Research activities

June 2024: New publication in "Emerging Markets Review"

The paper "Expectations, sentiments and capital flows to emerging market economies" written by Joscha Beckmann, Tjeerd Boonman and Sven Schreiber has been accepted for publication in the journal "Emerging Markets Review ".

June 2024: Contributions to the Economic Report of the Institute of the World Economy

Joscha Beckmann was involved in the German economic report of the Institute for the World Economy in Kiel. His contributions deal with supply chain disruptions and the macroeconomic impact of football tournaments. Read the full report here:

June 2024: 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Economics and Finance Society at the University of Athens

The 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Economics and Finance Society took place at the University of Athens from 14. 06. 2024 to 17. 06. 2024. More than 80 international participants will present their research and discuss current macroeconomic topics. The conference was sponsored by the Jean Monnet Programme of the European Union and by the financial group Sparkasse. The Chair of Macroeconomics was involved in the organization and represented with several lectures. The program is available here:

EEFS Beitrag

May 2024: New publication in "Handbook of Financial Integration"

The article "Measuring Currency Dominance" written by Joscha Beckmann was published in the journal "Handbook of Financial Integration" is now available online at

May 2024: 28th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance

Joscha Beckmann presented the paper "Dealer Risk Premiums in FX Forecasts" at the International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance

May 2024: Successful promotion of Teo Geldner

Teo Geldner also completed his doctorate with his successful dissertation. In his PhD, Mr Geldner dealt with mood indicators and digital currencies, among other things. Further examiners were Prof. Dr. Robert Czudaj and Prof. Dr. Rainer Baule.

disputation Teo Geldner

April 2024: Workshop at SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Am 15. and On April 16, a joint workshop of the Chair with the SGH Warsaw School of Economics took place. Young scientists from both institutions presented their empirical research.

April 2024: CESA Young Researcher Workshop

A workshop organized by the Center for Economic and Statistical Analysis (CESA) took place on April 09, 2024. Six researcher presented their work with accompanying discussions by local CESA young researchers.

The program can be accessed here: CESA Workshop (PDF 173 KB)

February 2024: New publication in „Applied Economics”

The paper “Exchange rates and trade balance dynamics: A quantile regression analysis”, written by Teo Geldner, has been accepted for publication in “Applied Economics”

February 2024: New publication in "Energy Economics"

The paper "Determinants and effects of country ESG controversy", written by Joscha Beckmann and Jennifer Rogmann, has been accepted for publication in "Energy Economics"

February 2024: New publication in "Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money"

The paper "The relevance of media sentiment for small and large scale bitcoin investors", written by Joscha Beckmann, Teo Geldner, and Jan Wüstenfeld, has been accepted for publication in the "Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money".

January 2024: Lecture Research Seminar University of Kassel

Joscha Beckmann presented the paper "Dealer Risk Premiums in FX Forecasts" in a research seminar at the University of Kassel.

January 2024: New publication in "International Review of Economics & Finance"

The paper "Is the exchange rate a shock absorber? The shocks matter", written by Joscha Beckmann, Max Breitenlechner, and Johann Scharler, has been accepted for publication in the "International Review of Economics & Finance".

November 2023: Lecture European Central Bank

Joscha Beckmann presented the paper "Dealer Risk Premiums in FX Forecasts" at the European Central Bank's research seminar.

November 2023: New publication in "European Parliament Monetary Dialogue Papers"

The paper "Climate Change and Monetary Policy", written by Joscha Beckmann, Klaus-Jürgen Gern, Nils Jannsen, and Nils Sonnenberg, has been published in the "Monetary Dialogue Papers" of the European Parliament.

October 2023: New publication in "DIW Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung"

The paper "Dimensions and Determinants of Inflation Anchoring", written by Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj, has been accepted for publication in "Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung".

October 2023: Professor Beckmann interviewed about current inflation dynamics by BBC News

Beckmann BBC Interview

Professor Joscha Beckmann from the Chair of Macroeconomics was interviewed by BBC News in October and commented on the latest inflation developments in Germany and the state of the German economy. According to Prof. Beckmann's assessment, a slowdown in inflation dynamics could lead to a temporary end to interest rate increases by the European Central Bank. In the medium term this could even provide scope for interest rate cuts.

