Chair for Psychological Methods and Evaluation

Gruppenfoto Team PME Foto: FernUniversität in Hagen

In our teachings we are responsible for psychological research methods, statistics, psychometrics and evaluation

The Chair for Psychological Methods and Evaluation (Lehrgebiet Psychologische Methodenlehre und Evaluation) is responsible for the teaching in psychological research methods, statistics, psychometrics and evaluation and offers courses in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. Psychology degree programs. Students learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate empirical studies in Psychology. In our teaching, we aim at enabling students to become skilled and critical users of psychological research methods.

In our research we focus on intergroup relations, prejudice, diversity and migration

In our research, we mainly focus on intergroup relations (especially intergroup contact), prejudice (ethnic prejudice, sexism), (ethnic and cultural) diversity, and migration. In our research, we apply a theoretical and methodological multi-level-approach examining simultaneously individual- and context-level factors. We are part of the Research Center for the Psychological Study of Individual and Community Change (PSINCC).

Open Science

We support Open Science both in our teaching and research and are part of the Open Science Initiative at the FernUniversität in Hagen.


Foto: Torsten Silz


Foto: Jakob Studnar
Psychologische Methodenlehre | 25.03.2025