Fabian Klute; Irene Parada; Jonathan Rollin; Torsten Ueckerdt: Edge-Minimum Saturated k-Planar Drawings, in Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2021), Tübingen
- Robert Gaschler; Daniel Reimann; André Schulz: Homophily at a glance: visual homophily estimation in network graphs is robust under time constraints, in SN Social Sciences 1, 139 (2021)
- Samir Datta; Chetan Gupta; Rahul Jain; Anish Mukherjee; Vimal Raj Sharma; Raghunath Tewari: Reachability and Matching in Single Crossing Minor Free Graphs, in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) - 41st IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2021), Vol. 213, pp. 16:1-16:16, 2021
- Sujoy Bhore; Rahul Jain: Space-Efficient Algorithms for Reachability in Directed Geometric Graphs, in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) - 32nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2021), Vol. 212, pp. 63:1-63:17, 2021
- Chetan Gupta; Rahul Jain; Raghunath Tewari: Time Space Optimal Algorithm for Computing Separators in Bounded Genus Graphs, in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) - 41st IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2021), Vol. 213, pp. 23:1-23:15, 2021
- Alexander Pilz; Jonathan Rollin; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Augmenting Geometric Graphs with Matchings, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, 28th International Symposium, GD 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 490-504, September 16–18, 2020
- Alexander Pilz; Jonathan Rollin; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Augmenting Polygons with Matchings, in Proceedings of the 36th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'20)
- Jonathan Rollin: Minimal Ordered Ramsey Graphs, in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, No. 10, pp. tba, 2020
- Samir Datta; Chetan Gupta; Rahul Jain; Vimal Raj Sharma; Raghunath Tewari: Randomized and Symmetric Catalytic Computation, in Computer Science - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 15th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, {CSR} 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12159, pp. 211-223
- Elena Arseneva; Linda Kleist; Boris Klemz; Maarten Löffler; André Schulz; Birgit Vogtenhuber ; Alexander Wolff: Representing Graphs by Polygons with Edge Contacts in 3D, in Proceedings of the 36th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'20)
- Rahul Jain; Raghunath Tewari: An O(n^(1/4 +epsilon)) Space and Polynomial Algorithm for Grid Graph Reachability, in 39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2019), LIPIcs, Vol. 150, pp. 19:1-19:14
- Michael Bekos; Fabian Frank; Wouter Meulemans; Peter Rodgers; André Schulz: Concentric set schematization, in Set Visual Analytics Workshop at IEEE VIS 2019
- Boris Klemz; Linda Kleist; Anna Lubiw; Lena Schlipf; Frank Staals; Darren Strash: Convexity-Increasing Morphs of Planar Graphs, in Computational Geometry, 84, Seiten 69-88
- Lena Schlipf; Jens M. Schmidt: Edge-Orders, in Algorithmica, 81(5), Seiten 1881-1900
- Maria Axenovich; Philip Doerr; Jonathan Rollin; Torsten Ueckerdt: Induced and weak-induced arboricities, in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 342, No. 2, pp. 511–519, 2019
- Philipp Kindermann; Stephen G. Kobourov; Maarten Löffler; Martin Nöllenburg; André Schulz; Birgit Vogtenhuber: Lombardi drawings of knots and links, in Journal of Computational Geometry, Volume 10, No 1, pp 444-476, 2019
- Hee-Kap Ahn; Eunjin Oh; Lena Schlipf; Fabian Stehn; Darren Strash: On Romeo and Juliet Problems: Minimizing Distance to Sight, in Computational Geometry, 84, Seiten 12-21
- Rahul Jain; Raghunath Tewari: Reachability in High Treewidth Graphs, in 30th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2019), LIPIcs, Vol. 149, pp. 12:1-12:14
- Jonathan Rollin; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Recognizing Planar Laman Graphs, in Proceedings of the 35th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’19)