June 2023: 21st Annual Conference of the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS)

From June 15, 2023 to June 18, 2023, the 21st Annual Conference of the European Economics and Finance Society will be organized by the Chair of Macroeconomics and the Center for Economic and Statistical Analysis. The conference will take place at the campus of the FernUniversität in Berlin. More than 80 international participants will present their research and discuss current macroeconomic issues. The conference is sponsored by the Jean Monnet Program of the European Union and by the Finanzgruppe Sparkasse. The keynote speaker will be Professor Murillo Campello from Cornell University.

The current conference program can be viewed here: EEFS Conference (PDF 448 KB)

May 2023: Presentation 28th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance

Joscha Beckmann presented the contribution "Uncertainty shocks and inflation: The role of credibility and expectation anchoring" at the "28th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance".

May 2023: Presentation DIW Workshop

Joscha Beckmann presented the paper "Dimensions and Determinants of Inflation Anchoring" at the workshop "Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Geld-, Regulierungs- und Währungspolitik" (Current challenges in monetary, regulatory and exchange rate policy) of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW).

April 2023: Presentation Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics

Joscha Beckmann presented the contribution "Inflation expectations and cognitive uncertainty" at the "Workshop in Empirical Macroeconomics" of the University of Innsbruck and the Liechtenstein Institute.

March 2023: New publication in "International Journal of Forecasting"

The paper "Are consensus FX forecasts valuable for investors?", written by Joscha Beckmann, Marek Kwas and Michał Rubaszek has been accepted for publication in the "International Journal of Forecasting".

January 2023: New publication in "Journal of Forecasting"

The paper "The Role of Expectations for Currency Crisis Dynamics - The Case of the Turkish Lira", written by Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj has been accepted for publication in the "Journal of Forecasting".

December 2022: New publication in "Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization"

The paper "Survey data, expectations and the macroeconomy", written by Joscha Beckmann, Robert Czudaj and Kamil Yilmaz has been accepted for publication in the "Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization".

October 2022: New publication in Journal of International Money and Finance

The paper ""Cross-country uncertainty spillovers: Evidence from international survey data", written by Joscha Beckmann, Sharada Nia Davidson, Gary Koop and Rainer Schüssler has been accepted for publication in the "Journal of International Money and Finance".

October 2022: New publication in Journal of International Money and Finance

The paper "Perceived monetary policy uncertainty", written by Joscha Beckmann, and Robert Czudaj has been accepted for publication in the "Journal of International Money and Finance".

September 2022: New ECB working paper

The paper "Boosting carry with equilibrium exchange rate estimates", written by Joscha Beckmann, Michal Rubaszek, Michele Ca' Zorzi and Marek Kwas has been published in the ECB working paper series.

July 2022: Appointment to Associate Editor "Scottish Journal of Political Economy"

Joscha Beckmann has been appointed associate editor of the "Scottish Journal of Political Economy".

June 2022: New publication in International Economics and Economic Policy

The paper "Should They Stay or Should They Go? Negative Interest Rate Policies Under Review", co-authored by Joscha Beckmann, Klaus-Jürgen Gern and Nils Janssen, has been accepted for publication in the journal "International Economics and Economic Policy".

June 2022: Program of the 20th annual EEFS conference

The program for the 20th annual conference of the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS), co-organized by Joscha Beckmann, is available for download at

May 2022: Lecture at the 27th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance

Joscha Beckmann presented the contribution "The Role of Expectations for Currency Crisis Dynamics - The Case of the Turkish Lira" at the 27th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance.

May 2022: Lecture at the research seminar of the University of Sussex

Joscha Beckmann presented the contribution "Measuring International Spillovers in Uncertainty and their Impact on the Economy" at the research seminar of the University of Sussex.

May 2022: Lecture "Measuring international spillovers in uncertainty and their impact on the economy"

on Wednesday, May 25th 2022, Joscha Beckmann will give the lecture "Measuring international spillovers in uncertainty and their impact on the economy" at the "Empirical Finance and Macroeconomics Research Groups Zoom Workshop" on "Modelling Financial Markets", organized by Professor Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Professor Menelaos Karanasos.

April 2022: Lecture by Davide Romelli

on Friday, April 29th 2022 at 11 AM, Davide Romelli of Trinity College Dublin will give a lecture on "Monetary policy and financial markets: evidence from Twitter traffic" at the FernUniversität in Hagen (room F009, building 3 (IZ)).

February 2022: Lecture on inflation expectations at the European Commission

Joscha Beckmann presents the contribution "Inflation Expectations –Quo Vadis" as part of the Monetary Dialogue Preparatory Meeting of the European Commission. The corresponding contribution is available here:

Click here

February 2022: New publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

The article "Exchange rate expectation, abnormal returns, and the COVID-19 pandemic" written by Joscha Beckmann together with Robert Czudaj has been accepted for publication in the journal "Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization".

