
On the Planar Split Thickness of Graphs
David Eppstein
Philipp Kindermann
Stephen Kobourov
Giuseppe Liotta
Anna Lubiw
Aude Maignan
Debajyoti Mondal
Hamideh Vosoughpour
Sue Whitesides
Stephen Wismath
Artikel in Zeitschriften
erschienen in:
Algorithmica, Special Issue on Selected Papers from LATIN'16, Vol. 80, no. 3, 2018, pp. 977-994.

Motivated by applications in graph drawing and information visualization, we examine the planar split thickness of a graph, that is, the smallest k such that the graph is k-splittable into a planar graph. A k-split operation substitutes a vertex v by at most k new vertices such that each neighbor of v is connected to at least one of the new vertices.

We first examine the planar split thickness of complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, multipartite graphs, bounded degree graphs, and genus-1 graphs. We then prove that it is NP-hard to recognize graphs that are 2-splittable into a planar graph, and show that one can approximate the planar split thickness of a graph within a constant factor. If the treewidth is bounded, then we can even verify k-splittability in linear time, for a constant k.

@Article{ekkllmmvww-opstg-A18, author = {David Eppstein and Philipp Kindermann and Stephen Kobourov and Giuseppe Liotta and Anna Lubiw and Aude Maignan and Debajyoti Mondal and Hamideh Vosoughpour and Sue Whitesides and Stephen Wismath}, title = {On the Planar Split Thickness of Graphs}, journal = {Algorithmica}, year = {2018}, volume = {80}, number = {,}, pages = {977--994}, note = {Special Issue on Theoretical Informatics}, abstract = {Motivated by applications in graph drawing and information visualization, we examine the planar split thickness of a graph, that is, the smallest $k$ such that the graph is $k$-splittable into a planar graph. A $k$-split operation substitutes a vertex $v$ by at most $k$ new vertices such that each neighbor of $v$ is connected to at least one of the new vertices. We first examine the planar split thickness of complete and complete bipartite graphs. We then prove that it is NP-hard to recognize graphs that are 2-splittable into a planar graph, and show that one can approximate the planar split thickness of a graph within a constant factor. If the treewidth is bounded, then we can even verify $k$-splittablity in linear time, for a constant $k$.}, doi = {10.1007/s00453-017-0328-y}, }
Philipp Kindermann | 10.05.2024