- Jonathan Rollin; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Recognizing Planar Laman Graphs, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'19), Seiten 79:1--79:12
- Lena Schlipf; Jens M. Schmidt: Simple computation of st-edge- and st-numberings from ear decompositions, in Information Processing Letters, Vol. 145, 2019, pp. 58-63
- Chetan Gupta; Rahul Jain; Vimal Raj Sharma; Raghunath Tewari: Unambiguous Catalytic Computation, in 39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2019, LIPIcs, Vol. 150, pp. 16:1-16:13
- Patrizio Angelini; Michael A. Bekos; Michael Kaufmann; Philipp Kindermann; Thomas Schneck: 1-Fan-Bundle-Planar Drawings of Graphs, in Theoretical Computer Science
- Boris Klemz; Linda Kleist; Anna Lubiw; Lena Schlipf; Frank Staals; Darren Strash: Convexity-Increasing Morphs of Planar Graphs, in Proceedings of the 34th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’18), 2018, invited to the special issue of CGTA on EuroCG'18
- Boris Klemz; Linda Kleist; Anna Lubiw; Lena Schlipf; Frank Staals; Darren Strash: Convexity-Increasing Morphs of Planar Graphs, in Proceedings of the 44th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'18), 2018
- Gregor Hültenschmidt; Philipp Kindermann; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Drawing Planar Graphs with Few Geometric Primitives, in J. Graph Algorithms Appl., Vol. 22, No. 2, 2018, pp. 357--387
- Philipp Kindermann; Fabrizio Montecchiani; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: Drawing Subcubic 1-Planar Graphs with Few Bends, Few Slopes, and Large Angles, in Graph Drawing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 11282, 2018, pp. 152-166
- Philipp Kindermann; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Experimental Analysis of the Accessibility of Drawings with Few Segments, in J. Graph Algorithms Appl., Vol. 22, No. 3, 2018, pp. 501-518
- Hee-Kap Ahn; Eunjin Oh; Lena Schlipf; Fabian Stehn; Darren Strash: On Romeo and Juliet Problems: Minimizing Distance-to-Sight, in Proceedings of the 16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'18), 2018
- Hee-Kap Ahn; Eunjin Oh; Lena Schlipf; Fabian Stehn; Darren Strash: On Romeo and Juliet Problems: Minimizing Distance-to-Sight, in Proceedings of the 34th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’18), 2018, invited to the special issue of CGTA on EuroCG'18
- David Eppstein; Philipp Kindermann; Stephen Kobourov; Giuseppe Liotta; Anna Lubiw; Aude Maignan; Debajyoti Mondal; Hamideh Vosoughpour; Sue Whitesides; Stephen Wismath: On the Planar Split Thickness of Graphs, in Algorithmica, Special Issue on Selected Papers from LATIN'16, Vol. 80, no. 3, 2018, pp. 977-994.
- Péter Hajnal; Alexander Igamberdiev; Günter Rote; André Schulz: Saturated simple and 2-simple topological graphs with few edges, in J. Graph Algorithms Appl., Vol. 22, No. 1, 2018, pp. 117--138
- Philipp Kindermann; Boris Klemz; Ignaz Rutter; Patrick Schnider; André Schulz: The Partition Spanning Forest Problem, in Proc. 34th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'18)
- Patrizio Angelini; Michael A. Bekos; Michael Kaufmann; Philipp Kindermann; Thomas Schneck: 1-Fan-Bundle-Planar Drawings of Graphs, in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'17), pp. 517-530
- Alexander Igamberdiev; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Drawing Planar Cubic 3-Connected Graphs with Few Segments: Algorithms & Experiments, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 21, Nr. 4, 2017, pp. 561-588
- Gregor Hültenschmidt; Philipp Kindermann; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Drawing Trees and Triangulations with Few Geometric Primitives, in Proceedings of the 43rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'17), pp. 316-329
- Lena Schlipf; Jens. M. Schmidt: Edge-Orders, in Proceedings of the 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'17), 2017, pp. 75:1--75:14
- Erik D. Demaine; André Schulz: Embedding Stacked Polytopes on a Polynomial-Size Grid, in Discrete & Computational Geometry, Vol. 57, Nr. 4, 2017, pp. 782-809
