Annual Conference of the Gender Studies Association

Welcome to the FernUniversity website of the conferences of the gender studies associations KEG and FG Gender!
The conferences took place from 3.-6. July 2019 at the FernUniversity in Hagen. The 17th work conference of the Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum (KEG) was held from 3.- 4. July and, subsequently, the 9th annual conference of the German gender studies association (FG Gender) took place, titled “(Re-)Visions. Epistemologies, Ontologies and Methodologies of Gender Studies”.
Scholars, students and scientists of various disciplines came together during those four days to discuss current projects, ideas and theories in the broad field of gender studies. In an interdisciplinarity manner, other fields were included, such as studies in religion, diaspora, migration, ecology.
The keynotes by Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and Vanessa Thompson elaborated on the the importance of the relation between the soil and the human, discussing Politics of Care and Feminist Ecology and undisclosed widespread incidences of racial profiling and police brutality, drawing on Critical Racism and Black Studies. Further highlights included an evening event in the city's museum with a dj set and guided tours in the museum as well as an author's reading by Anne Wizorek from her book „Weil ein #aufschrei nicht reicht – Für einen Feminismus von heute“.
The FernUniversity conference team would like to thank all participants cordially for two successful conferences and a fantastic time!