Pricing Carbon: Evidence from Expert Recommendations, with Moritz Drupp and Frikk Nesje. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16(4), 68-99 [Executive Summary] [AEJ: featured chart] -
Coordinating to avoid the catastrophe, with Vitus Bühl, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2024, vol. 125, 102977. -
A simple model of panic buying, with Bastian Westbrock and Hendrik Hoegen, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 216, 268-286. -
A simple dynamic climate cooperation model, with Eugen Kovac, in Journal of Public Economics, 2021, vol. 194, 104329 Online Appendix -
Strategic Environmental Policy and the Mobility of Firms, with Philipp Moritz Richter and Marco Runkel, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2021, vol. 8 (5), pages 863–893 -
Are there similarities between the Corona and the climate crisis? Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2021, vol. 11(2), pages 159-163. -
A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing with Baranzini, A., Botzen, W.J.W., Carattini, S., Drews, S., Dunlop, T., Galbraith, E., Gsottbauer, E., Howarth, R.B., Padilla, E., Roca, J., Climate Policy, 2020, vol. 20 (9), pages 1057-1069 -
(Almost) effcient information transmission in elections with Renaud Foucart, European Economic Review, 2019, vol. 119, pages 147-165 -
Flexibility and political biases in elections with retrospective voting, Theoretical Economics Letters, 2018, vol. 8 (10), pages 1657-1664 -
Dynamic cooperation with tipping points in the climate system Oxford Economic Papers, 2017, vol. 69 (2), pages 388-409 -
Climate cooperation with technology investments and border carbon adjustment with Carsten Helm, European Economic Review, 2015, vol. 75, pages 112-130 -
A balanced-efforts approach for climate cooperation. Nature Climate Change, 2015, vol. 5, pages 10-12 -
On the Timing of Climate Agreements with Roland Strausz, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2015, vol. 62, pages 521-547 -
Market Share Dynamics in a Duopoly Model with Word-of-Mouth Communication with Eugen Kovac, Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, vol. 83, pages 178-206 -
Carbon leakage: Grandfathering as an incentive device to avert firm relocation with Jobst Heitzig, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2014, vol. 67 (2), pages 209-223 -
Price competition and innovation in markets with brand loyalty Journal of Economics, 2013, vol. 109 (2), pages 147-173 -
On the Value of a Large Customer Base in Markets with Switching Costs Journal of Industrial Economics, 2010, vol. 58 (3), pages 627-641 -
Can China benefit from adopting a binding emissions target? with Robert Marschinski, Energy Policy, 2010, vol. 38 (7), pages 3763-3770 -
A model of technological breakthrough in the renewable energy sector with Robert Marschinski, Ecological Economics, 2009, vol. 69 (2), pages 435-444 -
Welfare in differentiated oligopolies with more than two firms International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009, vol. 27 (4), pages 501-507 -
On the Robustness of the High-Quality Advantage under Vertical Differentiation Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006, vol. 6 (3), pages 183-193 |