- Philipp Kindermann; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Experimental analysis of the accessibility of drawings with few segments, in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'17), pp. 52-64
- William Devanny; Philipp Kindermann; Maarten Löffler; Ignaz Rutter: Graph Drawing Contest Report, in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'17), pp. 572-582
- Michael A. Bekos; Thomas C. van Dijk; Martin Fink; Philipp Kindermann; Stephen G. Kobourov; Sergey Pupyrev; Joachim Spoerhase; Alexander Wolff: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Box Contact Representations, in Algorithmica, Vol. 77, no. 3, 2017, pp. 902-920
- Philipp Kindermann; Stephen Kobourov; Maarten Löffler; Martin Nöllenburg; André Schulz; Birgit Vogtenhuber: Lombardi Drawings of Knots and Links, in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'17), pp. 113-126
- Philipp Kindermann; Lena Schlipf; André Schulz: On Gallai's conjecture for series-parallel graphs and planar 3-trees, in CoRR, Vol. abs/1706.04130, 2017
- Helmut Alt; Kevin Buchin; Stephen Chaplick; Otfried Cheong; Philipp Kindermann; Christian Knauer; Fabian Stehn: Placing your Coins on a Shelf, in Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'17), pp. 4:1-4:12
- Alexander Igamberdiev; André Schulz: A duality transform for constructing small grid embeddings of 3d polytopes, in Computational Geometry, Vol. 56, 2016, pp. 19-36
- Adrian Dumitrecu; Maarten Löffler; André Schulz; Csaba D. Tóth: Counting Carambolas, in Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 32, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 923–942
- Gregor Hültenschmidt; Philipp Kindermann; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Drawing Trees and Triangulations with Few Geometric Primitives, in Proceedings of the 32nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'16), pp. 55-58, Abstract
- Patrizio Angelini; Michael A. Bekos; Michael Kaufmann; Philipp Kindermann; Thomas Schneck: Fan-Bundle-Planar Drawings of Graphs, in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'16), pp. 634-636, Poster
- Sergio Cabello; Otfried Cheong; Christian Knauer; Lena Schlipf: Finding largest rectangles in convex polygons, in Computational Geometry, Vol. 51, 2016, pp. 67-74
- Kevin Buchin; Maike Buchin; Wolfgang Mulzer; Maximilian Konzack; André Schulz: Fine-Grained Analysis of Problems on Curves, in Proceedings of the 32nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'16), Abstract
- Philipp Kindermann; Maarten Löffler; Lev Nachmanson; Ignaz Rutter: Graph Drawing Contest Report, in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'16), pp. 589-595
- Philipp Kindermann; Benjamin Niedermann; Ignaz Rutter; Marcus Schaefer; André Schulz; Alexander Wolff: Multi-Sided Boundary Labeling, in Algorithmica, Vol. 76, no. 1, 2016, pp. 225-258
- David Eppstein; Philipp Kindermann; Stephen Kobourov; Giuseppe Liotta; Anna Lubiw; Aude Maignan; Debajyoti Mondal; Hamideh Vosoughpour; Sue Whitesides; Stephen Wismath: On the Planar Split Thickness of Graphs, in Proceedings of the 12th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN'16), pp. 403-415
- Franz J. Brandenburg; Walter Didimo; William S. Evans; Philipp Kindermann; Giuseppe Liotta; Fabrizio Montecchiani: Recognizing and Drawing IC-Planar Graphs, in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 636, 2016, pp. 1-16
- Valentin Polishchuk; Esther M. Arkin; Alon Efrat; Christian Knauer; Joseph S. B. Mitchell; Günter Rote; Lena Schlipf; Topi Talvitie: Shortest path to a segment and quickest visibility queries, in Journal of Computational Geometry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2016, pp. 77-100
- Michael A. Bekos; Thomas C. van Dijk; Philipp Kindermann; Alexander Wolff: Simultaneous Drawing of Planar Graphs with Right-Angle Crossings and Few Bends, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 20, no. 1, 2016, pp. 133-158
- Patrizio Angelini; Steven Chaplick; Sabine Cornelsen; Giordano Da Lozzo; Giuseppe Di Battista; Peter Eades; Philipp Kindermann; Jan Kratochvíl; Fabian Lipp; Ignaz Rutter: Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity, in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'16), pp. 532-545
