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Chair Adult and Continuing Education

Photo: Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images

Chair Holder

Prof.Dr. Eva Cendon

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Adult and Continuing Education!

Our research and teaching follow a future-oriented, adult education approach to teaching and learning, thereby using international connections. This is reflected, on the one hand, in our teaching and research projects, which focus on the future of (digital) teaching and learning in universities, adult education institutions and other areas. In doing so, we look beyond teaching and learning to organisations as a whole and also take up the topic of sustainability. On the other hand, we address reflective learning and critical reflection as the interface between research and practice and the basis of pedagogical professionalism. We transfer these approaches and topics to the formats of our teaching, for example through future workshops in the digital space or the use of reflection portfolios.

Selected news in English (The entire content is available in German)

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