Module C1 - Methods and didactics of adult education (formerly Module 7C)

M.A. Educational Science - Module C1 - Methods and Didactics of Adult Education (formerly Module 7C) - Module number 26108



The core of the module is an examination of the methodological and didactic specifics of adult education. After initially approaching the subject on the basis of general principles of adult education, we take a focused look at didactic action in adult education and delve deeper into the topic using the two focal points of internationalisation and digitalisation. The topics are presented from a perspective that defines them as cross-sectional tasks that guide professional action in adult education. The focus here is on the thematisation of (international) didactic models/approaches, concepts and methods that are (or can be) used in educational and educational science professional practice.

The continuous linking of theory and (didactic and methodological) practice is at the centre of all topics. Based on selected theoretical principles, their application in professional practice becomes relevant. The starting point for this is the experience gained in the students' professional fields. In order to link theory and practice appropriately, the module is carried out using the future workshop method. This method is thus developed a) theoretically and b) as a didactic possibility for project and concept development according to the principle of experience-based and self-directed learning.