- Stefan Felsner; Alexander Igamberdiev; Philipp Kindermann; Boris Klemz; Tamara Mchedlidze; Manfred Scheucher: Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs, in Proceedings of the 32nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'16), pp. 59-62, Abstract
- Stefan Felsner; Alexander Igamberdiev; Philipp Kindermann; Boris Klemz; Tamara Mchedlidze; Manfred Scheucher: Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs, in Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'16), pp. 37:1--37:15
- Patrizio Angelini; Giordano Da Lozzo; Giuseppe Di Battista; Valentino Di Donato; Philipp Kindermann; Günter Rote; Ignaz Rutter: Windrose Planarity: Embedding Graphs with Direction-Constrained Edges, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'16), pp. 985-996
- Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: A Tale of Two Communities: Assessing Homophily in Node-Link Diagrams, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - 23rd International Symposium, GD 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, September 24-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 489-501
- Sergey Bereg; Krzysztof Fleszar; Philipp Kindermann; Sergey Pupyrev; Joachim Spoerhase; Alexander Wolff: Colored Non-Crossing Euclidean Steiner Forest, in Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'15), pp. 429-441
- Md. Jawaherul Alam; David Eppstein; Michael Kaufmann; Stephen G. Kobourov; Sergey Pupyrev; André Schulz; Torsten Ueckerdt: Contact Graphs of Circular Arcs, in Algorithms and Data Structures - 14th International Symposium, WADS 2015, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 5-7, 2015. Proceedings, pp. 1-13
- André Schulz: Drawing Graphs with Few Arcs, in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 19, no. 1, 2015, pp. 393-412
- Alexander Igamberdiev; Wouter Meulemans; André Schulz: Drawing Planar Cubic 3-Connected Graphs with Few Segments: Algorithms and Experiments, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - 23rd International Symposium, GD 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, September 24-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 113-124
- Philipp Kindermann; Maarten Löffler; Lev Nachmanson; Ignaz Rutter: Graph Drawing Contest Report, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'15), pp. 531-537
- William S. Evans; Krzysztof Fleszar; Philipp Kindermann; Noushin Saeedi; Chan-Su Shin; Alexander Wolff: Minimum Rectilinear Polygons for Given Angle Sequences, in Proceedings of the 18th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCDCGG^2 2015), pp. 105-119
- Irina Kostitsyna; Martin Nöllenburg; Valentin Polishchuk; André Schulz; Darren Strash: On Minimizing Crossings in Storyline Visualizations, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - 23rd International Symposium, GD 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, September 24-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 192-198
- Clinton Bowen; Stephane Durocher; Maarten Löffler; Anika Rounds; André Schulz; Csaba D. Tóth: Realization of Simply Connected Polygonal Linkages and Recognition of Unit Disk Contact Trees, in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - 23rd International Symposium, GD 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, September 24-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 447-459
- Franz J. Brandenburg; Walter Didimo; William S. Evans; Philipp Kindermann; Giuseppe Liotta; Fabrizio Montecchiani: Recognizing and Drawing IC-Planar Graphs, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD'15), pp. 295-308
- Péter Hajnal; Alexander Igamberdiev; Günter Rote; André Schulz: Saturated simple and 2-simple topological graphs with few edges, in International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 9224, 2015, pp. 391-405
- Steven Chaplick; Fabian Lipp; Philipp Kindermann; Alexander Wolff: Solving Optimization Problems on Orthogonal Ray Graphs, in Proceedings of the 18th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCDCGG^2 2015)