Social psychology


Social psychology studies the experience and behavior of people in social situations, i.e. situations in which a person's cognitions, emotions, motives and actions are influenced by the actual, assumed (or sometimes merely imagined) presence of other people.


  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer

    “I research intergroup behavior, helping behavior and altruism, diversity in distance learning and psychological legal opinions.”

  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Dr. Verena Walpurger

    “I supervise overarching topics in Module 1 of the B.Sc. in Psychology as well as the courses ‘Introduction to Psychology’ and ‘Introduction to Scientific Work’.”

  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Dr. Jan-Bennet Voltmer

    “I research the relationships between the diversity of virtual teams on the one hand and different types of group outcomes (satisfaction, competence gain) on the other.”

  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Jennifer Raimann

    “I am researching how different levels of personality and diversity in virtual, collaborative groups affect competencies and learning outcomes.”

  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Dr. Sybille Neji

    “I am researching the effect of intergroup contact on attitudes, in particular the reduction of prejudices and stereotypes through positive intergroup contact.”


  • Portrait Photo: privat

    Dr. Anne-Kathrin Meyer

    “I am interested in family law psychology research, especially data collection in expert opinions, assessment bias and attachment assessment in children.”


  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Kirsten Gropengießer

    “In the NOVA:ea project, I design innovation strategies for digitalization in education, focusing on diversity-oriented e-assessment development.”


  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Martin Schulze

    “I conduct research on the management of diversity effects in virtual collaborative groups.”


  • Portrait Photo: Hardy Welsch

    Dr. Johanna Werner

    “I research stress experiences in CSCL, eating and drinking motives, self- and social identity”




Photo: Torsten Silz


Photo: Jakob Studnar
Social Psychology | 22.08.2024