
Oriented dilation of undirected graphs
Kevin Buchin
Antonia Kalb
Carolin Rehs
André Schulz
erschienen in:
40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2024), Ioannina, Greece 2024

Given an oriented graph G on a set of points P in the Euclidean plane, the oriented dilation of p, p′ ∈ P is the ratio of the length of the shortest cycle in G through p and p′ to the perimeter of the smallest triangle in P containing p and p′. The oriented dilation of G is maximum oriented dilation over all pair of points. We show that given an undirected graph G on P , it is NP-hard to decide whether the edges can be oriented in way that the oriented dilation of the resulting graph is below a given threshold. For the case that G is complete, it is known that there is always an orientation of the edges with oriented dilation at most 2. As a first step towards improving this bound, we show that for |P| = 4 there is always a tournament, i.e., an oriented complete graph, with oriented dilation at most 1.5. This holds not only in the Euclidean but more generally in the metric plane. In the latter the bound is tight.

EuroCG 2024
Christoph Doppelbauer | 16.12.2024