January 2021: New research paper on inflation expectations

The article " Inflation Expectations –Quo Vadis?" is available here:

Click here

December 2021: New publication in North American Journal of Economics and Finance

The article „Economic uncertainty and national bitcoin trading activity“, written by Teo Geldner and Jan Wüstenfeld, was accepted for publication in the North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

November 2021: Appointment Editor International Journal of Finance and Economics

Joscha Beckmann has been appointed editor of the International Journal of Finance and Economics.

October 2021: New publication in the Journal of International Money and Finance

The article "Savings – investment and the current account More measurement error than identity", written together with Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros, was accepted for publication in the Journal of International Money and Finance. The article is part of a special edition on "Current Account (Im-) Balances - Determinants and Policy Implications" which was published by Joscha Beckmann, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros in the course of a conference on current account imbalances sponsored by the European Commission.

October 2021: New scholarship holder

We welcome Joseph Agyapong to the chair. He will support our team from October onwards based on a scholarship from the "Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst".

October 2021: New publication in World Economy

The article "What drives updates of inflation expectations? A Bayesian VAR analysis for the G-7 countries", written together with Ansgar Belke and Irina Dubova, was accepted for publication in the journal World Economy.

October 2021: New publication in Credit and Capital Markets

The article "Monetary Policy and Foreign Denominated Debt by Non-Bank Borrowers " written together with Robert Czudaj and Thomas Osowski has been accepted for publication for a special edition of Credit and Capital Markets magazine. The special edition is dedicated to Ansgar Belke, who suddenly died in July 2020. As a long-term patron and doctoral supervisor, he played a decisive role in Joscha Beckmann's career.

September 2021: Research colloquium on the island of Hiddensee

The biannual research colloquium of the chair took place with 15 doctoral students and researchers from seven universities on the premises of the University of Greifswald on the island of Hiddensee.

The program is available here: Click (PDF 122 KB)

September 2021: New publication in Economics Letters

The article "Expectations, disagreement and exchange rate pressure", written together with Tjeerd Boonman, was accepted for publication in Economics Letters.

September 2021: Lecture Verein für Socialpolitik

Joscha Beckmann presented the research work "Measuring international spillovers in uncertainty and their impact on the economy" at the annual meeting of the Verein für Socialpolitic.

September 2021: Nomination for the University Prize of the University of Greifswald for excellent teaching

Joscha Beckmann has been nominated several times by students at the University of Greifswald for the university award for excellent teaching.

September 2021: New modules

In the coming semester, the chair is offering two current modules in the bachelor's program with “Foreign Exchange Markets, International Monetary System and Economic Crises” and “Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy”. Prof. Beckmann will be happy to answer any questions you may have by e-mail.

September 2021: New research contribution on inflation

The article "Rising Inflation: Transitory or Cause for Concern?" Is available here:

Click here

June 2021: Publication and reporting on supply bottlenecks

The Tagesschau reports on research results by Joscha Beckmann and Nils Jannsen on the implications of supply bottlenecks for the German economy.


The corresponding article was published in the Wirtschaftsdienst and is available here:

Click here

June 2021: Economic report of the Institute for the World Economy " Mehr Druck auf den Preisventilen“

Joscha Beckmann contributed to the economic report of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The report is available here:

Click here

June 2021: Lecture on negative interest at the European Commission

Joscha Beckmann presents the article “Should They Stay or Should They Go? Negative Interest Rate Policies Under Review ”as part of the Monetary Dialogue Preparatory Meeting of the European Commission. The corresponding contribution is available here:

Click here

June 2021: European Economics and Finance Society program

The program for the annual conference of the European Economics and Finance Society, co-organized by Joscha Beckmann, is available for download:


Mai 2021: Workshop Hagen Workshop "Global Economic Studies

The program for the upcoming workshop 25th and 26th May 2021 in the area "Global Economic Studies" is available for download.


April 2021: Successful doctorate

Prof Beckmann acted as an external member of the doctoral committee of Raheel Asif at the University of Ghent.

March 2021: New publication in Oxford Economic Papers

The article "Fiscal Policy Uncertainty and its Effects on the Real Economy: German Evidence", co-authored with Robert Czudaj, was accepted for publication in Oxford Economic Papers.

Johanna Burkard | 15.08.2024