Research Cluster: Emotions & Norms for Sustainable Development

Logo Emotions & Norms for Sustainable Development Image: FernUniversität

This cluster investigates the influence of emotions and social norms on sustainable development. The issues considered include sustainable consumption, service management, energy price development, and climate policy.

  • Acceptance of wind energy
  • Attachment and emotional regulation in the context of sustainable consumption
  • The influence of (moral) considerations and emotions on the acceptance of and protest against political measures
  • Emotions and environmental protests
  • Sentiments and energy prices
  • The gap between attitude and behavior
  • The phasing out of coal and compensation payments

  • Landmann, H., Naumann, J. (2024): Being Positively Moved by Climate Protest Predicts Peaceful Collective Action, PsychArchives (ed.), forthcoming.
  • Hofmann, W., Landmann, H. (2024): Editorial zur Themenausgabe: “Mind the Gap: Psychologie der Klimakrise,” The Inquisitive Mind.
  • Rogmann, J., Beckmann, J., Gaschler, R. & Landmann H. (2024): Media Sentiment Emotions and Consumer Energy Prices. Energy Economics, 130, 107278,
  • Landmann, H., Kachel, S., Kommerscheidt, L., Lange, F., & Richter, I. (forthcoming). Assessing Diversity Dimensions in Environmental Psychology: Challenges and Recommendations. Umweltpsychologie
  • Landmann, H. & Naumann, J. (2023). Being positively moved by climate protest predicts peaceful collective action. Global Environmental Psychology,
  • Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G. (2023). Participation and Duration of Environmental Agreements: Investment Lags Matter, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10 (1),
  • Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G., Schopf, M. (2023). Demand- versus Supply-Side Climate Policies with a Carbon Dioxide Ceiling, Economic Journal, in print.
  • Katsarava, M., & Gaschler, R. (2023). Fluctuations in the wind energy supply do not impair acceptance of wind farms. Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar, 10(1), 1.
  • Eichner, T., Pethig, R. (2022). Kantians defy the economists’ mantra of uniform Pigouvian emissions taxes, Ecological Economics 200, 107514.
  • Koehler, T., Lexutt, E., Fliess, S. (2022). Justifications of Tourists’ Travel Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic – A French Pragmatist Sociology Approach, Proceedings of the 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS17), Valencia
  • Eichner, T., Pethig, R. (2021). Climate policy and moral consumers, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123, 1190–1226.
  • Katsavara, M., Landmann, H., Gaschler, R. (2021). No matter how you mark the points on the fever curve – Threatening shapes do not add to threat of climate change. Current Psychology
  • Seger, B., Wullenkord, M., Hamann, K., Chokrai, P., Landmann, H. (2021). Psychologie des sozial-ökologischen Wandels: eine offene virtuelle Vorlesung. In L. Dohm, F. Peter, & K. van Bronswijk (Eds.), “Climate Action” – Handlungshemmnisse und Handlungsmöglichkeiten in der Klimakrise. Psychosozial Verlag
  • Landmann, H., Rohmann, A. (2020). “Wir sind hier, wir sind laut, weil ihr uns die Zukunft klaut!” – Warum engagieren sich Menschen gemeinsam für den Umweltschutz? The Inquisitive Mind, 2/20.
  • Landmann, H., Rohmann, A. (2020). Being moved by protest: Group-efficacy beliefs and injustice appraisals affect community-oriented and punishment-oriented collective action for forest protection via positive and negative emotions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71.
  • Landmann, H. (2020). Emotions in the context of environmental protection: Theoretical considerations concerning emotion types, eliciting processes, and affect generalization. Umweltpsychologie, 24(2). 61–73.
  • Barbett, L., Stupple, E. J. N., Sweet, M., Schofield, M. B., Richardson, M. (2020). Measuring Actions for Nature—Development and Validation of a Pro-Nature Conservation Behaviour Scale. Sustainability, 12(12), 4885.
  • Jaeger-Erben, M., Landmann, H. (2020). Ist das noch gut oder kann das weg? Die Umweltpsychologie erklärt den Wegwerftrend. The Inquisitive Mind, 2/20.
  • Richardson, M., Passmore, H., Barbett, L., Lumber, R., Thomas, R., Hunt, A. (2020). The green care code: How nature connectedness and simple activities help explain pro-nature coservation behaviours. People and Nature.
  • Richardson, M., Hunt, A., Hinds, J., Bragg, R., Fido, D., Petronzi, D., … White, M. (2019). A Measure of Nature Connectedness for Children and Adults: Validation, Performance, and Insights. Sustainability.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kreße, LL.M., Maître en droit Photo: Volker Wiciok

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kreße, LL.M., Maître en droit

Cluster Spokesperson

Email: bernhard.kresse

Phone: +49 2331 987-4861

E/E/S Research Center | 26.11.2024