
On the complexity of simultaneous geometric embedding for edge-disjoint graphs
Benedikt Künzel
Jonathan Rollin
erschienen in:
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - 50th International Workshop, WG 2024 (to appear)

Simultaneous Geometric Embedding (SGE) asks whether, for a given collection of graphs on the same vertex set V, there is an embedding of V in the plane that admits a crossing-free drawing with straightline edges for each of the given graphs. It is known that SGE is ∃R -complete, that is, the problem is polynomially equivalent to deciding whether a system of polynomial equations and inequalities with integer coefficients has a real solution. We prove that SGE remains ∃R -complete for edge-disjoint input graphs, that is, for collections of graphs without so-called public edges.
As an intermediate result, we prove that it is ∃R -complete to decide whether a directional walk without repeating edges is realizable. Here, a directional walk consists of a sequence of not-necessarily distinct vertices (a walk) and a function prescribing for each inner position whether the walk shall turn left or shall turn right. A directional walk is realizable, if there is an embedding of its vertices in the plane such that the embedded walk turns according to the given directions. Previously it was known that realization is ∃R -complete to decide for directional walks repeating each edge at most 336 times.
This answers two questions posed by Schaefer ["On the Complexity of Some Geometric Problems With Fixed Parameters", JGAA 2021].

Jonathan Rollin | 26.09.2024