
International cooperation: Prof Mpine Makoe (UNISA) at the FernUniversität with Prof Eva Cendon


Both professors are working together in different contexts on the future of higher education.

An international collaboration spanning several years was formalised, and, during a research visit by Mpine Makoe, funded by the internationalisation fund of the International Office of the FernUniversität, was crowned with a joint conference and a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by rector Prof Ada Pellert of the FernUniversität and Vice-Chancellor Prof Puleng LenkaBula of the University of South Africa.

Eva Cendon and Mpine Makoe have been working together for seven years on topics related to the University of the Future, and since June of this year they have been joined by doctoral candidate Irina Haury, who works at Eva’s Chair. The research focusses on inclusion at distance universities of the future, in a global perspective.

During Mpine Makoe's research stay at the FernUniversität, the jointly organised conference of the Association for Higher Education Research (GfHf) on the topic "The Future of the University: Global, Sustainable and Inclusive" took place from 23 to 25 September 2024 in Hagen. The hybrid setting of the conference and the mix of English and German language sessions made it possible to attract international participation.

We would like to thank Mpine Makoe for the great content-related and organisational collaboration in the preparation and realisation of the conference, as well as for the exchange and further development of our joint research project.

Safe travel, Mpine!

Mpine Makoe, Eva Cendon und das erweiterte LehrgebietsteamFoto: Heike Wippermann
Mpine Makoe, Eva Cendon and the extended team of the Chair