Research projects


Group of people on the steps in front of a building Photo: Torsten Silz

Current research projects

Completed projects

  • Judicial research project: Quality standards for psychological family law expert opinions (Project management: C. Salewski & S. Stürmer)
  • Diversity Inclusion in media-supported university distance learning (third-party funding: Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, project management: S. Stürmer)
  • Helping in-group and out-group members: Motivations, consequences and interventions (2006-2008) (DFG, STU 250/3-2; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Prosocial emotions: The moderating role of group membership (2004-2006) (DFG, STU 250/3-1; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Collective identity and prosocial behavior (2001-2002) (DFG, STU 250/2-1; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Evaluation project: Effectiveness of a volunteer family stress prevention program (2006) (Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Health of the State of Schleswig-Holstein; project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Local level participation of Turkish immigrants (2004-2005) (LOS funding line; project management S. Stürmer)
  • Inclusion through participation (2003-2004) (LOS funding line; project management S. Stürmer)
  • Xenophilia: Social-psychological foundations of affection for foreign cultures (DFG, STU 250/5-2, project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. S. Stürmer)

Third-party funded research

  • Helping in-group and out-group members: Motivations, consequences and interventions (2006-2008) (DFG, STU 250/3-2; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Prosocial emotions: The moderating role of group membership (2004-2006) (DFG, STU 250/3-1; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Collective identity and prosocial behavior (2001-2002) (DFG, STU 250/2-1; Project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Evaluation project: Effectiveness of a volunteer family stress prevention program (2006) (Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Health of the State of Schleswig-Holstein; project leader: S. Stürmer)
  • Local level participation of Turkish immigrants (2004-2005) (LOS funding line; project management S. Stürmer)
  • Inclusion through participation(2003-2004) (LOS funding line; project management S. Stürmer)
Social Psychology | 16.08.2024